


Hoyo Kotobuki 1988





Name Sex Foaled
Hoyo Kotobuki 1995 H 1995
Shuzan Ho O H 1994
T.M.Glorious H 1992
Yamajin Kotobuki M 1990
Hoyo Kotobuki 1989 H 1989
Hoyo Kotobuki 1987 H 1987
Hard to Willow H 1986
Millionaire M 1985
Eleven Nine H 1984
Dokan King H 1983
Kikuno Kotobuki M 1981


Name Sex Foaled
Queen Suzuran M 1985
Kikuno Suzuran 1984 H 1984
Kikuno Suzuran 1982 H 1982
Kikuno Chigusa M 1978
Kikuno Suzuran 1975 H 1975
Kikuno Suzuran 1974 H 1974
Kikuno Suzuran 1973 H 1973
Kikuno Yamato M 1972
Kikuno Suzuran 1971 H 1971
Kikuno Arrow M 1970
Kikunoueh M 1969
Kikuno Flower M 1968


Hoyo Kotobuki (1977 b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Family Line
Dam Hoyo Kotobuki
( M 1977 b No Le Hace )
Kikuno Kotobuki
( M 1981 b Madang )
Inter Magical
( H 1986 b Maruzensky ) 3 Wins
Top World
( M 1989 dk b Maruzensky )
( M 1992 b Maruzensky )
Kikuno Kotobuki 1996
( M 1996 ch Opera House ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Dokan King
( H 1983 b King of Darby )
Eleven Nine
( H 1984 b Lombardo )
( M 1985 b Nonoalco )
( H 1990 dk b Hawaiian Image ) 1 Win
Millionaire 1991
( H 1991 b Nagurski )
Rugger Fact
( H 1994 b Carroll House ) 1 Win
Little Wing
( M 1995 ch Fotitieng )
Good Wing
( M 1996 b Rousillon ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Millionaire 1997
( H 1997 dk b Crystal Glitters ) 1 Win (NAR)
Millionaire 1998
( H 1998 ch Mining ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Art Scene
( M 2000 ch King Glorious ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Millionaire 2001
( M 2001 ch Brocco )
Hoyo Kotobuki 1987
( H 1987 ch Ladiga )
Yamajin Kotobuki
( M 1990 b King of Darby ) 1 Win
( H 1992 b King Glorious ) 1 Win
Shuzan Ho O
( H 1994 dk b King Glorious ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Hoyo Kotobuki 1995
( H 1995 b Mejiro Durren ) 1 Win (NAR)
2nd Dam Kikuno Suzuran
( M 1962 dk b )
Kikuno Flower
( M 1968 b Atrax )
Grand Slam
( M 1976 dk b Sieze Command )
Kikuno Satsuki
( M 1977 b Fidalgo )
Nice Feeling
( M 1980 b Cochectone )
Happy Ehime
( M 1981 b Kaburaya O )
( M 1982 b Maruzensky )
Hoyo Wind
( M 1986 ch Sandy Creek )
( M 1969 dk b Indiana )
Kikunoueh 1977
( M 1977 dk b Capito )
Kikuno Arrow
( M 1970 dk b Indiana )
Hoyo Arrow
( M 1976 dk b Diatome )
Arrow Family
( M 1977 b First Family )
Hokuto Karen
( M 1979 dk b Diatome )
Hokuto Element
( H 1981 ch Bold Lad )
Suzuran Seiko
( M 1984 b Bingo Garoo ) 4 Wins
Kikuno Yamato
( M 1972 dk b Fidalgo )
Kikuno Nadeshiko
( M 1977 dk b No Le Hace )
Kikuno Black O
( H 1981 dk b Arrow Express )
Kikuno Yamato O
( H 1989 b Vitiges )
Kikuno Chigusa
( M 1978 b No Le Hace )
Laurel Chigusa
( M 1985 dk b Monte Prince )
Kakino Manazuru
( H 1986 b Bingo Garoo ) 4 Wins
Tokai Chigusa
( H 1987 dk b Saruno King ) 4 Wins
Kyoshin Chigusa
( M 1988 dk b Artaius ) 2 Wins
Kyoshin Goku
( H 1989 b Shakapour )
Kyoshin Suzuran
( M 1990 dk b Maruzen Star )
Marutaka Ryu O
( H 1991 dk b Saruno King ) 1 Win
Tanino Chigusa
( M 1993 b Mr. C. B. )
3rd Dam Tokinosuzuran
( M 1954 dk b Rising Flame )
Tokinosuzuran 1963
( M 1963 dk b Tulyartos )
Hoyo Hikaru
( H 1967 b Limbo )
Hoyo Eikan
( M 1968 dk b Fidalgo )
( H 1969 Larkspur )
Hoyo Suzuran
( M 1970 b Really Regal )
( M 1964 dk b Atrax )
Suzu Daniel
( M 1971 blk Only For Life )
Host Apo
( M 1966 dk b Apostle )
( M 1970 b Shinzan )
Host Apo 1972
( H 1972 Die Hard )
Host Apo 1974
( H 1974 Nadir )
Host Apo 1976
( H 1976 ch Shinzan )
Dokan Shinzan
( M 1978 dk b Shinzan )
Host Apo 1979
( H 1979 b Irish Ball )
Marvelous Pit
( H 1980 dk b Intermezzo )
Tai Takashi
( M 1981 dk b Tai Tehm )
Host Apo 1982
( H 1982 b Sportsky )
Speed Henry
( H 1985 dk b Nonoalco )
Nishio Holmes
( M 1986 dk b )
Host Apo 1987
( M 1987 dk b Tanzor )
Yoshino Suzuran
( M 1967 b Gay Time )
Hoyo Shizuka
( M 1975 b Fidalgo )
Grey Phoenix
( M 1979 gr Lanark )
Hoyo Darby
( M 1981 b King of Darby )
Tokino Zipangu
( H 1986 dk b Catahoula )
4th Dam 1935
( M 1935 b Athford )
Dashing Lass
( M 1950 gr Dashing )
Dashing Lass 1958
( M 1958 b )
( M 1960 gr Limbo )
Dashing Lass 1962
( M 1962 gr Ferriol )
Meiji Zakura
( M 1964 gr Tiepolo )
( H 1953 Marutake )
( H 1956 Toshishiro )
No Le Hace (1969 ch )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Nicks 5
Leading Progeny Kyoshin Chigusa ('93 4yo+ )

Hoyo Kotobuki 1988 MENU