


Miracle Cafe




Lady Angela
9.38%  5x4
6.25%  5x5


Name Sex Foaled
Cosmo Tsubasa H 2012
Northern Princess 2010 H 2010
Northern Princess 2009 H 2009
Admire Simon H 2008
Northern Princess 2007 M 2007
Northern Cross H 2004
Hagino Grand Heart H 2003
Another Story H 2002
Aigrette M 2000
Tosen Tensho H 1999
Tosen Being H 1998
Green Saver H 1997


Name Sex Foaled
Koyu Komachi M 2004
Hatsuyume Nosete M 2002
Will Princess 2000 M 2000
Keiai Aurora M 1999
Will Princess 1998 H 1998
My Vivien M 1997
Reborn Garnet M 1996
Abe Come on H 1995
Abe Protein H 1994
Princess Plane M 1993
Abe Dragon H 1992
Wide Marine M 1990
Three in One H 1989
Will Princess 1988 H 1988


Northern Princess (1991 ch )
Race Record| 3 Wins/18 Starts
Family Line
Dam Northern Princess
( M 1991 ch Northern Taste ) 3 Wins
Tanabata Sho (G3)
Green Saver
( H 1997 ch Sakura Yutaka O ) 2 Wins
Tosen Being
( H 1998 b Tony Bin ) 3 Wins
Tosen Tensho
( H 1999 b Tony Bin ) 5 Wins
( M 2000 ch Sunday Silence ) 3 Wins
Aigrette 2007
( H 2007 ch Falbrav )
( G 2008 dk b Symboli Kris S ) 9 Wins
Kinko Sho (G2), Fukushima Kinen (G3)
American Jockey Club Cup (G2), Fukushima Kinen (G3)
All Comers (G2), Keisei Hai Autumn Handicap (G3)
( M 2009 b King Kamehameha ) 1 Win
Neo Valon
( H 2011 b Jungle Pocket ) 1 Win
Monde Argente
( H 2012 gr Kurofune ) 5 Wins , 1 Win (NAR)
( M 2013 gr Kurofune ) 2 Wins
Dark Princess
( M 2014 dk b Symboli Kris S ) 1 Win
( G 2015 b Harbinger ) 5 Wins
Basque Beret
( G 2016 b Lord Kanaloa ) 2 Wins
Ho O Summit
( H 2018 b Lord Kanaloa ) 2 Wins
Birling Gap
( M 2019 gr Kurofune ) 2 Wins
( M 2020 b Satono Crown ) 2 Wins
Did It
( M 2021 ch Best Warrior )
Miracle Cafe
( H 2001 b Fuji Kiseki ) 1 Win , 4 Wins (NAR)
Hagino Grand Heart
( H 2003 ch Kurofune ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Northern Cross
( H 2004 ch Dance in the Dark ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Northern Princess 2007
( M 2007 gr Swept Overboard ) 1 Win (NAR)
Admire Simon
( H 2008 ch Heart's Cry ) 3 Wins
Northern Princess 2009
( H 2009 ch Heart's Cry ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Cosmo Tsubasa
( H 2012 b Black Tide ) 4 Wins (NAR)
2nd Dam Will Princess
( M 1983 b Sun Prince ) 1 Win
Three in One
( H 1989 b No Lute ) 1 Win
Wide Marine
( M 1990 b Thrill Show )
Dandy Boy
( H 1995 b Lindo Shaver ) 1 Win
Ripe Mind
( M 1996 b Assatis )
Abe Dragon
( H 1992 b Thrill Show ) 1 Win
Princess Plane 1997
( H 1997 dk b Fuji Kiseki ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Hoshino Penta Kun
( H 1998 ch Jade Robbery ) 2 Wins
Meisho Daichi
( H 1999 ch Tony Bin ) 2 Wins
Hoshino Amazones
( M 2000 ch Tony Bin )
Hoshino Kammuri
( M 2001 b Carnegie )
Princess Plane 2002
( H 2002 b Eishin Sandy ) 1 Win (NAR)
Cosmo Mirage
( H 2005 b Star of Cozzene ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Air Force One
( H 2006 dk b Zenno El Cid ) 1 Win
( M 2008 dk b Balance of Game )
Marusan My Love
( M 2009 b Meiner Love ) 1 Win (NAR)
Abe Protein
( H 1994 b Hector Protector ) 1 Win , 7 Wins (NAR)
Abe Come on
( H 1995 b Opera House ) 13 Wins (NAR)
Reborn Garnet
( M 1996 b Maruzensky )
Reborn City
( M 2001 ch Sunday Silence )
Miracle Point
( H 2002 dk b Fuji Kiseki ) 1 Win
Meiner Granate
( H 2004 ch Dance in the Dark ) 3 Wins , 7 Wins (NAR)
Reborn Garnet 2005
( H 2005 ch Magic Miles ) 9 Wins (NAR)
My Vivien
( M 1997 b Dancing Brave )
Meisho Samson
( H 2003 b Opera House ) 9 Wins , JRA Special Award(2007) , JRA Best Three-Year-Old Colt(2006)
Satsuki Sho (Japanese 2000 Guineas) (G1), Tokyo Yushun (Japanese Derby) (G1), Tenno Sho (Spring) (G1), Tenno Sho (Autumn) (G1), Spring Stakes (G2), Sankei Osaka Hai (G2)
Takarazuka Kinen (G1), Tenno Sho (Spring) (G1), Takarazuka Kinen (G1), Kobe Shimbun Hai (G2), Tokyo Sports Hai Nisai Stakes (G3), Kisaragi Sho (G3)
Japan Cup (G1)
( H 2004 b Croco Rouge ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
My Vivien 2005
( H 2005 dk b Marienbard )
Meisho Takumi
( H 2006 dk b Symboli Kris S ) 2 Wins , 2 Wins (NAR)
Meisho Mihata
( H 2011 dk b Manhattan Cafe ) 1 Win (NAR)
Meisho Stark
( H 2012 dk b Heart's Cry ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Four Seam
( M 2013 ch Daiwa Major ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Meisho Wunder
( H 2017 dk b Kinshasa no Kiseki ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Meisho Ozora
( H 2020 dk b Bago ) 1 Win (NAR)
Will Princess 2000
( M 2000 b Scan )
Hatsuyume Nosete
( M 2002 dk b Yumenosete Koyu ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Koyu Komachi
( M 2004 b Diablo )
Koyu Komachi 2009
( M 2009 dk b Silver Charm ) 1 Win (NAR)
( H 2014 ch Fusaichi Richard )
Ange Noir
( M 2015 dk b Time Paradox ) 1 Win (NAR)
3rd Dam Yell
( M 1972 gr Fortino )
Kichijo Fuji
( H 1977 dk b Ruysdael )
Silver Stream
( H 1979 gr Silver Shark )
Circle Tholon
( H 1980 gr Partholon )
Hida Tholon
( M 1981 gr Partholon )
Grey Attention
( H 1986 gr No Attention ) 3 Wins
Hidakatsu Tholon
( M 1987 gr Nagurski )
( M 1988 gr Pluralisme )
Nike Knight
( H 1989 b No Attention ) 1 Win
Something Blue
( M 1991 ch Amber Shadai ) 1 Win
Meiner Millennium
( H 1998 gr Sakura Chitose O ) 3 Wins
Hida Tholon 1999
( M 1999 b Ebros )
Hida Tholon 2000
( H 2000 gr Summer Suspicion ) 1 Win (NAR)
Asakusa Scale
( M 1982 b Partholon )
Queen Elizabeth II Cup (G1)
Free Will
( M 1989 dk b Thrill Show ) 1 Win
Asakusa Bonheur
( H 1992 ch Inari One )
Asakusa Ruby
( M 1993 b Rhythm )
Asakusa Tres Vite
( H 1994 b Northern Taste ) 1 Win
Precious Memory
( M 1995 b Treboro )
Mogami Yell
( H 1984 gr Maruzensky ) 1 Win
Nikkan Sports Sho Kimpai (G3)
Three Emperor
( H 1985 gr No Attention )
Hidakatsu Yell
( M 1986 gr No Attention ) 3 Wins
Fusaichi Arashi
( H 1988 dk b Pas de Seul )
Hida Sun Yell
( M 1989 gr Pas de Seul )
Hida Sun Yell 2002
( G 2002 ch Mostly Halo ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Masu Piat d'Or
( H 2003 ch Soccer Boy )
Hida Sun Yell 2004
( H 2004 b American Boss ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Yell 1990
( H 1990 gr Maruzensky )
Hidakatsu Line
( M 1991 gr Nippo Teio )
Yume Kagami
( M 1995 ch No Attention )
Hidakatsu Line 1996
( M 1996 ch Temperate Sil ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Suzu Hayabusa
( H 1998 gr Summer Suspicion ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Ai Ai Thriller
( H 2000 ch Symboli Rudolf ) 9 Wins (NAR)
Hidakatsu Line 2001
( H 2001 gr Taiki Sherlock ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Hidakatsu Line 2002
( M 2002 dk b Rosen Kavalier ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Hidakatsu Line 2004
( M 2004 dk b Black Tuxedo ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Hidakatsu Line 2006
( H 2006 gr Eagle Cafe ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Hidakatsu Line 2007
( H 2007 gr Lindo Shaver ) 1 Win (NAR)
Hidakatsu Line 2009
( M 2009 gr Nobo True ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Hidakatsu Line 2010
( H 2010 b American Boss ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Yell 1994
( H 1994 gr Nagurski )
4th Dam Sunkist 1955
( M 1955 b Tosa Midori )
( H 1961 Hindostan )
( H 1963 b Tiepolo )
( M 1964 dk b Tiepolo )
Tesio 1972
( H 1972 Faberge )
Tesio 1973
( H 1973 China Rock )
Queen Net
( M 1975 b Fuji Onward )
Tesio 1977
( M 1977 dk b Faberge )
Tesio Ciro
( M 1979 ch Eastern Fleet )
Beauty Kotobuki
( M 1981 b Northerly ) 3 Wins
Spirit Shinzan
( H 1982 b Shinzan )
Homei Tesio
( H 1984 dk b Sea Hawk )
Sunny Ruby
( M 1968 b Indiana )
Sunny Birth
( M 1975 b Wild More )
Red Jaguar
( H 1977 dk b Haunt )
Lovely Birth
( M 1979 dk b Wild More )
Red Campbell
( M 1980 b Hallez )
Red Jet
( H 1981 b Wild More )
Red Cairn
( H 1982 b Pitcairn )
Cape Ruby
( M 1969 b Moutiers )
Hokan Ruby
( M 1975 b Fuji Onward )
Saeki Ruby
( M 1977 b Dancing Cap )
Silver Nike
( M 1978 gr Don )
Bougain Ciro
( M 1979 b Faberge )
Tesco Dia
( M 1980 b Tesco Boy )
( H 1981 b Faberge )
Miyagi Oja
( H 1983 b Sandy Creek ) 1 Win
Takeno Arrow
( M 1984 ch Arrow Express )
Nihon Pillow Prima
( M 1985 b Tosho Boy ) 1 Win
Mark Face
( M 1987 b Aswan )
Zogebune Prima
( M 1988 b No Lute )
( H 1989 ch Fotitieng )
Hida Queen
( M 1971 dk b Sammy Davis )
Hida Tomos
( M 1978 b Faberge )
Hida Shoun
( H 1979 b Faberge )
Land Guy
( H 1980 dk b Faberge )
Sea Queen
( M 1981 b Partholon )
Hida Press
( M 1982 dk b Arrow Express ) 5 Wins
Hida Kaho
( M 1983 b Northern Taste )
Queen Grundy
( M 1986 b Grundy )
Hidakatsu Queen
( M 1987 dk b Maruzensky )
Garnet Line
( M 1988 dk b No Lute ) 1 Win
Iron Hawk
( H 1989 b No Attention )
Parrot Mouth
( M 1973 b Faberge )
Miss Garnet
( M 1981 b Yamanin )
Parrot Sovereign
( M 1982 gr Don )
Rikisan Pewter
( M 1987 ch Pewter Grey )
Parrot Mouth 1988
( H 1988 ch Telios )
Ace Kaiser
( H 1989 b Pluralisme ) 5 Wins
Fleur de Fleur
( M 1991 gr Persepolis )
Parrot Mouth 1992
( H 1992 dk b Nice Dancer )
Hida Cosmo
( M 1974 dk b Dancing Cap )
Astro Charge
( H 1979 b Faberge )
Hida Kotobuki
( M 1975 gr Dancing Cap )
Eishin Kotobuki
( H 1982 gr Tosho Boy )
Hard Rock
( H 1983 gr Northerly )
Ryu Cosmos
( M 1984 b Satingo )
Hashino Yukigesho
( M 1987 gr Lucky Sovereign ) 1 Win
Mogami Dedon
( H 1988 ch Nagurski ) 4 Wins
( H 1989 gr Mr. C. B. )
Plant Tempare
( M 1991 b Temperate Sil ) 2 Wins
North Cat
( M 1993 gr Nagurski )
High Smash
( M 1994 gr Temperate Sil )
Tei Angel
( M 1976 gr Dancing Cap )
Queen Garnet
( M 1982 dk b So Blessed ) 1 Win
Tei Angel 1983
( H 1983 gr So Blessed )
Harley Romance
( M 1984 ch Arrow Express ) 1 Win
Oracle Asuka
( H 1985 gr Partholon ) 7 Wins
Yuke Yuke Yumeko
( M 1986 b Mogami )
Kioi Royal
( H 1987 gr Royal Ski )
( M 1989 b Nagurski ) 1 Win
Petit Angel
( M 1990 ch No Attention )
Three Net
( H 1977 ch Crocket )
Northern Taste (1971 ch )
Race Record| 5 Wins/20 Starts
Nicks 122
Leading Progeny Tamamo Best Play ('13 KISARAGI SHO (NHK SHO) (G3))

Miracle Cafe MENU