


Glorious Week




Northern Dancer
12.50%  5x4x5


Name Sex Foaled
Gloriare H 2010
Nova Gloria H 2008
Glorious Flower M 2007
Berg Heil H 2005
Princess Troy M 2004
Air Forza H 2002
Isle of Malta H 2001
Gloriosa 2000 M 2000
Cheap Thrill M 1999
Danza Fiore M 1998
Isola Fiore M 1997


Name Sex Foaled
Shadai Beauty 2000 M 2000
Field Jet H 1999
Seto Bridge H 1998
Happiness in M 1996
Machikane Boshoku G 1995
Shadai Beauty 1993 M 1993
Karen M 1991
Surf Rider H 1990
Pretty Sailor M 1989
Board Sailing G 1988
Biwa Dictus H 1987


Gloriosa (1992 b )
Race Record| 1 Win/7 Starts
Family Line
Dam Gloriosa
( M 1992 b French Glory ) 1 Win
Isola Fiore
( M 1997 b Fuji Kiseki ) 1 Win
Danza Fiore
( M 1998 b Dance in the Dark ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Danza Fiore 2008
( M 2008 b Boston Harbor ) 1 Win (NAR)
Danza Fiore 2009
( M 2009 dk b Wild Rush ) 1 Win (NAR)
Blanche Etoile
( M 2011 gr Admire Cozzene ) 1 Win (NAR)
Gloriosa 2000
( M 2000 b Soccer Boy ) 1 Win (NAR)
Isle of Malta
( H 2001 dk b Dance in the Dark ) 1 Win
Air Forza
( H 2002 b Bubble Gum Fellow ) 3 Wins
Glorious Week
( H 2003 b Special Week ) 2 Wins
Yayoi Sho (G2), Shinzan Kinen (G3)
Princess Troy
( M 2004 b Dance in the Dark ) 2 Wins , 7 Wins (NAR)
Narino Neve
( M 2012 gr Swept Overboard ) 1 Win
Berg Heil
( H 2005 b Thrilling Sunday ) 1 Win
Glorious Flower
( M 2007 b Special Week ) 1 Win
Hinano Madoka
( M 2014 b Turtle Bowl ) 1 Win (NAR)
Big Juju
( M 2015 b Henny Hughes )
Glorious Cameo
( M 2016 b South Vigorous ) 6 Wins (NAR)
( M 2018 b Behkabad )
Mist Flower
( H 2020 b Reve Mistral )
Nova Gloria
( H 2008 b Neo Universe ) 2 Wins
( H 2010 b Special Week )
2nd Dam Shadai Beauty
( M 1983 b Lord Avie )
Biwa Dictus
( H 1987 dk b Dictus ) 5 Wins
Board Sailing
( G 1988 b Telios ) 4 Wins
Pretty Sailor
( M 1989 b Pas de Seul ) 1 Win
Surf Rider
( H 1990 b Hospitality )
( M 1991 b Pas de Seul )
Machikane Boshoku
( G 1995 b Northern Taste ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Happiness in
( M 1996 b White Muzzle ) 3 Wins
Happy Mood
( M 2003 b Fuji Kiseki ) 3 Wins
Best of Luck
( H 2006 dk b Neo Universe ) 1 Win , 4 Wins (NAR)
Happy Diary
( M 2007 b Agnes Tachyon ) 3 Wins
Happiness in 2010
( M 2010 b Gold Allure ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Seto Bridge
( H 1998 b Pentire ) 1 Win , 2 Wins (NAR)
Field Jet
( H 1999 b Jade Robbery ) 2 Wins (NAR)
3rd Dam Sailing Beauty
( M 1976 b Lyphard )
Sailing Dyna
( M 1984 b Wollow ) 1 Win
Sailing Master
( H 1989 b Fotitieng ) 1 Win
Lucky Pioneer
( H 1991 b Lucky Sovereign ) 4 Wins , 3 Wins (NAR)
Sailing Dyna 1993
( H 1993 b Gielgud ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Light Rain
( M 1997 b Summer Suspicion ) 12 Wins (NAR)
Americas Cup
( H 1985 b Real Shadai )
Alpine Snow
( M 1986 b Royal Ski )
Beauty Make
( M 1989 b Real Shadai ) 7 Wins
Niigata Kinen (G3)
Victory Make
( H 1996 b Hector Protector ) 3 Wins
Foxy Make
( M 1997 dk b Erhaab )
Famed Grace
( M 1998 b Sunday Silence ) 3 Wins
Wolf Call
( M 2000 b Bubble Gum Fellow ) 1 Win
Daiwa Gelato
( M 2004 dk b Fuji Kiseki ) 1 Win
Fujiyama Ramses
( H 2005 b Falbrav ) 3 Wins
Omega Fragrance
( M 2007 b Gold Allure ) 3 Wins
My Clementine
( M 1990 b Real Shadai )
4th Dam Sweetdric
( M 1969 b Baldric )
French Glory (1986 b )
Race Record| 0 Win/2 Starts
Nicks 3
Leading Progeny Glorious Week ('05 KIGIKU SHO (ALW (1 Win)))

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