


My Shinzan




6.25%  5x5


Name Sex Foaled
My Gentleman G 1995
My Runrun M 1992
My Champion H 1991
Yasuko Tholon M 1989
Five One Karen M 1988
My Five Tholon H 1986
Yasuko Karen M 1985


Name Sex Foaled
Flower Cocktail M 1992
Five Daughter 1991 M 1991
Atlas City H 1990
Fruit Cocktail M 1989
Kashiwa Ski M 1988
My Five Daughter M 1987
Five Daughter 1985 M 1985
Yasuko Dancer M 1984
Five Daughter 1982 H 1982
Five Daughter 1980 H 1980
Five Happy M 1978


Five Tholon (1979 b )
Race Record| 0 Win/2 Starts
Family Line
Dam Five Tholon
( M 1979 b Partholon )
Yasuko Karen
( M 1985 b Five Dancer ) 3 Wins
Yasuko Shinzan
( H 1991 b Miho Shinzan ) 1 Win
My Five Tholon
( H 1986 b Five Dancer ) 1 Win
Five One Karen
( M 1988 b Mogami ) 3 Wins
My Partholon
( M 1997 b Bamboo Atlas ) 2 Wins , 1 Win (NAR)
My Five One
( H 1998 b Commander in Chief ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Yasuko Tholon
( M 1989 b Five Dancer )
Yasuko Tholon 1993
( H 1993 b Hagino Kamui O ) 1 Win (NAR)
F.One Raiden
( H 1995 ch Wakao Raiden ) 24 Wins (NAR)
Zen-Nippon Thoroughbred Cup (G3)
Yasuko Tholon 1996
( H 1996 b Palace Dancer ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Yasuko Tholon 1997
( H 1997 b Magnitude ) 6 Wins (NAR)
( H 1998 b Sakura Toko ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Kogyo Raiden
( H 1999 ch Wakao Raiden ) 1 Win , 5 Wins (NAR)
Yasuko Tholon 2001
( G 2001 ch Wakao Raiden ) 3 Wins (NAR)
My Shinzan
( H 1990 b Miho Shinzan ) 4 Wins
NHK Hai (G2), Challenge Cup (G3)
My Champion
( H 1991 b Real Shadai ) 2 Wins
My Runrun
( M 1992 b Bravest Roman ) 1 Win
My Fight Man
( H 1998 b Adjudicating ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Runrun Runner
( H 1999 b Adjudicating ) 1 Win (NAR)
Out of the Touch
( H 2000 b Royal Touch ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Water Peach
( M 2002 b Croco Rouge )
Travel Note
( H 2004 b Daitaku Riva ) 6 Wins (NAR)
My Runrun 2006
( M 2006 b Daitaku Riva ) 2 Wins (NAR)
My Gentleman
( G 1995 b Miho Shinzan ) 2 Wins
2nd Dam Five Daughter
( M 1972 b Danseur )
Five Happy
( M 1978 b Ladiga )
Five Daughter 1982
( H 1982 b Siroco )
Yasuko Dancer
( M 1984 b Five Dancer ) 2 Wins
Five Shinzan
( H 1989 ch Miho Shinzan )
Five Ruby
( M 1990 ch C.B.Cross )
My Dancer
( M 1991 b Dokan Yashima )
Kashiwa Ski
( M 1988 b Royal Ski )
Kashiwa Ski 1992
( H 1992 dk b Dokan Tesco )
Kashiwa Ski 1994
( H 1994 b Mogambo ) 9 Wins (NAR)
Kashiwa Ski 1995
( H 1995 b Star Lift ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Kashiwa Ski 2002
( M 2002 ch Dahar )
Fruit Cocktail
( M 1989 b No Attention ) 2 Wins
Leave Me Alone
( M 1996 dk b Shaadi ) 1 Win
Runrun Yukko
( M 1997 dk b Thrill Show ) 1 Win
Toa Meiun
( H 1999 b Adjudicating ) 3 Wins
Nakayama Kimpai (G3)
Toa Gin Tonic
( H 2002 dk b Maltese Lion )
Toano Mai
( M 2004 dk b Dance in the Dark )
Fruit Cocktail 2005
( M 2005 ch Boston Harbor ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Toa Shoryu
( H 2006 b Fuji Kiseki )
Toa Myori
( M 2007 b Adjudicating ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Toa Plumeria
( M 2008 dk b Swept Overboard )
Atlas City
( H 1990 b Gallop Dyna )
Flower Cocktail
( M 1992 b Lyphard's Special ) 1 Win
3rd Dam Uzushio
( M 1963 b Auroy )
( M 1970 ch Marino )
Marihtenpuru 1979
( H 1979 b Goodly )
Uzushio 1971
( H 1971 Partholon )
Squash Tholon
( M 1973 b Partholon )
Silk Beat O
( H 1979 dk b Hard to Beat )
Umeno Prince
( H 1980 b Faberge )
Silk Charlotte
( M 1981 dk b Northerly )
Umeno Dancer
( M 1983 b Sun Prince )
( M 1984 b Faberge )
Rikisan Tholon
( H 1985 dk b Pitcairn ) 1 Win
Aurora Song
( M 1986 b Targowice ) 1 Win
Magic Dandy
( H 1987 b Real Shadai )
Kashima Raja
( H 1988 b Tosho Boy ) 5 Wins
Keishu Sisley
( M 1989 b No Attention ) 1 Win (NAR)
Heart Pier Tholon
( H 1990 b Aswan )
My Dunaway
( M 1991 b No Attention ) 1 Win
Strong Amour
( M 1992 dk b Legend Teio ) 1 Win (NAR)
Quick Step
( M 1993 dk b World Throne )
Uzushio 1974
( M 1974 Traffic )
New Squash
( M 1976 ch Skymaster )
Umeno Angel
( M 1982 ch Sandford Lad )
Squash Lady
( M 1983 ch Sandford Lad )
San Rocky
( H 1984 ch Sandford Lad )
Kochi Queen
( M 1977 b Partholon )
Kochi Princess
( M 1982 dk b Sandford Lad )
Kochi Boy
( H 1983 ch Sandford Lad )
Kochi Ryu O
( H 1984 dk b Don ) 2 Wins
Kochi Grass
( M 1985 b Arrow Express )
( M 1990 b Akabir )
Shigeko Jo
( M 1978 b Hard to Beat )
Ibuki Sancy
( H 1979 blk )
Silk Swallow
( H 1980 b My Swallow )
4th Dam Yashima Temple
( M 1947 b Theft )
( M 1954 ch Minami Homare )
( M 1961 ch Gay Time )
Fuji Musashi
( M 1963 ch Galcador )
Suzu Murasaki
( M 1964 dk b Nimbus )
Hibari 1968
( H 1968 Philius )
Hibari 1972
( M 1972 ch Sindon )
Bacu Hibari
( M 1973 ch Bacuco )
Omi Temple
( M 1968 dk b Hikaru Meiji )
( M 1969 dk b Outrigger )
( M 1970 b Hikaru Meiji )
( M 1967 ch Philius )
Berumonto Pahku
( M 1962 ch Auroy )
Fontai Park
( M 1974 b Topyo )
Queen Temple
( M 1977 ch Affresco )
Nimbus Bamboo
( M 1964 ch Nimbus )
( M 1971 dk b Polic )
Temple Bamboo
( M 1973 ch Prompt )
Orange Nimbus
( M 1976 ch Fast Bamboo )
Madonna Bamboo
( M 1978 b Moubariz )
Athena Bamboo
( M 1979 b Astec )
Honey Bamboo
( M 1980 ch Jogging )
Daiichi Kouriyuu 1978
( M 1978 dk b Berber )
Partholon (1960 b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Nicks 11
Leading Progeny My Shinzan ('93 NHK HAI (G2))