


Stage Champ

ステージチャンプDark BayHorseRetired



Lady Angela
9.38%  5x4
6.25%  5x5


Name Sex Foaled
Best Location M 2005
Nanyo Heaven H 2004
Lyric Stage M 2002
Set Phrase H 2001
Act Naturally H 1999
Stage to Run M 1998
Saikyo Roman M 1997
Ragtime Sunday G 1996
Tre Ensemble M 1995
Running Heroine M 1993
Prime Stage M 1992


Name Sex Foaled
Princess Arnia M 1986
Sakura Teruno O H 1982
Stellar Sport M 1981


Dyna Actress (1983 b )
Race Record| 7 Wins/19 Starts
Family Line
Dam Dyna Actress
( M 1983 b Northern Taste ) 7 Wins , JRA Best Older Filly or Mare(1987, 1988)
Mainichi Okan (G2), Sprinters Stakes (G2), Keio Hai Spring Cup (G2), Keio Hai Autumn Handicap (G3)
Yasuda Kinen (G1), Sanspo Yonsai Himba Tokubetsu (G2), Keio Hai Spring Cup (G2)
Yushun Himba (Japanese Oaks) (G1), Japan Cup (G1)
Stage Champ
( H 1990 dk b Real Shadai ) 4 Wins
Nikkei Sho (G2), Stayers Stakes (G3)
Kikuka Sho (G1), Tenno Sho (Spring) (G1), Nikkei Sho (G2), Copa Republica Argentina (G2), Nikkan Sports Sho Kimpai (G3)
Yayoi Sho (G2), American Jockey Club Cup (G2), Copa Republica Argentina (G2), American Jockey Club Cup (G2), Stayers Stakes (G3)
Prime Stage
( M 1992 dk b Sunday Silence ) 3 Wins
Sapporo Sansai Stakes (G3), Fairy Stakes (G3)
Rose Stakes (G2), Queen Cup (G3)
Oka Sho (Japanese 1000 Guineas) (G1), Tulip Sho (G3)
( G 1999 b Helissio ) 2 Wins
( M 2000 b Dancing Brave ) 2 Wins , 5 Wins (NAR)
Prime Actress
( M 2002 b El Condor Pasa ) 3 Wins
Air Subic
( H 2003 b Fusaichi Concorde ) 1 Win
( G 2004 dk b Tanino Gimlet ) 7 Wins
Tokyo Shimbun Hai (G3), Fuji Stakes (G3)
F T Actress
( M 2005 dk b Falbrav ) 2 Wins
Stage Nerve
( G 2009 dk b Falbrav ) 1 Win , 9 Wins (NAR)
Gimmakuno Heroine
( M 2011 ch Grass Wonder ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Satono Bullet
( G 2013 b Workforce )
Show Time
( M 2014 b Workforce ) 1 Win (NAR)
Special Heart
( H 1998 ch Heart Lake )
No Matter What
( M 2000 dk b Soul of the Matter ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
Remember Dream
( M 2002 blk Jade Robbery ) 3 Wins
Running Heroine 2003
( H 2003 b Sakura Laurel ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Screen Hero
( H 2004 ch Grass Wonder ) 5 Wins , JRA Best Older Colt or Horse(2008)
Japan Cup (G1), Copa Republica Argentina (G2)
Tenno Sho (Autumn) (G1), Radio Nikkei Sho (G3)
St. Lite Kinen (G2)
Cocktail Lounge
( M 2005 b Tanino Gimlet ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Center Stage
( M 2006 b Swept Overboard ) 4 Wins
Run to the Lead
( M 2008 dk b Tanino Gimlet ) 1 Win
Blonde Heroine
( M 2010 ch Grass Wonder ) 2 Wins (NAR)
( M 2011 b Conduit )
Tre Ensemble
( M 1995 b Tony Bin )
Tread the Board
( H 2001 dk b Special Week ) 9 Wins (NAR)
Maruka Rascal
( H 2002 dk b Grass Wonder ) 10 Wins , JRA Best Steeplechase Horse(2006)
Nakayama Daishogai, Nakayama Grand Jump
Nakayama Daishogai
Tre Ensemble 2003
( M 2003 b Special Week ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Tribute Song
( H 2005 b Grass Wonder ) 5 Wins
Niigata Jump Stakes
Soulful Voice
( M 2007 b King Kamehameha ) 4 Wins
Fukushima Himba Stakes (G3)
Fancy Vivid
( M 2008 ch Falbrav )
Encore Piece
( M 2009 dk b Neo Universe ) 1 Win
Tremolo Arm
( H 2011 dk b Deep Impact ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Sotto Voce
( M 2013 b Victoire Pisa ) 10 Wins (NAR)
Loure Chanter
( M 2014 dk b Victoire Pisa )
Satono Emerald
( H 2015 b King Kamehameha ) 4 Wins
Hanshin Jump Stakes
Derma Dijon
( M 2016 b Workforce )
Ragtime Sunday
( G 1996 ch Sunday Silence ) 1 Win
Saikyo Roman
( M 1997 ch Sunday Silence ) 1 Win
Saikyo King
( G 2003 dk b Commander in Chief ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Saikyo Hikari
( M 2004 ch French Deputy ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Saikyo Tsubaki
( M 2005 ch Mayano Top Gun ) 1 Win (NAR)
Saikyo Asakaze
( H 2006 ch King Kamehameha ) 18 Wins (NAR)
God Cantata
( M 2010 b Fasliyev )
Allie Belle Femme
( M 2011 b Fasliyev ) 1 Win (NAR)
( G 2013 gr Kurofune ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Uradora Blues
( H 2014 ch Harbinger )
Yusei Fever
( M 2016 b Civil War )
You Are the King
( H 2018 ch Apollo Sonic ) 8 Wins (NAR)
Stage to Run
( M 1998 ch Brian's Time ) 1 Win
Elegant Stage
( M 2006 ch Neo Universe ) 1 Win
( M 2007 dk b Fuji Kiseki )
Act Naturally
( H 1999 ch Sunday Silence ) 3 Wins
Set Phrase
( H 2001 b Helissio ) 11 Wins (NAR)
Lyric Stage
( M 2002 dk b Special Week )
Nanyo Heaven
( H 2004 b Special Week ) 1 Win
Best Location
( M 2005 gr Kurofune ) 5 Wins
Kyoto Himba Stakes (G3)
Keeneland Cup (G3)
Best Actor
( G 2014 gr Deep Impact ) 6 Wins
Hankyu Hai (G3)
( G 2015 b Victoire Pisa ) 1 Win
( M 2016 dk b Just a Way ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Grand Erg
( M 2019 b Duramente )
( H 2020 gr Isla Bonita ) 2 Wins
Scenic View
( H 2021 gr Kizuna ) 1 Win (NAR)
2nd Dam Model Sport
( M 1975 dk b Model Fool )
Stellar Sport
( M 1981 b Nizon )
Shootin' Star
( M 1989 b Thrill Show )
Sunshine Stellar
( M 1990 b Tony Bin )
Stellar Sport 1994
( M 1994 ch Mill George ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Brightia River
( M 1997 b Arcangues )
Stellar Sport 1998
( M 1998 dk b Arcangues )
Cool Eye Make
( M 2001 b Tax Paradise ) 12 Wins (NAR)
Stellar Sport 2002
( H 2002 b Yamanin Zephyr ) 1 Win (NAR)
Sakura Teruno O
( H 1982 b Northern Taste ) 1 Win
Dramatic Hero
( H 1991 dk b Tony Bin )
Meisho Orihime
( M 1992 b Tony Bin )
Dynamic March
( H 1993 ch Hector Protector ) 1 Win
( H 1996 ch Hector Protector ) 1 Win
3rd Dam Magic Goddess
( M 1968 ch Red God )
Shadai Goddess
( M 1976 ch High Hat )
Magic Dyna
( H 1980 ch Office Dancer )
Dyna Tailor
( H 1982 ch Northern Taste ) 1 Win
Dyna Eve
( M 1983 ch Northern Taste )
Hamanasu Nizon
( H 1984 ch Nizon ) 3 Wins
Five Dancer
( H 1977 ch Northern Taste )
4th Dam Like Magic
( M 1955 ch Sun Again )
Northern Taste (1971 ch )
Race Record| 5 Wins/20 Starts
Nicks 205
Leading Progeny Stage Champ ('94 NIKKEI SHO (G2))