


Miss Astre




Bold Ruler
9.38%  5x4
Tom Fool
6.25%  5x5


Name Sex Foaled
Gunzan Junius 2000 H 2000
Gunzan Junius 1998 H 1998
Igano Lapis G 1996
Gunzan Junius 1995 M 1995
T.M.Sento H 1994
Gunzan Letter M 1992
Gunzan Junius 1991 M 1991


Name Sex Foaled
Okano Furei 1991 M 1991
Okano Furei 1990 M 1990
Okano Furei 1989 M 1989
Okano Furei 1988 H 1988
Okano Furei 1986 H 1986
F.T.Sandy M 1985


Gunzan Junius (1987 b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Family Line
Dam Gunzan Junius
( M 1987 b Junius )
Gunzan Letter
( M 1992 b Dyna Letter )
Miss Astre
( M 1993 b King Glorious )
( H 1994 b Fast Topaze )
Gunzan Junius 1995
( M 1995 ch Dyna Letter ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Igano Lapis
( G 1996 b Tight Spot ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Gunzan Junius 1998
( H 1998 b Kotashaan ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Gunzan Junius 2000
( H 2000 b Doulab ) 1 Win (NAR)
3rd Dam Gold Sogyo
( M 1963 ch Tiepolo )
Miho Rashimmaru
( H 1969 b Hindostan )
Haseno Taiyo
( M 1970 b Hard Ridden )
Spurt Ridden
( M 1976 b No Le Hace )
Haseno King
( H 1979 b Baldric )
Sun Rum
( H 1980 b Rum )
Haseno Princess
( M 1981 ch Yellow God )
Jet Ridden
( H 1982 b Personality ) 1 Win
Miracle Vision
( H 1985 ch Man of Vision ) 2 Wins
Kyowa Unryu
( H 1986 b Monte Prince )
Chester Dia
( M 1971 b Polic )
Chester Gold
( M 1978 b Willowick )
Chester Rush
( M 1979 b Hard to Beat )
Chester Dia 1982
( M 1982 b Raijin )
Hokuei Garnet
( M 1973 ch Moutiers )
Hokuei Garnet 1977
( H 1977 gr Lanark )
Inter Wise
( H 1978 b Sedan )
Bull Salvia
( M 1979 gr Don )
Hokuei Garnet 1979
( M 1979 gr Don )
( M 1982 ch Gay Lussac )
Beauty Cosmo
( M 1974 b Hard Ridden )
Temma Fubuki
( M 1980 dk b Fortino )
Haneda Fubuki
( M 1982 b Kolymsky )
Beauty Cosmo 1986
( H 1986 dk b Manado )
Ichimasa Beauty
( M 1988 dk b Daizen Silver )
Mihono Tairin
( M 1975 b Tesco Boy )
( M 1982 dk b Bravo )
La Tene
( M 1984 b Valley Forge ) 1 Win
San Jackson
( H 1985 dk b Lucky Sovereign ) 2 Wins
Calstone Tehm
( H 1987 b Tai Tehm )
San Salud
( H 1988 b Tai Tehm ) 1 Win
Super Value
( M 1991 ch Miho Shinzan )
Silk Yellow
( M 1976 ch Yellow God )
( H 1980 b Glorious O )
Sleep Away
( M 1984 b Baldric )
( H 1985 b Lombardo ) 7 Wins
Homan Best O
( H 1986 b Long Fast )
Ninjin Romance
( M 1988 ch Junius )
( M 1990 ch Tai Tehm )
( M 1991 b Rugby Ball )
Bald Field
( M 1977 b Baldric )
Bald Field 1983
( H 1983 b Contrite )
Bay Leaf Queen
( M 1984 b English Prince ) 3 Wins
Bay Leaf Arden
( H 1986 b Gay Lussac )
Bonnie Ann
( M 1991 ch Legend Teio )
Choko Bambi
( H 1978 b Yelapa )
Ball Buster
( M 1983 ch Morning Frolic ) 1 Win
Mayano Shirayuki
( M 1987 b Baldric )
The Restaurant
( H 1988 dk b Press Toko )
Ball Buster 1989
( M 1989 ch Fidion )
Doral Marling
( M 1991 b Russian Roubles ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
Ball Buster 1993
( H 1993 b Rugby Ball ) 7 Wins (NAR)
( M 1994 ch No Lute )
( M 1995 ch Soccer Boy )
Ball Buster 1997
( H 1997 b Rugby Ball ) 2 Wins (NAR)
4th Dam 1955
( M 1955 dk b Rising Flame )
( H 1965 Haut Brion )
Junius (1976 dk b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Nicks 1
Leading Progeny Miss Astre