


King of the Road




Northern Dancer
12.50%  4x4
Nasrullah, Malindi
6.25%  5x5


Name Sex Foaled
Dancing King H 2003
King Neutrino H 2002
Bamboo Dancer 2001 M 2001
Bamboo Dancer 1999 M 1999
Mie Dancer M 1998
Eighty Sister M 1994


Name Sex Foaled
Funny Bamboo 1993 H 1993
Funny Bamboo 1992 M 1992
Yusei Hiryu H 1991
Funny Bamboo 1989 M 1989
Funny Bamboo 1988 M 1988
Eighty Maker M 1987
Koln Beauty M 1985
Funny Bamboo 1984 M 1984
Eiyu Princess M 1983
Keiyu Daio H 1982
Funny Bamboo 1981 H 1981
Funny Bamboo 1980 H 1980


Bamboo Dancer (1986 dk b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Family Line
Dam Bamboo Dancer
( M 1986 dk b Five Dancer )
King of the Road
( H 1992 b Blacksky ) 32 Wins (NAR)
Eighty Sister
( M 1994 ch Great Roman ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Eighty Sister 2002
( M 2002 b King Glorious ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Mie Dancer
( M 1998 ch Nehai Caesar )
Bamboo Dancer 1999
( M 1999 dk b Yaeno Muteki ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Bamboo Dancer 2001
( M 2001 b Long Neutrino ) 1 Win (NAR)
Dancing King
( H 2003 dk b Long Neutrino ) 12 Wins (NAR)
2nd Dam Funny Bamboo
( M 1976 dk b Prompt )
Keiyu Daio
( H 1982 ch Kitano Daio )
Eiyu Princess
( M 1983 ch Kitano Daio )
Eiyu Rose
( M 1988 ch Shin Wolf )
Eiyu Princess 1993
( M 1993 b )
Eiyu Princess 1994
( H 1994 ch Nishino Etranger ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Koln Beauty
( M 1985 ch My Swallow ) 3 Wins
Kiyomasa Nishiki
( H 1992 ch Anfield )
Koln Beauty 1993
( H 1993 ch Ibn Bey ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Koln Beauty 1994
( H 1994 ch Ebros ) 8 Wins (NAR)
Koln Beauty 1995
( H 1995 ch Super Creek ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Koln Beauty 1996
( H 1996 ch Gadabout ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Royal Prin
( M 1998 b Symboli Rudolf )
Koln Beauty 1999
( M 1999 ch Ski Captain ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Koln Beauty 2000
( M 2000 ch Yaeno Muteki ) 10 Wins (NAR)
Eighty Maker
( M 1987 b Fate Maker )
Eighty Maker 1995
( M 1995 b Long Neutrino ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Eighty Maker 1997
( H 1997 ch Long Neutrino ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Eighty Maker 1998
( M 1998 b Long Neutrino ) 1 Win (NAR)
Yusei Hiryu
( H 1991 b Nishinosky ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Funny Bamboo 1992
( M 1992 dk b Haiseiko )
3rd Dam Banbuhninbasu
( M 1971 dk b Polic )
Banbuhninbasu 1975
( M 1975 ch Atan )
4th Dam Nimbus Bamboo
( M 1964 ch Nimbus )
Temple Bamboo
( M 1973 ch Prompt )
Temple Bamboo 1978
( M 1978 ch Aranas )
Manjuden Rod
( H 1979 ch )
Kenryu Beat
( M 1980 b Hard to Beat )
Ibuki Master
( H 1982 ch Only For Life )
Water Polo
( H 1984 ch ) 2 Wins
Manjuden Mach
( H 1985 ch )
Temple Bamboo 1986
( H 1986 b )
( M 1989 gr Mendez )
Orange Nimbus
( M 1976 ch Fast Bamboo )
Bamboo Hunter
( H 1980 dk b Moubariz ) 4 Wins
Bamboo Rocky
( H 1981 ch Nizon )
Bamboo Player
( H 1982 ch Gentilhombre )
Sour Bamboo
( M 1983 ch Gentilhombre ) 2 Wins
Bamboo John
( H 1984 ch Bamboo Atlas ) 2 Wins
Orange Chanson
( M 1986 gr Habat )
Orange Nimbus 1988
( H 1988 b Junius )
Ethnic Bamboo
( M 1990 dk b Bamboo Atlas )
Bamboo Loulan
( H 1992 ch Authaal )
Madonna Bamboo
( M 1978 b Moubariz )
Bamboo Memory
( H 1985 ch Morning Frolic ) 8 Wins , JRA Best Sprinter or Miler(1989, 1990)
Yasuda Kinen (G1), Sprinters Stakes (G1), Swan Stakes (G2), Takamatsunomiya Hai (G2)
Mile Championship (G1), Mile Championship (G1), Takamatsunomiya Hai (G2), CBC Sho (G2)
Tenno Sho (Autumn) (G1), Yasuda Kinen (G1)
Disco Bamboo
( M 1986 b Bamboo Atlas )
Bamboo Lumiere
( H 1988 b Wassl Touch ) 4 Wins
Bamboo Genesis
( H 1989 dk b Bamboo Atlas ) 8 Wins
March Stakes (G3)
Winter Stakes (G3)
Magical Bamboo
( M 1991 b Shakapour )
Bamboo Ronfa
( H 1992 ch Rousillon )
Bamboo Rico
( H 1993 b Bamboo Begin ) 2 Wins , 1 Win (NAR)
Bamboo Tama O
( H 1996 ch Dr Devious ) 1 Win
( M 1997 gr Misil )
Bamboo Ali Baba
( H 1998 ch Bamboo Begin ) 9 Wins (NAR)
Athena Bamboo
( M 1979 b Astec )
Honey Bamboo
( M 1980 ch Jogging )
Five Dancer (1977 ch )
Race Record| 0 Win/1 Start
Nicks 3
Leading Progeny King of the Road

King of the Road MENU