


Hase Once More




12.50%  4x4
9.38%  5x5x5
Big Game
9.38%  5x4


Name Sex Foaled
Hase Yusho 1994 M 1994
Nakahama Yusho H 1992
Hase Asuka M 1990
Hase Pinnacle H 1989
Hase Marche H 1988
Tatsuko Eight M 1986
Hase Superior M 1985


Name Sex Foaled
Machikane Duet M 1991
Hase Aukai H 1989
Hase Masaru 1988 H 1988
Hase Florence M 1987
Hase Big Road H 1986
Hase Good One H 1985
Hase Vertex M 1984
Hase Muteki H 1983
Hase Northern H 1982
Hase Hikaru H 1981
Hase Yamato M 1980
Kinzan Parade H 1979
Hase Ryu O H 1977


Hase Yusho (1978 dk b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Family Line
Dam Hase Yusho
( M 1978 dk b Philemon )
Hase Superior
( M 1985 b Northern Answer ) 1 Win
Ogura MiG
( M 1990 b Hayate MiG )
Hase Superior 1991
( H 1991 b Recitation ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Coined Marie
( M 1993 dk b Coined Silver )
Hase Superior 1994
( M 1994 dk b )
Hase Superior 1995
( H 1995 b Storm On the Loose ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Hase Superior 1997
( H 1997 b Osumi Shadai ) 1 Win (NAR)
Hase Superior 1998
( H 1998 b Tayasu Tsuyoshi ) 11 Wins (NAR)
Allah Allah
( H 2000 b Symboli Rudolf ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Hase Once More
( H 1987 b Dynago )
Hase Marche
( H 1988 b Sandy Creek ) 2 Wins
Hase Pinnacle
( H 1989 gr Carwhite )
Hase Asuka
( M 1990 b Mejiro Titan )
Hase Yusho 1994
( M 1994 dk b )
2nd Dam Hase Masaru
( M 1971 b Royal Record )
Hase Ryu O
( H 1977 b Irish Ball )
Kinzan Parade
( H 1979 b Divine Gift )
Hase Yamato
( M 1980 dk b Intermezzo )
Chateau Elan
( M 1989 ch Tap on Wood )
Shiroyama Noboru
( H 1990 dk b Targowice )
Hase Yamato 1994
( M 1994 b Maruzen Star ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Hase Hikaru
( H 1981 dk b Dancer's Image )
Hase Northern
( H 1982 dk b Northern Answer )
Hase Muteki
( H 1983 b Dancer's Image ) 4 Wins
Hase Vertex
( M 1984 b Pitcairn ) 4 Wins
Flower Cup (G3)
Keisei Hai Sansai Stakes (G2), Kokura Sansai Stakes (G3)
New Zealand Trophy Yonsai Stakes (G2)
Hase Wells
( H 1990 b Recitation )
Rule Solid
( H 1993 dk b WindstoB )
( H 1995 ch Crystal Glitters ) 3 Wins
Hase Chapter
( M 1996 dk b King Glorious )
My Attack Lady
( M 1998 dk b Summer Suspicion ) 1 Win
( M 1999 b Seattle Dancer ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
Hase Vertex 2002
( M 2002 dk b Meiner Love ) 1 Win (NAR)
Hase Good One
( H 1985 ch Aswan ) 4 Wins
Hase Florence
( M 1987 b Coined Silver ) 3 Wins
Hase Blizzard
( H 1993 dk b Ebros )
Hase Enchante
( H 1994 b King Glorious ) 3 Wins
Hase Spunky
( H 1995 ch Flash of Steel )
Hase Florence 1996
( H 1996 b Russian Roubles ) 1 Win (NAR)
Hase Primary
( M 1997 b Wassl Touch )
Hase Viraat
( H 1998 dk b Summer Suspicion )
Hase Florence 2000
( H 2000 dk b Agnes Kamikaze ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Hase Florence 2001
( M 2001 ch Miracle Admire ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Hase Aukai
( H 1989 b Recitation )
3rd Dam Yamato Masaru
( M 1965 ch )
Hase Katsuma
( M 1973 ch Mystery )
Hase Hayate
( H 1979 ch Linden Tree )
Hase Azuma
( H 1980 ch Shinzan )
Hase Meister
( H 1982 b Twig )
Hase My Way
( M 1983 b Hunza Dancer )
Hase Liner
( M 1984 ch Judger )
Lindo Hoshi
( H 1985 ch Sandy Creek ) 4 Wins
Keio Hai Spring Cup (G2)
New Zealand Trophy Yonsai Stakes (G2), Radio Tampa Sho (G3), Epsom Cup (G3), Tokyo Shimbun Hai (G3)
Sprinters Stakes (G1), Lord Derby Challenge Trophy (G3)
Wonder Eight
( M 1986 ch Lead Wonder )
Hase Katsuma 1988
( M 1988 b Lapsi )
Hase Shinobu
( M 1977 b Irish Ball )
Hase Apusara
( M 1985 b Pitcairn ) 1 Win
Hase Ambition
( H 1986 b Lord of the Dance ) 1 Win
Hase Godness
( M 1991 b Natroun ) 1 Win
Malta X.
( H 1992 ch Star Lift )
Hase Aiko
( M 1993 b Awe Inspiring )
Silk Yamato
( H 1978 b Irish Ball )
( M 1981 b Dancer's Image )
Pink Queen
( M 1986 b Aswan ) 3 Wins
Silk Masaru
( M 1987 ch Aswan )
Leo Durban
( H 1988 b Maruzensky ) 4 Wins
Kikuka Sho (G1)
Tokyo Yushun (Japanese Derby) (G1)
St. Lite Kinen (G2)
Wink Ruby
( M 1989 b Ile de Bourbon )
Fairy Yuki
( M 1990 b Northern Taste ) 1 Win
Shuzan Ford
( M 1982 gr Sea Hawk )
Shuzan Ford 1987
( M 1987 gr Long Fast )
Pot Roubles
( M 1990 b Russian Roubles ) 3 Wins
Jozan Hikari
( H 1991 b Wassl Touch )
Shinko Gaily
( H 1992 ch Tosho Boy )
Shuzan Ford 1993
( H 1993 gr Storm On the Loose ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Shuzan Ford 1996
( M 1996 b Doulab )
( M 1997 b Scan ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Shuzan Curl
( M 1983 ch Yellow God )
Meiner Lewis
( H 1989 ch Dai Shunei )
Gotoku Wind
( H 1990 b WindstoB ) 2 Wins
( M 1992 b Miho Shinzan )
Koin Yanogotoshi
( M 1995 b No Lute )
Shuzan Curl 1996
( M 1996 b Mogami ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Sky no Armiger
( M 1997 ch Armiger ) 1 Win
( M 1998 ch Seattle Dancer ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Ogura Tosho
( M 1984 b Tosho Boy ) 1 Win
Ogura Tesco
( M 1990 dk b Steel Heart ) 3 Wins
Ogura Tosho 1991
( H 1991 ch Royal Ski )
Autumn Leaf
( M 1995 b Armiger ) 2 Wins
Daigo Chitose O
( H 1997 dk b Sakura Chitose O ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Ogura Tosho 1998
( M 1998 b King Glorious ) 1 Win (NAR)
Magic Stone
( H 1999 b Armiger )
Ogura Tosho 2001
( M 2001 dk b Sunday Well ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Machikane Tenamonya
( H 1985 b Northern Answer ) 3 Wins
Jazz Dance
( M 1987 ch Hayate MiG ) 1 Win
( H 1992 b WindstoB ) 1 Win , 3 Wins (NAR)
Machikane UFO
( G 1993 b Lead Wonder ) 3 Wins
Kunino Sunshine
( M 1995 b Shaadi )
( M 1988 ch Brahms )
Flexibility 1993
( H 1993 ch Wise Counsellor ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Flexibility 1994
( M 1994 b WindstoB ) 3 Wins (NAR)
( H 1995 b Kampala )
Machikane Dante
( H 1990 ch Daishin Fubuki ) 1 Win
4th Dam Miss Miharu
( M 1951 ch Miharu O )
( M 1959 ch Hiro Sakura )
Kumosakura 1966
( M 1966 b Hakuryo )
( M 1967 b Vimy )
Kumosakura 1968
( M 1968 b Vimy )
Kumosakura 1974
( H 1974 Harken )
Right Swing
( M 1975 b Tulyartos )
Jour Cup
( M 1966 ch Bonjour )
( M 1967 ch China Rock )
( M 1968 b Orion Horse )
Ezo Queen
( M 1961 b )
Ezo Queen 1967
( H 1967 Shinzan )
Ezo Queen 1969
( H 1969 Apostle )
Ezo Queen 1972
( H 1972 Mystery )
Ezo Queen 1973
( H 1973 Shinzan )
Hase Hidaka
( M 1974 ch Die Hard )
Ezo Queen 1975
( H 1975 Shinzan )
Ezo Queen 1978
( M 1978 b Blanc Bleu )
Ladies Dancer
( M 1980 ch Yellow God )
Miss Hakufuji
( M 1966 b Hakuryo )
Miss Tesco
( M 1971 b Tesco Boy )
Miss Miharu 1968
( H 1968 ch Eagle )
Philemon (1960 b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Nicks 2
Leading Progeny Hase Once More

Hase Once More MENU