


Stay the Course





Name Sex Foaled
Labradorica M 2012
Cosmo Sumire M 2011
Star Violet 2009 M 2009
Temperament H 2008
Constellation H 2006
Biosphere H 2005
Hingis M 2004


Name Sex Foaled
Tayasu Remember H 1998
Peppermint Grass M 1995
Place Hit H 1993
Flawless Reef M 1992
President Joy H 1991
Train Bleu H 1990
Martin Miyuki M 1989
Daikatsu Ryusei H 1987
High Tech Queen M 1986
Louisiana Pit M 1985
Royal Miyuki M 1983


Star Violet (1996 dk b )
Race Record| 2 Wins/29 Starts
Family Line
Dam Star Violet
( M 1996 dk b Hector Protector ) 2 Wins
( M 2004 dk b Manhattan Cafe ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Win Arcadia
( H 2010 ch French Deputy ) 2 Wins
Pod Rouge
( M 2011 ch French Deputy ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Peptide Hopeful
( H 2012 b Empire Maker ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Sweet Arietta
( M 2013 b Empire Maker ) 6 Wins (NAR)
One's Nature
( M 2014 dk b I'll Have Another ) 1 Win (NAR)
( H 2005 b Kurofune ) 1 Win
( H 2006 ch Neo Universe )
( H 2008 dk b Dance in the Dark ) 1 Win (NAR)
Stay the Course
( G 2010 ch Stay Gold ) 2 Wins , 1 Win (NAR)
Cosmo Sumire
( M 2011 ch Heart's Cry ) 3 Wins (NAR)
( M 2012 dk b Admire Aura ) 7 Wins (NAR)
2nd Dam Miyuki Kamada
( M 1978 dk b Diatome )
Royal Miyuki
( M 1983 b Coined Silver ) 5 Wins
Safety Kotobuki
( M 1990 b )
Noble Seiko
( M 1992 b Limber Dancer )
Keiai Puma
( H 1999 dk b Jade Robbery ) 2 Wins
Keiai Biscuit
( M 2002 dk b Jade Robbery )
Royal Miyuki 2003
( M 2003 dk b Fusaichi Concorde ) 1 Win (NAR)
Keiai Smart
( M 2005 dk b Jade Robbery ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Louisiana Pit
( M 1985 b Valley Forge ) 6 Wins , JRA Best Older Filly or Mare(1989)
Himba Tokyo Times Hai (G3), Hanshin Himba Tokubetsu (G3)
Corandia Queen
( M 1992 b Real Shadai ) 3 Wins
Galaxy Beat
( H 1993 b Symboli Rudolf ) 1 Win
Baton Rouge
( M 1994 b Hector Protector ) 1 Win
Little Harmony
( M 1995 b Commander in Chief ) 3 Wins
King Pitney
( G 1996 b Tony Bin )
Un Billon
( M 1998 b Lammtarra )
Osumi Daiken
( H 2002 dk b Jade Robbery ) 2 Wins
Shonan Lover
( H 2004 dk b Manhattan Cafe ) 2 Wins
Louisiana Boy
( H 2005 ch Gold Allure ) 10 Wins (NAR)
Maria Lisme
( M 1991 b Pluralisme )
Gold Grass
( H 1992 gr Mendez )
High Tech Queen 1994
( H 1994 gr Winner's Circle ) 6 Wins (NAR)
High Tech Queen 1996
( H 1996 dk b Inari One ) 2 Wins (NAR)
High Tech Queen 1998
( M 1998 dk b Summer Suspicion ) 3 Wins (NAR)
High Tech Queen 1999
( M 1999 b Inari One ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Grass High Tech
( H 2000 dk b Genuine )
Propose Now
( M 2002 b King Glorious )
Daikatsu Ryusei
( H 1987 b Pluralisme ) 2 Wins
Niigata Sansai Stakes (G3)
Martin Miyuki
( M 1989 b Maruzensky ) 3 Wins
Martin Lead
( M 1995 b Armiger ) 1 Win
Friend Lei
( M 1997 b Danehill )
Brian March
( H 1998 dk b Narita Brian )
Top Winner
( H 2000 b Mayano Top Gun )
Stapes Mitsuko
( M 2002 b Carnegie ) 1 Win
Floral Pocket
( M 2004 b Jungle Pocket ) 5 Wins (NAR)
( M 2006 b Twining )
Friend Paraiba
( M 2007 dk b Admire Boss ) 2 Wins (NAR)
( H 2008 dk b Meiner Love ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Train Bleu
( H 1990 b Mill George ) 3 Wins
President Joy
( H 1991 b Maruzensky ) 3 Wins
Flawless Reef
( M 1992 b Mill George ) 3 Wins , 6 Wins (NAR)
Miracle Reef
( H 2000 b Lammtarra ) 1 Win (NAR)
Place Hit
( H 1993 b Hector Protector ) 3 Wins
Peppermint Grass
( M 1995 dk b Hector Protector ) 2 Wins
Kurino Special
( M 2003 dk b Special Week ) 2 Wins
Great Slugger
( H 2004 dk b Jungle Pocket ) 1 Win (NAR)
T M Blossom
( M 2005 b Special Week ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Hiraboku Special
( M 2006 dk b Special Week ) 3 Wins
T M Kurobara
( M 2007 dk b Dance in the Dark ) 3 Wins (NAR)
( M 2008 dk b Dance in the Dark ) 1 Win (NAR)
Kitano Japan
( M 2010 ch Admire Japan )
Kurino Honitsu
( M 2012 dk b Vermilion )
Glitter Glitter
( H 2013 b Kane Hekili ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Kurino Asuka
( M 2014 dk b Shonan Kampf ) 2 Wins (NAR)
( H 2015 b Shonan Kampf ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Tayasu Remember
( H 1998 b Tony Bin ) 1 Win
3rd Dam Yayoi Kamada
( M 1972 b China Rock )
Yayoi Kamada 1976
( H 1976 b Diatome )
Flight Kamada
( M 1977 b Baldric )
( H 1981 dk b Personality )
Flight Kamada 1982
( M 1982 b Nizon )
Silver Warrior
( H 1979 ch Indiana )
Corandia Girl
( M 1980 ch Never Beat )
Corandia Girl 1985
( H 1985 b Ladiga )
Max Hunter
( H 1986 b Lucky Sovereign ) 3 Wins
Otra Dia
( H 1988 ch Pas de Seul ) 4 Wins
Miss Difference
( M 1989 b Mogami ) 4 Wins
Osumi Shine
( M 1990 ch Symboli Rudolf ) 3 Wins
Nakayama Himba Stakes (G3)
Magic Kiss
( M 1992 dk b Sunday Silence ) 5 Wins
TV Nishi Nippon Corporation Sho Kitakyushu Kinen (G3)
Hanshin Himba Tokubetsu (G2), Fuchu Himba Stakes (G3)
Hanshin Himba Tokubetsu (G2), Sapphire Stakes (G3), Fukushima Kinen (G3)
Tony Justy
( H 1995 ch Tony Bin ) 3 Wins
Osumi Tony Star
( H 1996 b Tony Bin ) 2 Wins , 1 Win (NAR)
Another Magic
( M 1998 dk b Sunday Silence )
Samson Hero
( H 1999 ch Lammtarra )
Earnest Prayer
( H 1981 b Diatome )
Crown March
( H 1983 dk b Sudden Thaw ) 6 Wins
February Handicap (G3)
Stevie Power
( M 1984 b Sudden Thaw ) 6 Wins
Stevie Power 1993
( H 1993 ch Sakura Shingeki ) 1 Win (NAR)
Mi Mi Rosa
( M 1995 b Kampala )
Best Corandia
( M 1998 b Tikkanen ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Daigo Kiseki
( H 2001 b Fuji Kiseki ) 3 Wins (NAR)
J K Boy
( H 2002 ch Soccer Boy )
Stevie Power 2003
( M 2003 b Adjudicating ) 4 Wins (NAR)
( H 2004 b Desert Story ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Sachimo Eliot
( H 1986 dk b Manado )
Darling Lady
( M 1989 b Bravest Roman ) 3 Wins
Musashi Tycoon
( H 1996 b Last Tycoon ) 3 Wins , 1 Win (NAR)
Meiner Liebst
( H 2000 ch Erhaab ) 1 Win
Star Presto
( M 2001 b Jolie's Halo ) 1 Win (NAR)
New Fairy
( M 2002 ch French Deputy )
Machikane Byron
( H 1990 b Mr. C. B. )
Machikane Tenor
( H 1991 b Bravest Roman ) 4 Wins
Machikane Inazuma
( H 1993 dk b Bravest Roman ) 1 Win
Mighty Venus
( M 2000 ch Thunder Gulch )
Heisei Sho 2001
( M 2001 b Mejiro Ryan ) 11 Wins (NAR)
Heisei Sho 2002
( H 2002 b Adjudicating ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Heisei Sho 2006
( H 2006 b Jolie's Halo ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Heisei Sho 2007
( M 2007 ch Born King ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Heisei Sho 2008
( H 2008 ch Six Sense )
Festive Show
( H 2010 ch Fusaichi Ho O ) 4 Wins (NAR)
4th Dam Corandia
( M 1958 b Auriban )
Hikaru Kamata
( M 1967 b Iron Liege )
Horsemen Peace
( M 1976 dk b Baldric )
( H 1977 ch Stintino )
Rebie Artan
( H 1978 ch Yellow God )
( M 1979 dk b Chateaugay )
Yellow Bear
( M 1980 b Yellow God )
Takeno Hanami
( M 1982 dk b Hard to Beat ) 1 Win
All for One
( H 1983 dk b Ladiga )
Showa Hanami
( M 1985 b Sunshine Boy ) 1 Win
Bell Wide
( H 1968 b Indiana )
Hector Protector (1988 ch )
Race Record| 9 Wins/12 Starts
Nicks 19
Leading Progeny Denko Missile ('09 SENRIYAMA TOKUBETSU (ALW (2 Win)))

Stay the Course MENU