


Faber Lady




9.38%  5x4
Pharos, Fairway
6.25%  5x5
6.25%  5x5


Name Sex Foaled
Heiwa Roubles M 1989
Bayern City H 1988
Get Point 1987 H 1987
Chiyono Lady M 1985
Lady Lion M 1982
Nolde M 1980


Name Sex Foaled
Sky Ace H 1983
Yoshikatsu Eiyu H 1981
Tai Lady 1980 M 1980
Moro's Free H 1979
K.T.Horse M 1978
Tai Lady 1975 M 1975
Yangu Madonna M 1974
Tai Lady 1973 H 1973


Get Point (1976 ch )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Family Line
Dam Get Point
( M 1976 ch Lord Liege )
( M 1980 gr Lanark )
Lady Lion
( M 1982 ch Man of Vision )
Faber Lady
( M 1983 ch Faberge ) 1 Win
Faber Lady 1993
( H 1993 ch Nishinosky )
Chiyono Lady
( M 1985 dk b Lucky Sovereign ) 1 Win
Brand Akemi
( M 1995 dk b Allez Milord )
Get Point 1987
( H 1987 ch Nehai Jet )
Bayern City
( H 1988 ch Bamboo Atlas )
2nd Dam Tai Lady
( M 1967 dk b Ratification )
Tai Lady 1973
( H 1973 Lanark )
Yangu Madonna
( M 1974 dk b Nelcius )
Dai Luck
( H 1981 b Timoteo )
Tai Lady 1975
( M 1975 gr Lanark )
( M 1980 dk b Rum )
( H 1981 gr Dandy Lute )
( M 1978 b Stintino )
K.T.Horse 1983
( H 1983 ch Lord Liege )
K.T.Horse 1985
( H 1985 b Cabbaliste )
Enter City
( H 1989 dk b Monte Prince )
Moro's Free
( H 1979 ch Bold And Free )
Tai Lady 1980
( M 1980 b Stintino )
Yoshikatsu Eiyu
( H 1981 ch Inter Good )
Sky Ace
( H 1983 dk b Lucky Sovereign )
3rd Dam Tai Hope
( M 1961 b Hindostan )
Tai Hope 1968
( M 1968 b Gabador )
Toa Silver
( M 1973 b Atan )
Daiwa Bell
( M 1976 dk b Tesco Boy )
Keio Rose
( M 1977 dk b Pharamond )
( H 1981 dk b Habitony )
Ryu Shiragiku
( M 1982 dk b Habitony )
( H 1985 dk b Dynago )
Tai Hope 1969
( H 1969 Our Babu )
Tai Hinode
( M 1972 b Ratification )
Tai Hinode 1977
( M 1977 b Tai Tehm )
Tai Bizen
( H 1978 ch Neptunus )
Tai Hinode 1979
( H 1979 ch Tai Tehm )
Tai Michiru
( M 1974 b Venture )
Tai Halley
( M 1982 b )
Tai Plumoneyed
( M 1985 dk b Targowice ) 1 Win
Tai Komachi
( M 1975 b Tai Tehm )
Tai Cecil
( M 1980 dk b Alexanda The Great )
Tai Jet
( H 1981 b Northern Dictator )
Meitai Shine
( H 1982 b Twig )
Tai Quick
( M 1983 b Morning Frolic ) 1 Win
Tai Super
( H 1984 b English Prince )
Tai Dolphin
( M 1985 ch Hard to Beat )
Tai Cosmos
( M 1986 b Targowice )
Tai Dear
( M 1989 b Pluralisme )
Tai Grand Prix
( H 1978 b Tai Tehm )
Tai Violet
( M 1979 b Tai Tehm )
Tai Hibiki
( H 1980 dk b Tai Tehm )
4th Dam Dainagon
( M 1952 ch Coastal Traffic )
Dainagon 1957
( M 1957 b Maru There )
( M 1963 ch Chester )
( H 1966 Never Beat )
( M 1968 b China Rock )
Aoi Topics
( M 1969 ch China Rock )
Queen There
( M 1958 ch Maru There )
Queen There 1969
( M 1969 Nasco )
Nishine Hime
( M 1970 b Partholon )
Beauty There
( M 1971 b Partholon )
( M 1973 b Partholon )
( M 1974 b Berber )
Dainagon 1960
( H 1960 Gay Time )
Dainagon 1962
( M 1962 b Tulyartos )
( M 1969 ch Tudor Period )
Tokino Natori
( M 1964 b Hindostan )
General Stan
( M 1970 dk b Vimy )
Daini Hakuryo
( M 1972 b Hakuryo )
Tokino Track
( M 1973 ch Sound Track )
Tokino Natori 1981
( M 1981 gr Zeddaan )
Tokino Natori 1982
( H 1982 gr Zeddaan )
Tokino Natori 1984
( H 1984 dk b Floroua )
Gracious Rose
( M 1985 ch Yellow God )
Long Kiroku
( M 1986 ch Hokuto Flag )
Senoe Shotgun
( H 1987 ch Hokuto Flag )
( M 1967 b Hindostan )
( M 1971 b King's Bench )
Dainagon 1971
( M 1971 b Miralgo )
( M 1979 ch Golden Plume )
Lord Liege (1969 b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Nicks 1
Leading Progeny Faber Lady ('86 3yo Maiden)