


Taka Rosy 1976




18.75%  4x3
Dark Legend
9.38%  4x5
9.38%  5x4
6.25%  5x5


Name Sex Foaled
Taka Rosy 1985 H 1985
Rosy Baron H 1984
Miss Big Mark M 1983
Iron King H 1982
Rosy Silver M 1979
Fuji Request H 1978
Teruno Faber M 1975
Taka Rosy 1974 H 1974
1974 H 1974
Taka Rosy 1973 H 1973
Taka Rosy 1972 H 1972
Taka Rosy 1970 H 1970


Name Sex Foaled
Rosy Myth 1975 H 1975
Rosy Myth 1974 H 1974
Rosy Myth 1972 H 1972
Fuji World H 1970
Rosy Victory M 1968
Rohzuipasu M 1965
Track Spare H 1963


Taka Rosy (1966 dk b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Family Line
Dam Taka Rosy
( M 1966 dk b Solonaway )
Taka Rosy 1973
( H 1973 b Venture )
Teruno Faber
( M 1975 b Faberge )
Teruno Chikara
( H 1980 b Partholon )
Teruno Awayuki
( M 1981 ch Remand )
Taka Rosy 1976
( H 1976 Faberge )
Fuji Request
( H 1978 dk b Venture )
Rosy Silver
( M 1979 b Silver Shark )
( H 1985 gr Dancer's Image )
Teresia Rosy
( M 1986 b Cannon Tesco )
Scoop Man
( H 1987 dk b Dancer's Image )
Rosy Silver 1988
( H 1988 b Cannon Tesco ) 1 Win (NAR)
Star Song
( H 1991 b Thrill Show ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Sekitei Raijin
( H 1993 b Tony Bin )
Sessa Takuma
( H 1995 b Brian's Time ) 11 Wins (NAR)
Iron King
( H 1982 dk b Don )
( H 1988 gr Dancer's Image ) 2 Wins
Tetsuno Dictus
( H 1989 ch Dictus )
Tokimeki Kiss
( G 1990 b Ile de Bourbon ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Safari Lady
( M 1991 b Brian's Time )
( H 1992 gr Bellypha )
Daikoku Bashira
( H 1993 b Rivlia ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Miss Canvas
( M 1994 dk b Tony Bin )
Mark Protector
( H 1996 b Hector Protector ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Miss Afleet
( M 1998 ch Afleet )
Rosy Baron
( H 1984 dk b Targowice ) 5 Wins
Chukyo Kinen (G3)
2nd Dam Rosy Myth
( M 1958 dk b Nearco )
Track Spare
( H 1963 b Sound Track ) 5 Wins
Middle Park Stakes, St. James's Palace Stakes
, Queen Elizabeth II Stakes
( M 1965 b Hugh Lupus )
Rosy Victory
( M 1968 b Beau Prince )
Nishiyama Mond
( H 1974 b Pharamond )
Rosy Venture
( M 1976 b Venture )
Seiun Jo O
( M 1977 b Venture )
Victory Dash
( M 1978 b Venture )
Hosei Prince
( H 1980 b Maruzensky )
Mac Storm
( M 1981 b Bravo )
Rosy Victory 1982
( H 1982 dk b Maruzensky )
Iron Victory
( H 1983 b Viceregal ) 2 Wins
Jack Selene
( M 1984 b Maruzensky )
Fuji World
( H 1970 b Sound Track )
Rosy Myth 1974
( H 1974 Venture )
Rosy Myth 1975
( H 1975 dk b Venture )
3rd Dam Rosy Dolly
( M 1950 Bois Roussel )
Bluey's Moll  [GB
( M 1955 blk Blue Peter )
( M 1966 ch Outrigger )
( M 1960 dk b Mossborough )
( M 1965 ch Worden )
Rimosa's Pet
( M 1976 b Petingo )
Rosy Queen
( M 1962 dk b Worden )
Filly Rose
( M 1967 dk b Philius )
Rosy Queen 1968
( M 1968 b Sedan )
Rosy Tesso
( M 1969 b Tesso )
Rosy Queen 1970
( M 1970 b Sindon )
( M 1972 b Raeburn )
Biyuhtei Gurihn
( M 1974 ch Tesso )
Rose Amant
( M 1975 ch Flash Light )
Sampo Chiko
( M 1977 b Raeburn )
O Rose
( M 1978 b Haunt )
Key Phoenix
( H 1979 dk b Haunt )
Rosy Queen 1982
( M 1982 dk b Singing Bede )
Rosy Queen 1983
( M 1983 b Diviciac )
Rosy Queen 1984
( M 1984 b Long Hawk )
Rosy Dolly 1964
( H 1964 Nimbus )
Rosy Dolly 1965
( H 1965 Nimbus )
Rohzui Furawah
( M 1966 dk b Nimbus )
Rosy Dolly 1967
( H 1967 Nimbus )
Rosy Dolly 1968
( H 1968 Sindon )
Rosy Dolly 1969
( H 1969 Sedan )
Rosy Levin
( M 1971 b Tesso )
White Parthia
( M 1977 b Parthia )
Rosy Levin 1978
( H 1978 b Capito )
Hikari Family
( H 1979 ch Don )
Carl Levin Lewis
( H 1982 b Ribero )
Foundry Don
( H 1983 gr Don ) 3 Wins
Rosy Levin 1984
( M 1984 gr Don )
Izumi Sunshine
( H 1985 b Hittite Glory ) 9 Wins
4th Dam Rosy Legend
( M 1931 dk b Dark Legend )
The Pelican
( H 1937 b Pharos )
( M 1938 dk b Fairway )
Harroway  [GB
( H 1940 dk b Fairway ) 5 Wins
( H 1942 dk b Nearco ) 8 Wins
Middle Park Stakes, Coventry Stakes, Derby Stakes
Two Thousand Guineas Stakes
Sayajirao  [GB
( H 1944 dk b Nearco ) 6 Wins
Irish Derby, St. Leger Stakes, Hardwicke Stakes,
Eclipse Stakes, Gimcrack Stakes, Princess of Wales Stakes, Blue Riband Trial Stakes
Derby Stakes, Two Thousand Guineas Stakes
Ocean Lore
( M 1946 b Blue Peter )
Miss Pisces
( M 1951 b Stardust )
Bromelia  [GB
( M 1955 b Bois Roussel )
Tehran Legend
( M 1956 ch Tehran )
( M 1959 dk b Petition )
Mona Lisa
( M 1947 ch Nearco )
Dark Rose
( M 1948 dk b Nearco )
Dark Flower
( M 1953 dk b Prince Chevalier )
Double Hitch
( H 1958 dk b Double Jay )
Man the Rail
( H 1961 b Turn-to )
Solonaway (1946 b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Nicks 14
Leading Progeny Melba ('80 4yo+ )

Taka Rosy 1976 MENU