


Cheers Century




Lady Angela
9.38%  5x4
6.25%  5x5


Name Sex Foaled
Dyna Century 2001 M 2001
Dyna Century 1999 M 1999
Dyna Century 1996 H 1996
Dyna Century 1994 H 1994
George Akiyo M 1993
Dyna Century 1992 M 1992
Speed Victoria M 1991
Stock Holder H 1988


Name Sex Foaled
Chabanaise 1981 M 1981
Dyna Hunter H 1980
Tropical Dyna M 1978
Ran Ran Ryuen M 1977


Dyna Century (1982 ch )
Race Record| 2 Wins/8 Starts
Family Line
Dam Dyna Century
( M 1982 ch Northern Taste ) 2 Wins
Stock Holder
( H 1988 b No Lute )
Cheers Century
( H 1989 b No Lute ) 5 Wins
Speed Victoria
( M 1991 b Mr. C. B. )
Speed Alex
( H 1996 b Arcangues ) 1 Win , 10 Wins (NAR)
Speed Windsor
( H 1997 b Tokai Teio )
Speed Ark
( H 1998 ch Fraise ) 10 Wins (NAR)
General Frost
( H 2001 gr Ski Captain )
( H 2003 b Tight Spot )
Broad Arrow
( M 2004 b Speed World )
Double Flavor
( M 2006 ch Speed World ) 1 Win
Heart Vine
( M 2009 gr Speed World )
Amber Road
( H 2011 b Toho Emperor ) 1 Win
Dyna Century 1992
( M 1992 b Mr. C. B. ) 1 Win (NAR)
George Akiyo
( M 1993 ch Mill George )
Edono Lake
( H 1998 ch Heart Lake ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
Edono Country
( H 1999 b Fusaichi Concorde ) 1 Win (NAR)
Edono Century
( H 2000 b Carnegie ) 4 Wins (NAR)
French Musume
( M 2002 ch French Deputy ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
Edono Ski
( H 2003 b Adjudicating ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Edono Espoir
( H 2004 b Tanino Gimlet ) 1 Win
Dash Akichan
( M 2005 dk b Stay Gold ) 2 Wins
Edono Jelimo
( M 2006 ch Special Week )
Of Sienne
( M 2007 dk b Bago )
Edono Kimitsu
( H 2010 ch Came Home ) 10 Wins (NAR)
Dyna Century 1996
( H 1996 ch Mill George ) 1 Win (NAR)
Dyna Century 2001
( M 2001 b Damister ) 1 Win (NAR)
2nd Dam Chabanaise
( M 1972 ch Snob )
Ran Ran Ryuen
( M 1977 b Partholon )
Dyna Sekito
( H 1984 ch Northern Taste ) 3 Wins
Sakura Kyoun
( H 1985 ch Northern Taste ) 3 Wins
Sepik Blue
( M 1988 ch Northern Taste ) 1 Win
( M 1990 dk b Thrill Show )
Coral Reef
( M 1986 ch Real Shadai )
Tropical Sound
( M 1987 ch Real Shadai ) 1 Win
Tayasu Sound
( H 1988 b Pas de Seul )
Tropical Make
( M 1989 ch Real Shadai ) 3 Wins
Yoshi Cosmique
( H 1994 ch Ebros ) 4 Wins
( M 1999 b Tosho Pegasus )
Dyna Hunter
( H 1980 b Huntercombe )
3rd Dam La Chamade
( M 1965 b Blockhaus )
Fabulissima  [FR
( M 1971 ch Le Fabuleux )
Futo Dia
( M 1979 ch Dandy Lute )
Fabulissima 1983
( H 1983 ch Richboy )
Storm Girl
( M 1984 ch Nichido Arashi )
Meisho Idaten
( H 1985 ch Grundy )
Meisho Sayuri
( M 1986 b Lucky Sovereign ) 3 Wins
Fabulissima 1987
( H 1987 ch Hot Spark )
Haut Blume
( M 1989 ch Meisho King )
La Chamade 1977
( H 1977 dk b Model Fool )
Paris Dash
( M 1978 dk b Model Fool )
Great Victory
( H 1984 b Lombardo ) 3 Wins
Shinsei Bald
( H 1985 dk b Baldric ) 2 Wins
Paris Flex
( H 1986 b Nichido Arashi )
( M 1987 dk b Garoto )
Real Super
( M 1988 b Nichido Arashi )
Iide Trot
( H 1989 dk b Long Mick ) 2 Wins
Paris Dash 1990
( H 1990 b Long Mick )
Paris Dash 1991
( M 1991 dk b )
Omi Amade
( M 1992 dk b Inari One )
Paris Dash 1993
( H 1993 b Gadabout )
Tenjin Homare
( H 1994 dk b Gadabout )
Omi Maestro
( H 1995 b Gadabout ) 8 Wins (NAR)
Paris Dash 1996
( H 1996 b Wassl Touch ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Paris Dash 1997
( M 1997 dk b Hishi Masaru )
Paris Dash 1998
( H 1998 b Wassl Touch ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Dandy Oscar
( M 1979 dk b Wild Winter )
Dandy Oscar 1986
( M 1986 b Nizon )
( M 1987 dk b Lucky Ruler )
Dandy Oscar 1989
( H 1989 dk b Lucky Ruler )
Dyna Charade
( M 1983 dk b Huntercombe )
4th Dam Alizetta
( M 1960 b Alizier )
Goodly  [FR
( H 1966 b Snob )
Leysin  [FR
( H 1967 dk b Cambremont )
Alizetta 1971
( H 1971 Snob )
Toufuku Banbuh  [FR
( M 1972 b Le Fabuleux )
Alphabet J.  [USA
( M 1974 gr Zeddaan )
Alphabet J. 1979
( M 1979 b Astec )
Hokuso George
( H 1982 b Erimo George ) 1 Win
Erimo Noble
( M 1975 b Vaguely Noble )
Noble Shadai
( H 1979 b Hard to Beat ) 1 Win
Daring Power
( H 1980 b Tesco Boy )
Erimo Noble 1981
( H 1981 b Lypheor )
Takeno Noble
( M 1982 b Personality )
Sachino Prest
( M 1984 b Hokuto Boy ) 2 Wins
Miho Tokiwa
( H 1986 b Diatome ) 1 Win
Erimo Rider
( H 1987 b Erimo Taiyo ) 2 Wins
French Passer
( M 1988 b Ile de Bourbon ) 2 Wins
Erimo Captain
( H 1989 b Ile de Bourbon ) 4 Wins
Erimo Soliste
( H 1990 b Rivlia )
Erimo Jaguar
( H 1991 ch Brian's Time ) 1 Win
Machikane Yamahosi
( G 1992 b Adjudicating ) 1 Win
Erimo Noble 1995
( M 1995 ch Dahar ) 1 Win (NAR)
Asukara Commando
( H 1996 b Vision ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Erimo Noble 1997
( M 1997 gr Misil ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Santo Dandy
( H 1998 b Fotitieng ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Bella Leet
( M 1976 b Eastern Fleet )
Bella Leet 1980
( M 1980 b Gay Saint )
Sankyo Blessed
( M 1982 b So Blessed )
Hayato Brown
( H 1985 b Sandy Creek )
Hayato Speed
( M 1986 b River Marne )
Hayato Million
( H 1987 b Rheingold )
Lyphard Sansei
( H 1993 b Garoto )
Northern Taste (1971 ch )
Race Record| 5 Wins/20 Starts
Nicks 49
Leading Progeny Broad Mind ('93 NAKAYAMA DAISHOGAI (AUTUMN) ())

Cheers Century MENU