


Tsurumaru Yaeko




6.25%  5x5
Royal Charger
6.25%  5x5


Name Sex Foaled
Sweet Tholon 1991 H 1991
Speed Rugger H 1988
Marubutsu Noble H 1986
Marubutsu Tholon H 1984
Sweet Tholon 1983 M 1983
Sweet Girl M 1982
Sweet Tholon 1981 M 1981


Name Sex Foaled
Next Homare H 1989
Next Cherry M 1988
World Dandy H 1986
Kinga Jo O M 1985
Fin Tesco M 1984
Shin Turbo H 1983
Rikisan Star H 1982
Sweet Virgo 1981 M 1981
Sweet Virgo 1980 M 1980
Lanapur Leo M 1978


Sweet Tholon (1977 b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Family Line
Dam Sweet Tholon
( M 1977 b Partholon )
Sweet Girl
( M 1982 b Never Beat )
Light Wave
( H 1987 b Personality )
Bandam Sara
( M 1988 b Tosho Luthier )
Great Kumiko
( M 1989 b Mill Koji )
Dumpty City
( H 1990 dk b Pencil Pusher ) 1 Win
Yuki Grammy
( M 1992 ch Bamboo Atlas )
Safety Times
( H 1995 b Lead Wonder )
Marubutsu Tholon
( H 1984 b Manado ) 2 Wins
Marubutsu Noble
( H 1986 b Tosho Boy ) 4 Wins
Speed Rugger
( H 1988 ch Sakura Yutaka O ) 1 Win
Tsurumaru Yaeko
( M 1989 b Maruzensky ) 1 Win
Kanetsu Ryan
( M 1995 ch Mejiro Ryan )
Tsurumaru Yaeko 1996
( H 1996 ch Real Shadai ) 5 Wins (NAR)
( H 2002 gr Tamamo Cross ) 1 Win (NAR)
Keiai Richard
( H 2003 b Sakura Bakushin O ) 1 Win (NAR)
Blood Good
( H 2006 b Mejiro Bailey )
2nd Dam Sweet Virgo
( M 1972 b )
Lanapur Leo
( M 1978 dk b Partholon )
Shyness Boy
( H 1985 ch Crowned Prince ) 2 Wins
Hokota Leo
( M 1987 b Horisky )
Sweet Virgo 1980
( M 1980 dk b Model Fool )
Rikisan Star
( H 1982 ch Gay Lussac )
Shin Turbo
( H 1983 b Arrow Express ) 1 Win
Fin Tesco
( M 1984 b Tesco Boy ) 1 Win
Fin Tesco 1993
( H 1993 b Anfield )
Kinga Jo O
( M 1985 ch Hopefully On )
World Dandy
( H 1986 dk b Sir Penfro ) 1 Win
Next Homare
( H 1989 ch Tosho Boy )
3rd Dam Golden Ring
( M 1963 b Gilles de Retz )
Sweet Gold
( M 1967 ch Pampered King )
Symboli Company
( H 1977 b Partholon )
Miyako Grand
( H 1978 b Partholon )
Sweet Richard
( M 1979 b Partholon )
Sweet Boston
( M 1980 dk b Bold Symboli )
Symboli Karl
( H 1981 b Partholon ) 2 Wins
Tokyo Shimbun Hai (G3)
Epsom Cup (G3)
Sweet Jeausainte
( M 1983 b Bold Symboli ) 2 Wins
Sweet Horn
( M 1984 dk b Bold Symboli )
Glarner Symboli
( H 1985 b Partholon )
Thomas Symboli
( H 1986 b Empery )
Abydos Symboli
( H 1987 ch Harly )
Sweet Lark
( M 1969 dk b Partholon )
Pink Mink
( M 1975 b Venture )
Sweet Lark 1976
( M 1976 b Remand )
Miyako Laurier
( H 1977 b Faberge )
Sweet Madrid
( M 1980 dk b Fidion )
Sweet Lark 1981
( H 1981 dk b Bold Lad )
Opti Two
( G 1983 b Mogami )
Berg Meister
( H 1984 dk b Mogami ) 3 Wins
NHK Hai (G2)
Berg Fahne
( M 1987 b Empery )
4th Dam Eastern Time
( M 1953 ch Palestine )
Queen of Isis
( M 1964 b Sayajirao )
Queen of Isis 1969  [GB
( M 1969 dk b Ragusa )
Partholon (1960 b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Nicks 37
Leading Progeny Nehai Victory ('93 CHUNICHI SHIMBUN HAI (G3))

Tsurumaru Yaeko MENU