


Mystery Blood




15.63%  4x5x4
9.38%  5x5x5
Lady Angela
9.38%  5x4


Name Sex Foaled
Potomac Cherry 2001 M 2001
Sexy Beam M 1999
Native Heart H 1998
Wind Sweep M 1997
Humming Cherry M 1996
Active San San M 1995
Purple San San M 1994
Fine Atlas M 1991
Valiant Winner H 1990
Carry Out M 1989
Rarething Cherry M 1988
Potomac Pit G 1987
Memorial Cherry H 1986


Name Sex Foaled
Great San San H 1990
Sprite Passer M 1987
Boardsailer H 1985
San Heart M 1984
Storm Boy H 1982
Windsor Knot H 1980
Speed San San M 1978
Riki San San M 1977


Potomac Cherry (1981 b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Family Line
Dam Potomac Cherry
( M 1981 b Northern Taste )
Potomac Pit
( G 1987 b Pitcairn ) 2 Wins
Rarething Cherry
( M 1988 b Mississipian ) 1 Win
Prairie Chief
( H 1995 ch No Lute ) 18 Wins (NAR)
Doctor Oval
( H 1999 b Star of Cozzene ) 1 Win
Marble Chief
( H 2000 ch Chief Bearhart ) 3 Wins
Kyoto Shimbun Hai (G2)
Nikkei Shinshun Hai (G2), Nikkei Shinshun Hai (G2), Copa Republica Argentina (G2)
Kyoto Kinen (G2)
Marble Boston
( H 2003 b Boston Harbor ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Marble Dancer
( M 2004 b Dance in the Dark ) 1 Win
King Saber
( G 2007 b King Halo ) 13 Wins (NAR)
Carry Out
( M 1989 ch No Attention ) 4 Wins
Apex Pride
( M 1995 b Allez Milord ) 2 Wins
Double Check
( M 1996 ch Ibn Bey )
Success Strain
( M 1998 b Tikkanen ) 3 Wins
Queen Cup (G3)
Fairy Stakes (G3)
Meiner Woods
( H 1999 ch Timber Country ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
Meiner Finesse
( H 2000 ch Pentire ) 8 Wins (NAR)
Carry Out 2001
( H 2001 ch Pentire )
Cosmo Beat Out
( M 2004 ch Soccer Boy )
Meine Airway
( M 2005 b Brian's Time ) 2 Wins
Valiant Winner
( H 1990 b Nihon Pillow Winner ) 3 Wins
Crystal Cup (G3)
Lord Derby Challenge Trophy (G3)
Fine Atlas
( M 1991 b Bamboo Atlas )
Purple San San
( M 1994 ch Ines Fujin )
Wing Magnolia
( M 1998 b Tenby )
Hiwano San San
( M 1999 b Warning ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Combat San San
( M 2000 b Warning )
Purple San San 2002
( H 2002 b Tenby )
Listeia Ena
( M 2001 dk b Adjudicating ) 3 Wins
Active San San 2002
( H 2002 dk b Adjudicating ) 15 Wins (NAR)
Tomoro Vivi
( M 2005 blk Marvelous Sunday )
Champion God
( H 2010 b Marvelous Sunday ) 14 Wins (NAR)
Chance Make
( H 2011 blk Pyro ) 2 Wins
Humming Cherry
( M 1996 ch Ibn Bey )
( H 2000 b Kalista Glory ) 2 Wins
Chikubano Tomo
( H 2001 dk b Trot Thunder )
Tosen Gold
( H 2002 ch Assatis ) 1 Win (NAR)
Wind Sweep
( M 1997 b Nihon Pillow Winner ) 1 Win
Wind Saber
( H 2003 b Dance in the Dark ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Wind Boy
( H 2004 ch Soccer Boy )
Wind Rosa
( M 2006 b Rosado ) 1 Win (NAR)
Wind Plenty
( H 2007 ch That's the Plenty ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Wind Grass
( H 2009 b That's the Plenty ) 1 Win , 3 Wins (NAR)
Wind Deputy
( M 2011 ch Eishin Deputy )
Wind Rain
( M 2012 b Admire Cozzene ) 1 Win (NAR)
Wind Fairy
( M 2013 b Unrivaled ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Wind Whisper
( M 2014 ch Unrivaled ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Wind Aile d'Or
( H 2015 ch Rose Kingdom ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Native Heart
( H 1998 b Star of Cozzene ) 4 Wins , 3 Wins (NAR)
Ocean Stakes (G3)
Keio Hai Sansai Stakes (G2), New Zealand Trophy (G2)
Asahi Hai Sansai Stakes (G1), Swan Stakes (G2), Centaur Stakes (G2), Fuji Stakes (G3), Ibis Summer Dash (G3)
Sexy Beam
( M 1999 b Narita Taishin )
Sexy Beam 2003
( H 2003 b Saffron Walden ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Masu Avant Garde
( M 2004 b Grass Wonder ) 1 Win (NAR)
Potomac Cherry 2001
( M 2001 dk b Pentire )
2nd Dam San San  [
( M 1969 dk b Bald Eagle ) 5 Wins
Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, Prix Vermeille,
Prix de la Nonette, ,
Riki San San
( M 1977 dk b Sir Ivor )
Star Roman
( M 1987 b Bravest Roman ) 2 Wins
Sun Zeus
( H 1988 b Tosho Boy ) 2 Wins
Great Bomber
( G 1990 dk b Fotitieng ) 1 Win
( M 1993 b Dance of Life )
Speed San San
( M 1978 gr Silver Shark )
Hawaiian King
( H 1985 dk b Hawaiian Image ) 2 Wins
Sun Spirit
( M 1987 dk b Hawaiian Image )
Vivid San San
( H 1988 gr Maruzensky ) 1 Win
Thousands Oaks
( M 1992 b Aswan )
Speed King
( H 1994 ch Tony Bin ) 1 Win
Tatsu San San
( M 2001 b Tenby )
Windsor Knot
( H 1980 b Partholon ) 1 Win
Tenno Sho (Autumn) (G1)
Takarazuka Kinen (G1), Tenno Sho (Autumn) (G1)
Storm Boy
( H 1982 b Hard to Beat ) 5 Wins
Takamatsunomiya Hai (G2)
San Heart
( M 1984 b Hard to Beat )
Dai Gaisen
( H 1993 b Dyna Gulliver )
Long Express
( H 1996 ch Rousillon )
Lingus Flash
( H 1997 b Crystal Glitters ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Safety San San
( H 1998 b Tikkanen )
Candy Bubble
( M 1999 b Forty Niner ) 1 Win (NAR)
Knock About
( H 2001 b Forty Niner )
( H 1985 b Secre Faster ) 1 Win
Sprite Passer
( M 1987 b Meiwa Passer ) 5 Wins
Sekiya Kinen (G3)
Hochi Hai Yonsai Himba Tokubetsu (G2)
Fuchu Himba Stakes (G3)
Meiner Sprite
( G 1997 dk b Jade Robbery )
Tagano San San
( M 1998 ch Forty Niner )
Meiner Pasion
( H 2002 dk b Meiner Love ) 4 Wins
Meine San San
( M 2003 dk b Special Week ) 2 Wins
Great San San
( H 1990 dk b Gorytus ) 1 Win
3rd Dam Sail Navy
( M 1958 b Princequillo )
Midway Island
( M 1965 dk b Turn-to )
Very Special Lady
( M 1976 dk b Buckpasser )
Mumms and Roses  [USA
( M 1974 dk b Fleet Nasrullah )
Center Shion
( M 1989 b Northern Taste ) 1 Win
Yuwa Taisho
( H 1990 dk b Real Shadai ) 1 Win
Super Crenet
( G 1991 b Tosho Boy )
4th Dam Anchors Aweigh
( M 1949 b Devil Diver )
Deep Blue Sea
( M 1955 ch Nasrullah )
Hearts of Lettuce
( H 1970 ch Graustark ) 8 Wins
Ohio Derby (G2)
Make Sail
( M 1957 dk b Ambiorix ) 7 Wins
Schuylerville Stakes, Alabama Stakes, Kentucky Oaks, Top Flight Handicap
Maskette Handicap, Test Stakes, Vineland Handicap, Bed o' Roses Handicap
Ashland Stakes, Mother Goose Stakes, Beldame Stakes, , Distaff Handicap
Captain's Gig
( H 1965 dk b Turn-to )
Sail Through
( H 1968 dk b Never Bend )
Captain's Mate
( M 1969 ch Turn-to )
Bend Sails
( M 1959 Ambiorix )
Craim Check
( M 1967 Terrang )
Sheet Anchor
( H 1961 dk b Ambiorix )
Sail On-Sail On
( H 1964 b Turn-to )
Never Bow
( H 1966 b Never Bend ) 10 Wins
, Stuyvesant Handicap, Brooklyn Handicap, Westchester Stakes
, , Excelsior Handicap, Amory L. Haskell Handicap, , ,
Northern Taste (1971 ch )
Race Record| 5 Wins/20 Starts
Nicks 14
Leading Progeny Thank You Hauler ('02 4yo+ OP)

Mystery Blood MENU