


Dyna Poulette 1986




Northern Dancer
18.75%  4x3
9.38%  5x4
Lady Angela
9.38%  5x4


Name Sex Foaled
Ruby Angel M 1994
Hashino Champion H 1993
Dyna Poulette 1992 M 1992
Dyna Poulette 1991 H 1991
Dyna Poulette 1990 H 1990
Mount Vitiges H 1988
French Line M 1985
Dyna Portee M 1982


Name Sex Foaled
Pretty Mama M 1986
Mrs.Brandy M 1985
Dyna Glamour M 1983
Mr.Brandy H 1982
Shadai Poulette 1981 M 1981
Dyna Tresa M 1979
Chance Marie M 1977
Shadai Poulette 1974 H 1974


Dyna Poulette (1978 ch )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Family Line
Dam Dyna Poulette
( M 1978 ch Northern Taste )
Dyna Portee
( M 1982 b El Centauro )
Dyna Portee 1989
( M 1989 b Milford )
Yasaka Great
( H 1990 b Gielgud )
Dyna Portee 1991
( M 1991 b Gielgud )
Dyna Portee 1992
( M 1992 b Gielgud )
Dyna Portee 1993
( H 1993 ch Gielgud ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Hatano Ichibambosi
( H 1996 ch Lead Wonder ) 1 Win
French Line
( M 1985 b No Attention ) 1 Win
Meiner Promise
( H 1990 ch Merry Nice )
Slugger City
( H 1992 b Allez Milord ) 1 Win
Kamikaze City
( H 1993 b Ines Fujin )
French Line 1995
( H 1995 ch Ines Fujin ) 1 Win (NAR)
Mount Vitiges
( H 1988 ch Vitiges )
Hashino Champion
( H 1993 gr Oguri Cap )
Ruby Angel
( M 1994 b Oguri Cap )
2nd Dam Shadai Poulette
( M 1968 ch Guersant )
Chance Marie
( M 1977 ch Bold and Able )
Ibuki Urgent
( H 1983 ch Imperia Dark )
Winsome Ibuki
( M 1986 b Destroy )
Ibuki Checker
( H 1987 ch Destroy )
Gold Cherry
( M 1992 ch Green Mount )
Dyna Tresa
( M 1979 ch Northern Taste )
Dyna Stylist
( H 1984 ch Dictus ) 6 Wins
Virginia Lady
( M 1985 ch Dictus )
Happy Tracy
( M 1986 ch Dictus ) 1 Win
Men's Fashion
( H 1987 ch Dictus )
Trendy Looks
( M 1988 ch Dictus )
( H 1989 ch Dictus )
Trade Wind
( M 1991 ch Tony Bin ) 1 Win
Naka Top Atom
( H 1992 dk b Tony Bin )
Minamino Shaver
( H 1993 dk b Lindo Shaver ) 9 Wins (NAR)
Minamino Koisan
( M 1994 ch Hector Protector ) 3 Wins
Isami Queen
( M 1995 gr Mejiro McQueen )
Ishiyaku Tresa
( M 1997 b Ogygian )
Omi Unryu
( H 1998 ch Seattle Dancer )
Boss Jumbo
( H 1999 b T.M.Jumbo ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Dyna Tresa 2002
( M 2002 b T.M.Jumbo ) 3 Wins (NAR)
( H 1982 ch Dictus ) 7 Wins
Fukushima Kinen (G3), Sekiya Kinen (G3), Fukushima Kinen (G3)
All Comers (G3)
All Comers (G3)
Dyna Glamour
( M 1983 ch Dictus )
( M 1985 ch Dictus )
( M 1990 b Thrill Show )
Mrs.Brandy 1993
( H 1993 ch Winner's Circle ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Battle Gabe
( M 1995 b Russian Roubles ) 1 Win (NAR)
Soseki Chinryu
( H 1997 b Mill George ) 1 Win
Mrs.Brandy 1998
( M 1998 ch Magic Miles ) 1 Win (NAR)
Combat Jump
( H 1999 ch Seattle Dancer )
Mrs.Brandy 2001
( M 2001 dk b Air Dublin )
Pretty Mama
( M 1986 ch Dictus )
Meiner Odin
( H 1996 ch Dyna Gulliver ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Ein Tochter
( M 1997 b Maruzensky )
Pretty Mammy
( M 1999 ch Amber Shadai )
National Stage
( H 2000 ch Rodrigo de Triano ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Pretty Mama 2001
( H 2001 b Mogami )
3rd Dam Gay Poulette
( M 1961 ch Sunny Boy )
Shadai More
( M 1975 ch Bold and Able )
( H 1980 ch Northern Taste )
Dyna Tiger
( H 1981 b El Centauro )
( M 1966 dk b Sedan )
( M 1970 dk b Rapace )
Kiyo Best
( M 1975 b Don )
Kiyoboshi 1976
( M 1976 b Snob )
Kiyoboshi 1977
( H 1977 dk b Fidalgo )
Kiyoboshi 1978
( M 1978 dk b Traffic )
Osaichi Suisei
( H 1980 dk b Malacate )
Shine Ibuki
( M 1983 b Hopefully On )
Kiyoboshi 1985
( M 1985 dk b Cabbaliste )
Please Turf
( M 1967 ch Guersant )
Ken Daiyu
( H 1969 ch Guersant )
Orage Turf
( M 1971 dk b Guersant )
Hokuto Bando
( H 1979 ch Bold and Able )
Orage Turf 1984
( M 1984 dk b Kane Minobu )
Win T.S.
( M 1974 ch Marino )
Win T.S. 1978
( M 1978 b Raffingora )
Wi Tess Lady
( M 1980 b Tosho Boy )
Tsukiboshi T.S.
( H 1981 dk b Blinis )
( M 1982 dk b Long Fast )
Penny Sport
( H 1978 b El Centauro )
4th Dam Tresa
( M 1946 ch Bozzetto )
Tamanar  [FR
( H 1955 ch Sunny Boy )
( M 1960 ch Ribot )
( M 1972 b Petingo )
Northern Taste (1971 ch )
Race Record| 5 Wins/20 Starts
Nicks 12
Leading Progeny Commendatore ('98 3yo+ OP)

Dyna Poulette 1986 MENU