


Onward Thetis




Northern Dancer
12.50%  4x4


Name Sex Foaled
Onward Schnell H 2005
Onward Wood 2004 M 2004
Onward Kaiser H 2003
Onward Lake H 2002
Onward Marion H 2001
Onward Michelle M 2000
Onward Ascent M 1998
Onward Surpass H 1997
Onward Carino M 1995
Onward Aplous M 1994


Name Sex Foaled
Bold Champ H 2001
Bold Special G 2000
Red Mirage M 1999
Red Blaze M 1998
Onward Signal H 1997
Onward Lip M 1996
Onward Kraft H 1995
Onward Command H 1994
Onward Kaiser H 1993
Onward Fresco M 1992
Onward King H 1991
Onward Knight H 1990
Onward Adams H 1989
Onward Minos H 1988


Onward Wood (1987 b )
Race Record| 3 Wins/17 Starts
Family Line
Dam Onward Wood
( M 1987 b The Noble Player ) 3 Wins
Onward Carino
( M 1995 b Treboro )
Onward Thetis
( M 1996 ch Tight Spot ) 1 Win , 2 Wins (NAR)
Onward Gut
( H 2004 b Adjudicating )
Onward Feel
( H 2005 ch Charismatic )
Onward Rat
( H 2006 b Meiner Love )
Onward Shield
( H 2007 ch Desert King )
Pharma Sienne
( M 2009 dk b Precise End ) 3 Wins
Excel Seed
( H 2010 ch Aldebaran ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Top Focus
( H 2011 dk b Bago ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Happy Thetis
( M 2012 ch Fourty Niners Son ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Onward Ascent
( M 1998 b Ogygian ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
Onward Michelle
( M 2000 b Amber Shadai ) 3 Wins
Onward Liberta
( M 2009 b Bago ) 15 Wins (NAR)
Happy Moon
( H 2012 dk b Admire Moon ) 2 Wins
Lateral Pass
( H 2013 dk b Deep Sky )
Precious Blue
( H 2014 b Deep Impact ) 5 Wins
Niigata Daishoten (G3)
Grizzly Dance
( M 2015 b Gold Allure ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
Taisei Dresser
( H 2016 ch Just a Way ) 1 Win
Nangoku Julian
( M 2017 b Spielberg ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Thank You Bayly
( M 2018 b Maurice )
( M 2020 b Kinshasa no Kiseki ) 3 Wins (NAR)
The Sword
( H 2021 dk b Silver State )
Onward Marion
( H 2001 b Hansel ) 1 Win , 2 Wins (NAR)
Onward Lake
( H 2002 ch Sakura Laurel )
Onward Kaiser
( H 2003 b Commander in Chief ) 13 Wins (NAR)
Onward Schnell
( H 2005 b Victory Speech ) 14 Wins (NAR)
2nd Dam Woodsheal
( M 1981 b Rainy Lake )
Onward Minos
( H 1988 b Hard to Beat )
Onward Adams
( H 1989 b Longleat )
Onward Knight
( H 1990 b Royal Troon ) 1 Win
Onward King
( H 1991 b Gallop Dyna )
Onward Fresco
( M 1992 b Slew the Dragon ) 1 Win
Onward Kaiser
( H 1993 dk b Scan )
Onward Command
( H 1994 b Lucky Sovereign ) 11 Wins (NAR)
Onward Kraft
( H 1995 ch Nippo Teio ) 11 Wins (NAR)
Onward Lip
( M 1996 dk b Scan )
Red Blaze
( M 1998 ch No Lute )
Akino Punch
( H 2004 b King Glorious ) 4 Wins
Red Mirage
( M 1999 dk b Summer Suspicion )
Bold Special
( G 2000 b Chief Bearhart ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Bold Champ
( H 2001 dk b White Muzzle ) 1 Win (NAR)
3rd Dam Canyon Ride
( M 1975 dk b Pieces of Eight )
4th Dam Sweet Solera  [
( M 1958 ch Solonaway ) 6 Wins
Oaks Stakes, One Thousand Guineas Stakes, Cherry Hinton Stakes, , , Princess Stakes
Queen Mary Stakes
Sweet Solange  [GB
( M 1964 ch St. Paddy )
Red Solera
( M 1974 b Firestreak )
Bon Appetit
( M 1967 ch Major Portion )
( M 1982 ch Posse )
Maple Syrup
( M 1973 ch Charlottown )
Mamma's Too
( M 1989 b Skyliner )
The Noble Player (1980 ch )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Nicks 1
Leading Progeny Onward Thetis ('99 3yo Maiden)

Onward Thetis MENU