Trainers' Association and Stable Employees' Union reach agreement, avoiding further strikes on race days

Thursday, 30 May, 2024 19:16

Trainer Kazuya Nakatake

On the 29th, the Japan Racing Association's Trainers' Association and Stable Employees' Union concluded their spring labour negotiations. This spring, three unions demanded wage increases, but negotiations between labour and management broke down. As a result, the three unions went on a 24-hour strike starting at midnight on the 25th, impacting the race meetings scheduled at Tokyo and Kyoto. Despite this, the races proceeded with the help of trainers and non-union members. Subsequently, the Kansai union reached an agreement on the 26th, followed by the Kanto and Mikoma unions on the 29th.

Kazuya Nakatake, President of the Japan Trainers' Association, commented, "We apologize for the concern caused to our fans. Moving forward, our stable circles will continue to dedicate ourselves to creating strong horses to provide exciting racing for our fans. We appreciate your continued support of the JRA."

Article Creds:Daily Sports


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