


Setano Victory





Name Sex Foaled
Elegant Singer M 1997
Genova City H 1995
Sky Pass H 1991
Better Best 1990 H 1990
Best Zone M 1988
Better Garconne M 1986


Name Sex Foaled
Hedgehog H 1988
Lorette Heights M 1986
Rodhos H 1985
Palermo H 1983
Now H 1982
The Very Best H 1980


Better Best (1981 b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Family Line
Dam Better Best
( M 1981 b Personality )
Better Garconne
( M 1986 gr Dancer's Image ) 1 Win
Garcon d'Honneur
( H 1992 b Russian Roubles ) 1 Win , 3 Wins (NAR)
Better Tour de
( H 1993 b Adjudicating ) 2 Wins , 1 Win (NAR)
Garcon Loire
( H 1995 gr Mihono Bourbon ) 1 Win
Garcon Victory
( H 1996 gr Mihono Bourbon ) 1 Win (NAR)
Better Mistral
( H 1997 b Commander in Chief ) 4 Wins (NAR)
S U Hurricane
( G 1999 ch Scan ) 1 Win
S U Tornado
( H 2000 b Scan )
Better Troika
( M 2002 gr Tenby )
Setano Victory
( H 1987 b ) 1 Win
Best Zone
( M 1988 ch Nice Dancer ) 3 Wins
Ikkyu San
( H 1997 ch Nippo Teio ) 11 Wins (NAR)
Reach the Peak
( H 1998 ch Dyna Gulliver ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Best Zone 1999
( M 1999 ch Yamanin Zephyr ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Best Zone 2000
( M 2000 b Yamanin Zephyr ) 9 Wins (NAR)
Best Zone 2002
( M 2002 ch Diablo ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Best Zone 2003
( M 2003 b Adjudicating ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Best Zone 2005
( M 2005 b Wing Arrow ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Pretty Star
( M 2007 ch South Vigorous ) 2 Wins
Better Best 1990
( H 1990 dk b )
Sky Pass
( H 1991 dk b Cawston's Clown )
Genova City
( H 1995 ch Merry Nice ) 1 Win
Elegant Singer
( M 1997 b Flash of Steel ) 1 Win
2nd Dam My Berge
( M 1973 ch Faberge )
( H 1982 b Satingo )
( H 1983 b Flaring Dancer ) 2 Wins
( H 1985 b Aswan )
Lorette Heights
( M 1986 b Garoto )
( H 1988 b Tai Tehm )
3rd Dam Hidaohkan
( M 1968 ch Moutiers )
( M 1974 ch Dancing Cap )
Wedding Bell
( M 1978 b Prince Royal )
Jim Dash
( M 1979 b Jim French )
Dash Daio
( H 1981 ch Kitano Daio )
Linen Dash
( M 1982 ch Capito )
Sankyo Mamuru
( H 1983 ch Hard Berge )
Happy Prime
( H 1984 ch Sunshine Boy ) 1 Win
Cheldash 1986
( H 1986 ch Tosho Gate )
Hida Well
( M 1975 ch Skymaster )
Calstone Kazuko
( M 1979 ch Dapper Dan )
Hida Well 1980
( M 1980 ch Divine Gift )
Sengoku Eiyu
( M 1981 ch Sea Hawk )
Hida Well 1982
( M 1982 b Catahoula )
Sengoku Well
( M 1983 ch Kane Minobu )
Hiro Wellda
( H 1984 ch Sovereign Gleam ) 3 Wins
Rikisan Minobu
( M 1986 ch Kane Minobu ) 2 Wins
Hida Well 1987
( M 1987 ch Telios )
Belong to Me
( M 1988 b Park Regent )
( H 1989 ch Dyna Gulliver ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Hida Well 1990
( M 1990 ch Gallop Dyna )
Hida Sun Dream
( M 1991 ch Pluralisme )
Mount Okan
( H 1992 ch No Attention )
4th Dam Gaita
( M 1960 ch Philius )
Tei Kegon
( M 1965 blk Edellic )
Ho O Kegon
( M 1969 dk b Tamanar )
Ho O Fuji
( M 1970 dk b Sammy Davis )
Tei Kegon 1973
( H 1973 Tarquin )
Tei Kegon 1974
( H 1974 Crocket )
Chiba Taiho
( H 1976 dk b Die Hard )
Black Lassale
( H 1977 dk b Lassale )
Tei Kegon 1978
( M 1978 blk Hauban )
Maruto Fire
( M 1980 dk b Meiwa Iran )
Gaita 1966
( H 1966 Tosa Midori )
( M 1967 b Tosa Midori )
Ambitious 1972
( H 1972 Parthia )
( M 1973 b Tesco Boy )
Hida Soburin
( M 1974 gr Fortino )
Hida Moon
( M 1975 ch China Rock )
Hida Cross
( M 1976 b Faberge )
Gallup City
( H 1978 b Baldric )
Saint Marchs
( H 1969 b Solonaway )
Gaita 1970
( H 1970 Die Hard )
Personality (1967 b )
Race Record| 8 Wins/25 Starts
Nicks 3
Leading Progeny Setano Victory ('90 3yo Maiden)

Setano Victory MENU