


Ric August




9.38%  5x4


Name Sex Foaled
Towa Santa H 1998
Yusei Officer G 1996
Yusei Edison H 1995
Milky Way H 1994
Ric Orphee H 1992
Ric Fencer H 1991
Ric Music H 1990
Flamme d'Or M 1989
Young World G 1988
Italian Color H 1987
Long Merci M 1986
Star Bridge M 1985


Name Sex Foaled
Win the Ski H 1982
Lady Jewel M 1979
Koma Katsumi H 1978
Chandelier Solo 1975 H 1975
Chandelier Solo 1972 H 1972
Umeno Komaki M 1971
1970 M 1970
Umenoaroh M 1970


Ric Sun Sun (1980 b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Family Line
Dam Ric Sun Sun
( M 1980 b Baldric )
Star Bridge
( M 1985 b No Attention )
Star Bridge 1992
( H 1992 b Tap on Wood ) 1 Win (NAR)
Kiko Sister
( M 1995 b Hailsham )
Star Bridge 1996
( H 1996 b Grand Opera ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Miyagi Groom
( H 1997 ch Icy Groom ) 1 Win , 8 Wins (NAR)
Omiya Hanako
( M 1999 ch Hishi Akebono ) 1 Win
Star Bridge 2000
( H 2000 b Grand Opera ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Star Bridge 2003
( M 2003 b Ishino Sunday ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Star Bridge 2004
( H 2004 ch Ishino Sunday ) 1 Win (NAR)
Long Merci
( M 1986 dk b Yamaninsky )
Long Sabrina
( M 1991 dk b Anfield )
Long Maple
( M 1993 dk b Anfield )
Long Wave
( H 1994 dk b Be in Bonanza )
Long Merci 1995
( M 1995 b Nippo Teio ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Shin Summer Gold
( M 1996 dk b Ebros ) 1 Win
Long Merci 1997
( M 1997 dk b Soccer Boy ) 1 Win (NAR)
( M 1998 b Opera House ) 1 Win
King Merci
( H 1999 ch King Glorious ) 12 Wins (NAR)
Long Merci 2000
( H 2000 dk b Sakura Chitose O ) 1 Win (NAR)
Long Merci 2001
( M 2001 blk Zagreb )
Long Merci 2002
( H 2002 b Pilsudski )
Italian Color
( H 1987 b Yamaninsky ) 6 Wins
Nikkei Sho (G2)
Spring Stakes (G2), Meguro Kinen (G2)
Young World
( G 1988 dk b Gallop Dyna ) 2 Wins
Flamme d'Or
( M 1989 b Yamaninsky )
Ric Music
( H 1990 b Yamaninsky )
Ric Fencer
( H 1991 dk b Mr. C. B. ) 1 Win
Ric Orphee
( H 1992 dk b Sunday Silence ) 3 Wins
Ric August
( H 1993 b Horisky )
Milky Way
( H 1994 b Mogami )
Yusei Edison
( H 1995 b Amber Shadai )
Yusei Officer
( G 1996 b Shaadi )
Towa Santa
( H 1998 dk b Fraise )
2nd Dam Chandelier Solo
( M 1965 b Solonaway )
( M 1970 b Dicta Drake )
Umeno Komaki
( M 1971 ch Never Beat )
Tancho Queen
( M 1977 ch Skymaster )
Toshino Ichihime
( M 1979 b )
Toshino Komaki
( M 1980 ch Dapper Dan )
Umeno Komaki 1984
( H 1984 dk b Garoto )
Koma Katsumi
( H 1978 b )
Lady Jewel
( M 1979 b Tesco Boy )
Win the Ski
( H 1982 ch Kolymsky )
3rd Dam Fuku Nishiki 1954
( M 1954 ch Hiro Sakura )
Chitose Marimo
( M 1959 dk b Admiral Byrd )
Miss Marchs
( M 1967 blk Never Beat )
( M 1968 dk b Pharamond )
Grand Hiryu
( H 1976 dk b Fortino )
Chitose Marimo 1978
( H 1978 dk b Stintino )
Chitose Suwan
( M 1960 dk b Pearl Diver )
Chitose Suwan 1967
( M 1967 ch Eagle )
( M 1968 dk b Eagle )
Chitose Suwan 1972
( H 1972 dk b Boundless )
Miss Cocoana
( M 1978 ch Seafriend )
( M 1969 b Cipriani )
Long Garou
( M 1978 b Aranas )
Buddle Sancy
( H 1979 b )
Takino Kunio
( H 1974 dk b Fortino )
( M 1978 ch Kensachi O )
G.S.Chatelet 1982
( H 1982 ch Astec )
Dokan Youth
( H 1983 ch Flaming Youth )
Towa Chandelier
( M 1984 ch Nizon )
Wide Hustler
( H 1985 ch Tosho Boy ) 3 Wins
Winner's March
( H 1987 ch Sakura Shingeki ) 1 Win
( M 1988 ch Tai Tehm )
Kokura Taiki
( M 1990 ch Haiseiko )
G.S.Chatelet 1991
( M 1991 b Artaius ) 1 Win (NAR)
4th Dam Fuku Nishiki
( M 1948 ch )
( H 1955 ch Hiro Sakura )
( M 1956 dk b Toshihaya )
Okan 1962
( H 1962 )
( H 1964 blk )
Tama Okan
( M 1965 b Lavandin )
( M 1966 blk )
Okan 1968
( H 1968 )
Okan 1970
( H 1970 )
Northern Rose
( M 1972 b Cipriani )
Fair Okan
( M 1973 b Sedan )
Samson City
( H 1978 dk b Contrite )
Lord Sally
( M 1980 ch My Swallow )
( H 1963 dk b )
( M 1965 ch )
( H 1967 )
Hyaku Nishiki
( M 1968 ch )
Tai Rappu
( M 1969 ch )
Fuku Nishiki 1960
( M 1960 b )
( M 1966 b Toshihaya )
Marusan Opal
( M 1969 dk b Oshachi )
( M 1961 blk )
Sibyl Hard
( M 1971 ch Die Hard )
( M 1972 dk b Sammy Davis )
( M 1973 b Nasco )
Northern Nishiki
( M 1970 b Oshachi )
Hardy Nishiki
( M 1978 ch Remand )
Mukawa Komachi
( M 1979 b Maruzensky )
Marushin Power
( M 1983 dk b Maruzensky )
Baldric (1961 dk b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Nicks 9
Leading Progeny Baldric ('94 OP)