"He's an amazing horse" Iwata celebrates back-to-back G3 Sirius Stakes titles

Sunday, 29 September, 2024 16:22

Hagino Alegrias (white cap)

Under the guidance of jockey Mirai Iwata, the 5th favourite Hagino Alegrias (7-year-old entire) defied the top handicap weight of 59.5 kg to achieve back-to-back victories in the G3 Sirius Stakes on Sunday. Positioned well throughout the race, Hagino Alegrias overtook Omega Guiness in the final stretch, finishing in a time of 1:57.1. Omega Guiness, the race favourite, secured 2nd place, while 13th favourite Futaiten Rock finished 3rd.

A jubilant Iwata commented, "I haven't been able to perform well in recent races, but the trainer encouraged me to go for the win, and the horse was in great condition. I think it was a good race." Starting from the innermost gate, with Omega Guiness just to the outside, he said, "I knew Omega Guiness would likely take a position behind the leader, and everything played out perfectly. When the handicap of 59.5 kg was announced, I had some concerns, but the horse overcame it and showed incredible strength. He's an amazing horse."

Looking ahead to the year-end G1 Champions Cup (December 1st at Chukyo Racecourse), though the race distance differs, Iwata expressed optimism, "After seeing this performance, I'm really looking forward to the year-end race." The 24-year-old jockey, who recently spent the summer honing his skills in France, added, "I've been back for about a month, and the G1 season is about to begin. I'll do my best to achieve great results."

Article Creds:Daily Sports


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