


Swift Wonder 1997




Northern Dancer
25.00%  3x3


Name Sex Foaled
Swift Wonder 2003 M 2003
Swift Wonder 2000 M 2000
Swift Wonder 1998 H 1998
Swift Wonder 1996 M 1996


Name Sex Foaled
F.T.Such M 1993
George Matsukaze 1992 M 1992
Glass Line H 1989


Swift Wonder (1990 b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Family Line
Dam Swift Wonder
( M 1990 b Swift Swallow )
Swift Wonder 1997
( H 1997 b Pluralisme ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Swift Wonder 1998
( H 1998 b Fair Judgment ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Swift Wonder 2000
( M 2000 b Mogambo )
2nd Dam George Matsukaze
( M 1983 dk b Mill George )
Glass Line
( H 1989 b Hagino Kamui O ) 1 Win
( M 1993 b Swift Swallow ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Marine Cup (G3)
TCK Jo-o Hai (G3)
Empress Hai (G2), Queen Sho (G3)
F.T.Such 2001
( M 2001 b Royal Touch )
F T Wells
( M 2002 ch Opera House ) 1 Win (NAR)
F.T.Such 2003
( M 2003 b Damister ) 2 Wins (NAR)
F T La Raya
( M 2004 dk b Sunday Well ) 1 Win (NAR)
Little Devil
( M 2006 dk b Tayasu Tsuyoshi )
F T Gun Dai
( M 2007 ch Millennium Bio )
F T Silen
( H 2008 ch On Fire )
3rd Dam Matsukaze Musashi
( M 1974 dk b China Rock )
Zama Yayoi
( M 1991 b Deed of Gift ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Spring George
( M 1988 ch Mill George )
Tiger George
( G 1994 ch Sakura Hokuto O ) 2 Wins (NAR)
I'm Aladdin
( H 1995 b Bold Northman ) 1 Win
Spring George 1996
( H 1996 ch El Senor ) 1 Win (NAR)
Spring George 1997
( H 1997 gr El Senor ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Hamano Aranjuez
( H 2000 dk b Genuine ) 2 Wins (NAR)
George Sakura
( H 2001 b Sakura Bakushin O ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
Epsom Rikishi O
( H 2003 ch Genuine ) 1 Win (NAR)
Spring George 2004
( M 2004 dk b Marienbard ) 5 Wins (NAR)
4th Dam Pair of Shoes
( M 1970 dk b Thurston )
Lucky Elsa
( M 1975 b Dicta Drake )
Lucky Elsa 1986
( M 1986 dk b Dynago )
Kubo Lucky
( M 1987 b Grundy )
Lucky Elsa 1990
( M 1990 b Treboro )
Lucky Elsa 1991
( H 1991 b Ali Rabat )
Pair of Shoes 1977
( H 1977 dk b Nelcius )
Beauty Tech
( M 1985 b Lead Wonder )
Chiyono Shiokaze
( M 1986 dk b Mill George )
Harrison Bach
( H 1993 ch Lake Como ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Smile Ace
( H 1994 b Palace Dancer ) 1 Win (NAR)
Kimino Matsukaze 1996
( M 1996 dk b Shaadi ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Yuki Gaia
( H 1998 ch Dyna Gulliver )
Omi Jaguar
( H 1979 dk b Hardicanute )
( M 1980 dk b China Rock )
Smash Hit
( H 1987 ch Happy Progress )
Pretty Otemba
( M 1988 b Shin Wolf ) 1 Win
Emerald 1990
( M 1990 ch Muguet Royal )
Emerald 1991
( H 1991 ch Nishinosky )
Pretty Ogojo
( M 1992 dk b Jingu Brave ) 1 Win , 5 Wins (NAR)
Baby Boom
( H 1993 b Jingu Brave )
Pretty Light
( M 1994 b Yamanin Bald )
Kuri Suisei
( M 1984 dk b Pitcairn )
Champion Homare
( H 1985 b Man of Vision ) 1 Win
Straight Power
( H 1987 b Sportsky )
Swift Swallow (1977 b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Nicks 1
Leading Progeny Swift Swallow

Swift Wonder 1997 MENU