


Hiro Vector





Name Sex Foaled
Beauty Shine 1989 H 1989
Hiro Grandly H 1988
Beauty Hall M 1987
Beauty Shine 1986 H 1986
Hiro Maple M 1985
Hiro Fancy M 1983
Beauty Shine 1980 H 1980
Hiro Benkei H 1979
Hiro Dash H 1978
Beauty Shine 1976 H 1976
1976 H 1976
Hiro Biyuhtei M 1974


Name Sex Foaled
Big Ken H 1983
Haneda Fox H 1981
Kiku Akiko M 1979
Tunes of Glory 1977 H 1977
Tunes of Glory 1975 M 1975
Tunes of Glory 1974 H 1974
Irebun-Arou M 1973
Tunes of Glory 1972 H 1972
Ryu Scratch M 1970
Glory Rax M 1968
Shirayuki Jo M 1967
Tunes of Glory 1966 H 1966


Beauty Shine (1969 ch )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Family Line
Dam Beauty Shine
( M 1969 ch Lavandin )
Hiro Biyuhtei
( M 1974 ch Monitor )
Beauty Shine 1976
( H 1976 ch Aranas )
Hiro Dash
( H 1978 b Monitor )
Hiro Benkei
( H 1979 ch Albens )
Hiro Vector
( M 1981 ch Albens )
Hiro Fancy
( M 1983 ch Shinzan )
Hiro Hozan
( H 1988 ch Albens ) 1 Win
Hiro Yagura
( H 1991 b Dyna Gulliver )
Berg Feuer
( H 1992 b World Throne )
( M 1993 b )
Wage War
( H 1994 b Aswan ) 19 Wins (NAR)
Hiro Maple
( M 1985 ch Sudden Thaw )
Beauty Hall
( M 1987 b Steel Heart )
Hiro Grandly
( H 1988 b Hiro Katsu O )
2nd Dam Tunes of Glory
( M 1961 ch Whistler )
Shirayuki Jo
( M 1967 b Hindostan )
Shirayuki Jo 1974
( M 1974 b Monitor )
( M 1975 b Arrow Express )
Ransetsu Jo
( M 1976 ch Zapoteco )
Muteki Jo
( H 1978 dk b Tesco Boy )
( M 1979 b Indiana )
Glory Rax
( M 1968 ch Atrax )
Glory Rax 1978
( M 1978 ch Haku Hosho )
Lord Van Coeur
( H 1979 dk b Tesco Boy )
Eishin Grace
( M 1983 ch Tosho Boy )
Glory Rax 1984
( M 1984 b Medal )
Epsom Silent
( H 1986 b Long Ace )
Ryu Scratch
( M 1970 ch Tarquin )
Ryu Scratch 1978
( H 1978 ch Hauban )
Ryu Scratch 1982
( M 1982 dk b Long Ace )
( H 1985 b Sportsky )
Sujaku Queen
( M 1986 b Meiwa Iran )
( M 1973 ch Sedan )
Irebun-Arou 1979
( M 1979 b Moubariz )
Irebun-Arou 1980
( H 1980 ch Astec )
Irebun-Arou 1983
( H 1983 ch Stintino )
Tunes of Glory 1975
( M 1975 ch Hauban )
Tunes of Glory 1977
( H 1977 ch Aranas )
Kiku Akiko
( M 1979 ch Hauban )
Kiku Wing
( H 1988 ch Royal Tatan )
Kiku Kaika
( M 1989 dk b Northern Dictator )
Ocean Wave
( H 1993 ch Salmon Leap )
Haneda Fox
( H 1981 ch )
Big Ken
( H 1983 ch Pleben )
3rd Dam Arca Belle
( M 1955 ch Arcot )
( M 1970 b Indiana )
Fine Smile
( M 1971 ch Neptunus )
Fukusen Belle
( M 1977 ch Faringdon )
Fine Sports
( H 1979 dk b )
Fine Smile 1980
( M 1980 ch Jogging )
4th Dam Springtime
( M 1932 ch Apelle )
( M 1939 ch Fairhaven )
( M 1946 ch Stardust )
( M 1948 gr Nepenthe )
( M 1942 dk b Nearco )
Chorus Beauty
( M 1952 b Chanteur )
( M 1953 dk b Tenerani )
( M 1943 b Nearco )
( M 1953 b Persian Gulf )
Awfully Jolly
( M 1957 b Arcot )
Good Fun  [GB
( M 1965 dk b Galivanter )
( M 1967 b Pampered King )
Lavandin (1953 b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Nicks 2
Leading Progeny Hiro Benkei ('82 4yo )