


Sei Exceed

セイエクシードDark BayHorse



Mr. Prospector
18.75%  4x3
Native Dancer
6.25%  5x5


Name Sex Foaled
Lark M 2020
Grail Holy 2017 M 2017
Sei Respect H 2015
L'Appel de Rideau H 2014
Water Leicester H 2013
Meisho Kurotaka H 2012
Grail Holy 2011 H 2011
Grail Holy 2010 M 2010
Cosmo Diktat M 2009
Back to the Ace H 2007
Sea of the Stars M 2006
Grail Holy 2005 M 2005
Basara Oja H 2004
S Y Jupiter M 2002


Name Sex Foaled
Oshima Dahlia 2005 H 2005
Field Alba H 2004
Oshima Sonia M 2003
Oshima Pansy M 2002
Meisho Puma H 2001
Homan Objet H 2000
Ishino Casablanca M 1999
Hikari Houo H 1998
Machikane Meniaoba H 1996
Oshima Fuyo M 1995
Oshima Sally M 1994


Grail Holy (1997 ch )
Race Record| 0 Win/11 Starts
Family Line
Dam Grail Holy
( M 1997 ch Afleet )
S Y Jupiter
( M 2002 ch Taiki Shuttle ) 1 Win
S Y Jupiter 2010
( H 2010 ch Fourty Niners Son ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Spice Fairy
( M 2011 ch Sinister Minister ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Third Glad
( H 2012 dk b Bago ) 1 Win
Dear God
( M 2015 ch Samurai Heart ) 4 Wins (NAR)
S Y Robin
( M 2016 dk b Smart Robin ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Chogolisa Tesoro
( H 2017 dk b To the World ) 1 Win (NAR)
Basara Oja
( H 2004 dk b Desert King ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Grail Holy 2005
( M 2005 ch Coronado's Quest ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Sea of the Stars
( M 2006 ch Agnes Flight ) 1 Win
Back to the Ace
( H 2007 ch Charismatic ) 5 Wins
Cosmo Diktat
( M 2009 b Diktat ) 1 Win , 8 Wins (NAR)
Grail Holy 2010
( M 2010 b Personal Rush ) 1 Win (NAR)
Meisho Kurotaka
( H 2012 b Heart's Cry ) 9 Wins (NAR)
Water Leicester
( H 2013 dk b Heart's Cry ) 2 Wins
L'Appel de Rideau
( H 2014 ch Charismatic ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Sei Respect
( H 2015 dk b Meisho Bowler ) 2 Wins , 6 Wins (NAR)
Grail Holy 2017
( M 2017 dk b Civil War )
Sei Exceed
( H 2018 dk b Zenno Rob Roy ) 9 Wins (NAR)
( M 2020 ch World Ace )
2nd Dam Oshima Dahlia
( M 1987 b Mogami ) 2 Wins
Oshima Sally
( M 1994 b Amber Shadai ) 1 Win
Oshima Sally 2001
( M 2001 ch Lindo Shaver ) 1 Win (NAR)
Green Hill Hit
( M 2002 b Scan ) 1 Win
North Hansel
( H 2003 b Hansel )
Oshima Sally 2004
( M 2004 b Croco Rouge ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Meisho Capone
( H 2005 ch Boston Harbor ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Shigeru Tadakatsu
( H 2007 ch Grass Wonder ) 3 Wins
Sky Miracle
( M 2008 ch On Fire ) 3 Wins (NAR)
( H 2009 b Samurai Heart ) 1 Win , 2 Wins (NAR)
Oshima Fuyo
( M 1995 b Hector Protector ) 1 Win
Oshima Fuyo 2001
( M 2001 b Arazi ) 1 Win (NAR)
Tamamo Fuyo
( H 2002 gr Tamamo Cross )
Oshima Fuyo 2004
( H 2004 b Cryptic Rascal ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Aranjuez Roman
( M 2006 b Eagle Cafe ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Hikari Houo
( H 1998 dk b Dance in the Dark ) 3 Wins
Ishino Casablanca
( M 1999 ch Afleet ) 1 Win , 3 Wins (NAR)
Homan Objet
( H 2000 ch Arazi ) 5 Wins
Meisho Puma
( H 2001 b Star of Cozzene ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
Oshima Pansy
( M 2002 dk b Scan )
Meisho Akado
( H 2007 b Black Hawk ) 8 Wins (NAR)
Meisho Mashu
( H 2008 dk b Admire Max ) 6 Wins
Negishi Stakes (G3)
Wonder Viva
( H 2010 dk b Statue of Liberty ) 4 Wins
Meisho Hoto
( H 2011 dk b Suzuka Mambo ) 2 Wins , 1 Win (NAR)
Meisho Remma
( M 2013 dk b Meisho Samson ) 2 Wins
Denko Kenja
( H 2015 dk b Johannesburg ) 3 Wins
( M 2016 b King's Best ) 3 Wins
( M 2017 ch Eskendereya )
Oshima Ajisai
( M 2018 ch Novellist ) 1 Win (NAR)
Color of Wonder
( H 2021 dk b Satono Aladdin ) 1 Win (NAR)
Oshima Sonia
( M 2003 dk b Desert King )
Luar Biasa
( H 2007 dk b Sunningdale ) 1 Win (NAR)
Oshima Sonia 2008
( H 2008 b Time Paradox ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Oshima Sonia 2009
( H 2009 dk b Sunrise Pegasus ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Oshima Sonia 2010
( M 2010 dk b Fusaichi Richard ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Field Alba
( H 2004 b Hansel )
Oshima Dahlia 2005
( H 2005 b Mejiro McQueen ) 12 Wins (NAR)
3rd Dam Oshima Suzuran
( M 1978 b Kauai King )
Hokuto George
( H 1984 b Mill George ) 2 Wins
NHK Hai (G2)
Oshima Joyful
( M 1985 ch Tosho Boy )
Mayano Sonic
( H 1989 ch Side Chapel ) 1 Win
Hirono Adams
( H 1990 b Wassl Touch ) 1 Win , 3 Wins (NAR)
Daito Maria
( M 1991 b Anfield )
Joyful Hauler
( H 1992 ch Prince of Birds ) 4 Wins
Meisho Akebono
( H 1993 b Legend Teio ) 3 Wins
Oshima Joyful 1994
( M 1994 ch Glow )
Omi the Throne
( H 1995 b Lyphard's Wish ) 1 Win , 14 Wins (NAR)
Takumi King O
( H 1996 b Damister ) 9 Wins (NAR)
Hagino Hope Ski
( H 1986 ch Royal Ski )
Hagino Grandor
( H 1989 b Symboli Rudolf ) 1 Win
Oshima Lucia
( M 1990 dk b Crystal Glitters ) 4 Wins
Swift Timber
( M 1997 dk b Timber Country ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Calstone Light O
( H 1998 dk b Warning ) 9 Wins
Sprinters Stakes (G1), Ibis Summer Dash (G3), Ibis Summer Dash (G3)
Hankyu Hai (G3)
Falcon Stakes (G3), Ibis Summer Dash (G3), Centaur Stakes (G3), Centaur Stakes (G3), Hakodate Sprint Stakes (G3)
Narita Margaret
( M 1999 dk b Narita Brian )
Narita Rainbow
( M 2000 b Afleet ) 3 Wins
Pisa no Kelly
( M 2001 dk b Dehere ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
Tatsu Secret
( M 2003 dk b Special Week )
( M 2004 ch Charismatic ) 3 Wins
Tatsu Aura
( M 2006 dk b Wild Rush )
Ein Falke
( M 2007 b Marienbard ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Wonder Forte
( H 2008 ch Afleet ) 2 Wins , 4 Wins (NAR)
( M 2009 dk b Diktat )
Green Force
( H 1991 ch Symboli Rudolf ) 2 Wins
Marchen Rose
( M 1992 ch Pluralisme )
Navarone Nisei
( H 1997 b Damister ) 3 Wins
Marchen Rose 1999
( M 1999 ch Doulab )
Kamui Nupuri
( H 2001 ch Generous ) 2 Wins
Kamui Opal
( M 2002 b Royal Touch )
Kamui Suzuran
( M 2003 ch Tamamo Cross )
Ezo Suzuran
( M 2005 ch Timber Country )
Country Rose
( M 2006 ch Marienbard )
Bint Sarie
( M 2007 ch Nobo Jack ) 1 Win (NAR)
( G 2008 ch Nobo Jack ) 3 Wins , 1 Win (NAR)
( H 2010 b Shonan Kampf ) 1 Win
( M 2011 b Bio Master ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Lucky Mallet
( M 2012 b )
Homan Spirit
( H 1995 ch Wassl Touch ) 7 Wins
Antares Stakes (G3), March Stakes (G3)
Rainbow Suzuran
( M 1996 ch Scan ) 3 Wins
Water Trick
( H 2003 ch Taiki Shuttle ) 3 Wins (NAR)
( M 2006 ch Sakura Bakushin O ) 3 Wins
Meisho Yumegoze
( M 2009 ch Gold Allure ) 3 Wins
Denko Hinomaru
( H 2011 ch Daiwa Major ) 3 Wins , 6 Wins (NAR)
Wonder Sagesse
( M 2013 b Black Tide ) 5 Wins
Kashino Mast
( H 2014 ch Captain Thule ) 2 Wins
Kokura Nisai Stakes (G3)
( M 2018 ch Squirtle Squirt ) 1 Win (NAR)
Seattle Suzuran 2003
( M 2003 dk b Admire Vega ) 1 Win (NAR)
Suzuka Gale
( H 2005 b Royal Suzuka ) 2 Wins
Seattle Suzuran 2008
( M 2008 b Song of Wind ) 1 Win (NAR)
( M 2009 b Meiner Love )
Crown Cecilia
( M 2010 dk b Black Tide )
Excel Champ
( H 2011 b Shonan Kampf ) 1 Win (NAR)
Kaijin King O
( H 2012 b Smart Boy ) 3 Wins (NAR)
4th Dam Never Jo O
( M 1969 ch Never Beat )
( M 1978 b Hishi Masahide )
( H 1979 b Kauai King )
( H 1980 ch Tosho Boy )
( M 1981 ch Astec )
Asakusa Rotor
( H 1983 b Lypheor )
( H 1985 b Northerly )
Gypsy Girl
( M 1986 b No Attention ) 2 Wins
Bandam Aura
( M 1988 b Bravest Roman ) 2 Wins
Reality Byron
( H 1989 gr Par Flite )
Rosaria Touch
( M 1991 ch Wassl Touch )
( M 1992 ch Tosho Boy )
Rosaria Leader
( M 1993 ch Scan )
Zao Rosaria 1994
( H 1994 ch Scan )
Never Jo O 1977
( H 1977 dk b Only For Life )
Yusei Suzuran
( M 1979 gr Sea Hawk )
Norakuro Taisho
( H 1984 b Habitony )
Happy Suzuran
( M 1985 b No Attention ) 3 Wins
Nikkei Shinshun Hai (G2)
Silver Taste
( H 1986 gr Northern Taste ) 3 Wins
White Suzuran
( M 1989 gr Yamaninsky )
Merry Symphony
( H 1991 b Merry Nice ) 2 Wins
( H 1992 gr No Attention ) 1 Win (NAR)
Mary Poppins
( M 1993 b No Attention ) 1 Win
Daiwa French
( H 1994 b French Glory )
( H 1995 gr King Glorious )
Lily Venus
( M 1997 gr Ogygian )
Eishin Suzuran
( M 1980 ch Faberge )
Eishin Special
( H 1987 b Mr. C. B. ) 1 Win
Eishin Yamato
( H 1988 b Mill George ) 4 Wins
Eishin Attain
( M 1989 ch No Lute ) 2 Wins
Eishin Koko
( H 1990 b Indian King ) 2 Wins
Machikane Mido
( M 1981 b Tai Tehm )
Machikane Chakkiri
( M 1986 b Swift Swallow ) 2 Wins
Machikane Hisakata
( M 1987 b Valley Forge ) 1 Win
Sunrise Hero
( H 1983 b Sakura Shori )
Machikane Itohan
( M 1985 b Arrow Express ) 3 Wins
Queen Elizabeth II Cup (G1), Pegasus Stakes (G3)
Machikane Loreley
( M 1986 gr Sea Hawk )
Machikane Loreley 1996
( H 1996 gr Hida Shoun ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Meiner Heine
( H 1999 b Pilsudski )
Owner Lucky
( H 1988 b Gay Mecene )
Toji Victory
( M 1989 ch Mill Glory )
Owner Suzuran
( M 1990 ch Mill Glory )
Takano Polaris
( H 1995 b Shaadi ) 2 Wins
More Pretty
( M 1996 b Horisky ) 1 Win
Endless San
( M 1997 ch Forty Niner ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Suzuran Story
( M 1998 b Last Tycoon ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Owner Suzuran 2000
( M 2000 b Zagreb )
Asake Suzuran
( M 2001 ch Chief Bearhart ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Strong Grace
( H 2004 dk b Fusaichi Brian ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Love Strength
( M 2005 b Cryptic Rascal ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Owner Suzuran 2007
( H 2007 b Bio Master ) 1 Win (NAR)
Owner Suzuran 2008
( H 2008 b Bio Master ) 1 Win (NAR)
Power Lumine
( M 1992 ch C.B.Cross )
Toko Princess
( M 1998 dk b Pentire ) 8 Wins (NAR)
Toko Kanto
( H 2000 b Sunny Brian ) 3 Wins , 3 Wins (NAR)
Toko Facade
( M 2001 b Sakura Bakushin O ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Toko Orion
( H 2002 b Genuine ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Shoen Zeljko
( H 2003 ch Toyo Lyphard ) 2 Wins
Power Lumine 2005
( H 2005 b American Boss ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Kitasan Emperor
( H 2006 ch Moon Ballad ) 1 Win , 2 Wins (NAR)
Purple Best
( H 2009 ch American Boss ) 22 Wins (NAR)
Owner Jo O
( M 1993 ch Oakworth )
Afleet (1984 ch )
Race Record| 7 Wins/15 Starts
Nicks 18
Leading Progeny Nanyo Mark ('14 3yo+ ALW (2 Win))