G1 Kikuka Sho winner provisionally entered for G1 International Stakes at York

Wednesday, 26 June, 2024 12:45

Last year's G1 Kikuka Sho winner, Durezza, was provisionally entered for the G1 International Stakes at York in the UK on August 21, as announced on their website on June 25 by the Owners' group, Carrot Club. After finishing 15th in the G1 Tenno Sho (Spring), Durezza was diagnosed with a fracture of the first phalanx in his right foreleg, ruling out a potential bid for the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe.

However, his recovery and subsequent training have been progressing well, leading to the International Stakes being considered as a viable option. The primary target for Durezza this autumn remains the G1 Japan Cup.

Article Creds:Daily Sports


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