Sunrise Earth aims to go unbeaten in G1 Satsuki Sho

Thursday, 11 April, 2024 02:38

Sunrise Earth (Photo: Kosuke Ishiyu)

Sunrise Earth, undefeated in three starts including a commanding victory in the previous Sumire Stakes, aims for his maiden G1 triumph. A large-framed horse renowned for abundant stamina and extraordinary power, he is under the care of groom Tsutomu Watanabe. Drawing parallels to the historic champion Kurofune, whom Watanabe previously handled and guided to victory in the G1 NHK Mile Cup, Sunrise Earth embodies the essence of a potential legendary racehorse. With such a promising profile, he seeks to dominate his rivals in the upcoming race.

The veteran stableman began, "I've been handling him since last summer, and in terms of power and stamina, I've never seen a horse quite like him before." Despite his extensive career, there's nothing comparable, he felt, to the abilities Sunrise Earth possesses. "He's big-bodied, powerful, and a bit clumsy, much like Kurofune," he added, drawing parallels to the historic champion. "Kurofune was a gentleman, but this one is still a child." While he still retains some immaturity, it signifies tremendous potential for growth.

"The preparation this time feels more aggressive compared to the previous two races. With the solid work done at the pasture farm, I believe he's getting sharper. I'm looking forward to seeing how far we can go by sticking to our stride," he remarked. He missed the opportunity to start in the G1 Hopeful Stakes at the end of the year due to a left front splint injury. Now, on the same stage where he struggled to enter the gate before, he aims for victory in the classics.

Article Creds:Daily Sports


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