


Silver Create




12.50%  4x4


Name Sex Foaled
Silver Cedes 1997 H 1997
Silver Cedes 1996 M 1996
Silver Cedes 1995 H 1995
Misato Girl M 1992
Silver Cedes 1991 H 1991
Silver Cedes 1990 H 1990
Silver Special H 1989
Tsurumaru Teio H 1988
Silver Nice M 1987
Lord Cedes M 1986
Berg Kern H 1985
Silver Cedes 1984 H 1984


Name Sex Foaled
Mercedes 1983 H 1983
Tsukicedes M 1981


Silver Cedes (1980 b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Family Line
Dam Silver Cedes
( M 1980 b Coined Silver )
Silver Cedes 1984
( H 1984 b Chalet )
Berg Kern
( H 1985 b Faberge )
Lord Cedes 1993
( M 1993 ch Merry Nice )
Silver Nice 1992
( M 1992 ch Ibn Bey )
Astre Fellow
( H 1994 b Allez Milord ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
Silver Nice 1996
( H 1996 ch Celestial Storm ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Rodrigo Regina
( M 1998 b Rodrigo de Triano ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
Silver Nice 1999
( H 1999 b Shaadi ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Tsurumaru Teio
( H 1988 dk b Pluralisme ) 4 Wins
Misato Girl
( M 1992 dk b Miho Shinzan )
Silver Create
( M 1993 b Park Regent ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Kanesho Elite
( H 2004 b Meisei Opera ) 9 Wins (NAR)
Silver Create 2007
( M 2007 ch Meisei Opera ) 1 Win (NAR)
Silver Cedes 1996
( M 1996 b Tight Spot ) 1 Win (NAR)
Silver Cedes 1997
( H 1997 dk b Kotashaan ) 3 Wins (NAR)
2nd Dam Mercedes
( M 1973 b Mincio )
( M 1981 b Faberge )
Katsura Beauty
( M 1990 b Hospitality ) 1 Win , 6 Wins (NAR)
Yamato Castle
( H 1991 b Gay Mecene )
Tsukicedes 1994
( H 1994 ch Merry Nice )
Tsukicedes 1995
( H 1995 ch Flash of Steel ) 2 Wins (NAR)
3rd Dam Edo Taiko
( M 1965 b Tiepolo )
Edo Ripo
( M 1971 b Romulus )
Lucky Sweet Pea
( M 1976 dk b Faberge )
Sho Fukuzan
( M 1978 b Faberge )
Fuji Valentine
( H 1979 b Faberge )
Edo Ripo 1980
( M 1980 b Chateaugay )
Sanjin Targo
( H 1982 b Targowice )
Sally Verona
( M 1983 dk b Bee Bee Bee )
Meisho Dash
( M 1986 b Katsuragi Ace )
Edo Ripo 1987
( M 1987 b Cabbaliste )
Blood Sharp
( M 1975 b Chateaugay )
Louvre Silver
( H 1980 gr Lanark )
Maruzen Jet
( H 1981 b Maruzensky ) 1 Win
Pamir Queen
( M 1982 ch Tosho Boy )
Marble God
( H 1983 ch Yellow God )
Orient Tiger
( H 1984 ch Valley Forge )
Speed Forge
( H 1986 ch Valley Forge )
Super Time
( M 1988 dk b Load The Cannons )
Ai Paramita
( H 1989 b Load The Cannons ) 1 Win
Omi Suzuran
( M 1990 b WindstoB ) 1 Win
Nippo Mount
( H 1993 b WindstoB )
4th Dam Edohime
( M 1955 b Tosa Midori )
( M 1961 b Hindostan )
Small King
( H 1968 ch Die Hard )
Mehyo 1969
( H 1969 Beau Prince )
( M 1970 ch Tudor Period )
Mehyo 1971
( H 1971 China Rock )
Izumi Foraine
( M 1978 b Helios )
( M 1981 dk b True Express )
( M 1963 ch Tiepolo )
Tanino Vimy
( M 1967 dk b Vimy )
Kenkun Masaru
( M 1969 b Hard Ridden )
Ryu Gran
( M 1970 ch Sound Track )
Edohime 1964
( M 1964 Montaval )
Edohime 1966
( H 1966 Solonaway )
Edohime 1968
( H 1968 Vimy )
Fair Ruby
( M 1970 ch Royal Record )
Fair Ruby 1976
( M 1976 dk b Stintino )
Fair Ruby 1977
( M 1977 b Prompt )
East Crown
( M 1979 b Arrow Express )
East Ruby
( M 1980 b Shinzan )
East Royce
( M 1981 b Shinzan )
East Dancer
( M 1982 dk b Personality )
Fair Ruby 1983
( H 1983 dk b Arrow Express )
Rosen Garten
( M 1986 b Twig )
Steel Ruby
( M 1987 ch Steel Heart )
Sasshin Boy
( H 1989 b Blacksky )
Mai Mai Lady
( M 1991 ch Fotitieng )
Fair Ruby 1992
( H 1992 dk b Blacksky )
( M 1972 ch Never Beat )
Edoharu 1977
( H 1977 b Diatome )
Orient Queen
( M 1981 dk b Rheingold )
Izumi White
( M 1983 gr Dancer's Image )
Edo Berge
( M 1984 ch Faberge )
Edo Manten
( M 1985 ch Green Mountain )
Kashima Hozan
( H 1986 b Tosho Boy )
Hashino Elegant
( M 1987 b Northerly )
Chokai Seven
( H 1988 b Bellman )
Soldier Girl
( M 1975 b Stintino )
Beach Girl
( M 1982 ch Bold Combatant )
Soldier Girl 1983
( M 1983 dk b Haku Hosho )
Miss Violet
( M 1985 dk b Bold Combatant )
Edohime 1976
( H 1976 Stintino )
Coined Silver (1974 dk b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Nicks 8
Leading Progeny Fujimi Firenze ('02 3yo Maiden)

Silver Create MENU