


My Achievement




6.25%  5x5


Name Sex Foaled
Asahi Rise H 2002
Ceres Victoria M 2001
Theatrical Art H 2000
Artistic Idea 1999 M 1999
Miyabi Aster M 1998
Artistic Idea 1994 H 1994
Groom Rex G 1993


Name Sex Foaled
Pekinoise M 1994
Daily Busy M 1981


Artistic Idea (1987 ch )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Family Line
Dam Artistic Idea
( M 1987 ch Kris )
My Achievement
( M 1992 b Groom Dancer ) 1 Win
Er Dandy
( H 1997 ch Erhaab )
Able Mind
( H 1999 b Bubble Gum Fellow ) 1 Win
My Achievement 2002
( H 2002 b Soul of the Matter ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Groom Rex
( G 1993 ch Groom Dancer )
Miyabi Aster
( M 1998 ch Dance in the Dark ) 1 Win
Miyabi Ganon
( H 2003 ch Scan )
Miyabi Aster 2004
( M 2004 b Scan ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Miyabi Aster 2005
( M 2005 ch Agnes Digital ) 1 Win (NAR)
Miyabi Aster 2006
( H 2006 dk b Eishin Preston ) 1 Win (NAR)
Theatrical Art
( H 2000 b Carnegie ) 2 Wins
Asahi Rise
( H 2002 b High-Rise )
2nd Dam Dandy Bury
( M 1975 dk b Exbury )
Daily Busy
( M 1981 dk b Trepan )
El la Foret
( H 1990 b Halo )
Pin Phantom
( H 1991 b Theatrical ) 1 Win
Pia Jacqueline
( M 1992 Manila )
Black Feather
( H 1993 dk b Alwuhush )
Pia Leopard
( M 1995 b Alwuhush )
Alpha Lausanne
( M 1997 dk b El Gran Senor ) 1 Win
( M 1994 Zoffany )
Setono Esper
( H 1999 dk b Desert King ) 1 Win , 3 Wins (NAR)
3rd Dam Relict
( M 1958 b Relic )
( H 1963 ch Prince Taj )
( M 1965 ch Prudent )
( M 1970 ch Bon Mot )
( M 1971 ch Exbury )
Dandy Lute
( H 1972 b Luthier )
( M 1974 b Diatome )
Excela  [FR
( M 1973 blk Exbury )
Excela 1979
( M 1979 b Valmur )
Excela 1980
( H 1980 dk b Haku Hosho )
Excela 1981
( H 1981 dk b Hishi Alaska )
Excela 1983
( M 1983 dk b Lucky Ruler )
Excela 1984
( M 1984 dk b Hishi Speed )
Excela 1985
( H 1985 dk b Hishi Speed )
Excela 1986
( M 1986 dk b Lucky Ruler )
Hishi Relic
( M 1989 ch Milford )
Excela 1990
( M 1990 ch Kushiro King )
4th Dam Fakhry
( M 1940 ch Mahmoud )
Amour Bey
( M 1952 b Bey )
Narangita  [GB
( M 1957 dk b Narrator )
Daralia  [GB
( M 1958 ch Darius )
Amenerdis  [GB
( M 1962 b Worden )
Princess Badoura  [GB
( M 1954 ch Pardal )
Lady Sophia
( M 1966 ch Quinault )
( M 1970 ch Quinault )
Sanshu Midori
( H 1972 ch Quinault )
Swanswood Grove  [GB
( M 1960 dk b Grey Sovereign )
Sakura Jo O
( M 1970 dk b Alcide )
Sakura Swan
( M 1971 b Mincio )
Sakura Sedan
( M 1972 b Sedan )
Sakura Grove
( M 1973 b Fidalgo )
Sakura Rudael
( M 1975 dk b Ruysdael )
Sakura Tanimasa
( M 1976 ch Neptunus )
Sakura Bambi
( M 1978 dk b Clever Fella )
Kris (1976 ch )
Race Record| 14 Wins/16 Starts
Nicks 3
Leading Progeny My Achievement ('95 3yo Maiden)

My Achievement MENU