


Charm Stone




6.25%  5x5


Name Sex Foaled
Yellow Stone 2002 H 2002
F T Raiden M 2001
Screen Kiss M 2000
Jono Isabella M 1998
Lord Montana G 1996
Jono Gandini H 1995
Tradition H 1994
Empire Builder G 1993
Tokio Brave H 1992
Jono Mon Petit M 1990
Scheat Stone H 1989


Name Sex Foaled
Kuri Tokiwa 1988 H 1988
Great Hope H 1986
Asaka Rimbaud H 1985
Sakura Toki O H 1983
Takino Ace M 1981
Dapper Queen M 1978


Yellow Stone (1982 b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Family Line
Dam Yellow Stone
( M 1982 b Tosho Boy )
Charm Stone
( M 1988 b Nice Dancer )
Scheat Stone
( H 1989 b Nihon Pillow Winner ) 2 Wins
Keisei Hai Sansai Stakes (G2)
Hakodate Sansai Stakes (G3), Keisei Hai (G3)
Jono Mon Petit
( M 1990 b Aswan ) 1 Win
Akino Roller
( M 1997 ch Ebros ) 2 Wins
Reward Endeavor
( H 1998 b Sunshine Forever ) 1 Win
( H 1999 b Eishin Washington ) 1 Win
Akino Yoshiyoshi
( M 2001 b Black Tie Affair ) 2 Wins (NAR)
South Okan
( H 2002 ch Marvelous Sunday ) 1 Win
( H 2003 b King Halo ) 1 Win
Minna Nakayoshi
( H 2004 b Scatter the Gold ) 1 Win (NAR)
South Epoch
( H 2007 b Durandal )
Turf Arion
( H 2009 b Taiki Shuttle ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Tokio Brave
( H 1992 b Maruzensky ) 1 Win
Empire Builder
( G 1993 b Symboli Rudolf ) 1 Win
( H 1994 b Tony Bin ) 1 Win
Jono Gandini
( H 1995 b Brian's Time )
Lord Montana
( G 1996 b Tony Bin ) 6 Wins
Jono Isabella
( M 1998 b Warning ) 1 Win
( H 2005 b Dance in the Dark )
Jono Stone
( H 2006 dk b Brian's Time ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Jono Amelia
( M 2007 dk b Symboli Kris S )
Setono Shanks
( H 2008 ch Brian's Time ) 1 Win , 3 Wins (NAR)
Jono Bacchus
( H 2009 ch Agnes Tachyon ) 2 Wins
Grand Bel Ami
( M 2011 b Neo Universe ) 1 Win
Jono Cherry
( M 2012 dk b Symboli Kris S ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Copano Michael
( H 2013 ch Gold Allure ) 5 Wins
Marutaka Impress
( H 2005 ch Hector Protector ) 1 Win
Screen Kiss 2006
( H 2006 ch Precise End ) 3 Wins (NAR)
F T Raiden
( M 2001 b Mejiro Ryan )
2nd Dam Kuri Tokiwa
( M 1973 ch Topyo )
Dapper Queen
( M 1978 ch Dapper )
Dapper Queen 1982
( M 1982 ch Bold Lad )
Dapper Queen 1983
( H 1983 ch Satingo )
Miho Okan
( H 1984 ch Gay Lussac )
Dapper Queen 1987
( H 1987 dk b Royal Coach )
Eishin Caesar
( H 1988 b Fidion )
Snark Asahi
( M 1989 ch Tap on Wood )
Eishin Clement
( H 1990 ch Longleat )
Dapper Queen 1994
( M 1994 b Sirius Symboli ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Nisshin Dapper
( H 1995 ch Sakura Itto )
Myoko Right
( H 1987 b Royal Ski ) 1 Win
Oyama Taito
( H 1990 b )
( M 1992 b Horisky )
Sakura Toki O
( H 1983 b Partholon ) 1 Win
Asaka Rimbaud
( H 1985 b Northerly )
Great Hope
( H 1986 b Northerly ) 1 Win (NAR)
3rd Dam Kurihide
( M 1958 ch Kurino Hana )
Kurihide 1964
( H 1964 Gay Time )
Kuri Ayame
( M 1965 ch Gay Time )
Kuri Ayame 1972
( H 1972 Dapper )
Kuri Ayame 1973
( G 1973 Dapper )
Kuri Ayame 1974
( G 1974 Dapper )
Big Desire
( H 1978 b Tribal Chief )
Ayame Lad
( M 1981 ch Bold Lad )
Beau Sejour
( H 1982 dk b Haiseiko )
Kuri Kent
( M 1967 ch Sedan )
Kuri Kent 1975
( H 1975 b Intermezzo )
Kuri Kent 1976
( H 1976 Ladiga )
Win Victory
( H 1977 b Ladiga )
Leo Bardo
( H 1978 ch Dust Commander )
Kuri Eigetsu
( M 1980 ch Bold Lad )
Kuri Iwai
( H 1969 b Only For Life )
Kuri Fuyo
( M 1970 ch Only For Life )
Katsu Fuyo
( M 1977 ch Dapper )
Ichi Maruzen
( M 1979 b Maruzensky )
Aino Kurihime
( M 1980 ch Bold Lad )
Girassol Wako
( H 1986 dk b Ladiga )
Tokai Brave
( H 1988 gr Dancer's Image )
Kuri Fuyo 1990
( H 1990 ch Yawa )
Kuri Cisco
( M 1971 b Danseur )
Cisco Sakura
( M 1977 b Match Won )
Katsu Happy
( M 1978 dk b The Pale )
Katsu Parade
( M 1979 b The Patient )
( H 1980 b Siliconn ) 3 Wins
( H 1983 b Faberge )
Tozai Shin
( H 1985 b Sakura Shori )
Mariquita Linda
( M 1987 dk b No Attention )
Hida Cisco
( M 1988 ch No Attention )
Kurihide 1976
( H 1976 b Bee Bee Bee )
Kurihide 1977
( H 1977 b Bee Bee Bee )
Kurihide 1978
( H 1978 ch Ladiga )
Point Maker
( M 1980 ch Bold Lad )
Mogami Point
( M 1985 b Maruzensky ) 3 Wins
Mogami Maker
( H 1987 dk b Royal Coach )
Mogami Nido
( M 1988 ch Artaius )
Haya Point
( H 1989 b Limber Dancer )
Haya Marine
( M 1991 b Sadler's Lad )
( M 1992 b Sakura Sedansky )
Point Maker 1993
( M 1993 dk b Maruzen Star ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Nakahama Fudo O
( H 1994 b Zalazl )
Keiai Mystery
( M 1995 b Maruzensky )
Nike Magic
( H 1996 b Maruzensky ) 3 Wins , 1 Win (NAR)
Yamano Venus
( M 1999 b Last Tycoon )
Maruzen Oja
( H 1981 b Maruzensky )
4th Dam Kentucky
( M 1947 ch Diolite )
Kuri Homare
( M 1953 ch Greylord )
Kuritsu Hime
( M 1959 b Hakuryo )
Kuri Masaru
( M 1960 ch Kurino Hana )
Kuri Marron
( M 1964 ch Kurino Hana )
Kentucky 1954
( M 1954 ch Kurino Hana )
( H 1955 ch Kurino Hana )
( M 1956 ch Kurino Hana )
( M 1961 ch Galcador )
( M 1963 ch Tiepolo )
Great Isami
( M 1964 b Tiepolo )
Toyo Fuji
( M 1967 ch Beau Prince )
Kuri Hard
( M 1968 ch Die Hard )
Gold Runner
( M 1969 b Indiana )
Ho Hard
( M 1970 ch Die Hard )
Daitaku Brains
( M 1975 b Tesco Boy )
Kentucky Queen
( M 1978 b Badakshaan )
Kurisumire 1981
( H 1981 ch Dapper Dan )
Kentucky 1959
( M 1959 ch Kurino Hana )
( M 1965 b Wallaby )
Kuri Way
( M 1968 b Solonaway )
( H 1969 Die Hard )
Kuri Serena
( M 1971 ch Dapper )
Kentucky no Ichi
( M 1974 ch Dapper )
Maruichi Suki
( M 1976 ch Libribot )
Kuri Bay
( H 1961 ch Kurino Hana )
Kentucky 1963
( M 1963 ch Kurino Hana )
Kuri Lemon
( M 1969 b Indiana )
Katsu Minato
( M 1970 ch Dapper )
( M 1971 ch Dapper )
Kuri Sky
( M 1973 ch Dapper )
( M 1975 ch Dapper )
Blazing Star
( H 1978 b Diatome )
Kuri Teito
( M 1964 ch Kurino Hana )
Kuri Teito 1970
( H 1970 Dapper )
Tei Dapper
( M 1972 ch Dapper )
Rikiai Green
( M 1978 ch Richboy )
Marine Daughter
( M 1980 ch Bold Lad )
Might Sumisky
( M 1981 b Maruzensky )
Kuri Teito 1983
( H 1983 ch Bravo )
Makoto Ginsa
( H 1984 b English Prince ) 2 Wins
Kuri Teito 1985
( H 1985 b Diatome )
Meiner Prinz
( H 1987 b Eastern Joy )
Kuri Kaoru
( M 1968 dk b Only For Life )
Kuri Kaoru 1973
( H 1973 Dapper )
Kuri Kaoru 1976
( H 1976 ch Kurishiba )
Only Woman
( M 1977 dk b Tribal Chief )
Dahlia Inule
( H 1980 dk b Bold Lad )
Saint Elias
( H 1981 ch Bold Lad )
Tosho Boy (1973 b )
Race Record| 3 Wins/7 Starts
Nicks 6
Leading Progeny Toyo Nice ('98 4yo+ )