


Hyper Touch

ハイパータッチDark BayHorse



Northern Dancer
12.50%  4x4


Name Sex Foaled
Machikane Habanera 2000 M 2000
I'm Queen M 1999
The Captain H 1998
Machikane Habanera 1995 M 1995
Machikane Habanera 1994 M 1994


Name Sex Foaled
El Cen Shiraoki M 1997
El Cen Komachi M 1994
Juno Micron M 1992
Machikane Violon M 1991
Micron Jet 1990 H 1990
Machikane Kaguyama H 1987


Machikane Habanera (1989 b )
Race Record| 0 Win/4 Starts
Family Line
Dam Machikane Habanera
( M 1989 b Mogami )
Machikane Habanera 1994
( M 1994 b Sakura Daio ) 1 Win (NAR)
Machikane Habanera 1995
( M 1995 b Sakura Toko ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Hyper Touch
( H 1997 dk b Sakura Daio ) 9 Wins (NAR)
The Captain
( H 1998 b Daitaku Helios ) 1 Win (NAR)
I'm Queen
( M 1999 b Shaadi ) 7 Wins (NAR)
I'm Queen 2005
( M 2005 b Orion the Thanks ) 2 Wins (NAR)
I'm Queen 2006
( H 2006 b Admire Boss ) 1 Win (NAR)
Lucky Sunrise
( H 2007 b Wing Arrow ) 9 Wins (NAR)
I'm Queen 2009
( H 2009 b Win Kluger )
Better Light Blue
( H 2012 b Goshawk Ken ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Ric Hinachan
( M 2013 b Samurai Heart ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Machikane Habanera 2000
( M 2000 b Duke Grand Prix ) 3 Wins (NAR)
2nd Dam Micron Jet
( M 1979 b Partholon )
Machikane Kaguyama
( H 1987 b Sportsky ) 1 Win
Juno Micron
( M 1992 b Thrill Show )
El Cen Komachi
( M 1994 b Glow )
El Cen Komachi 1999
( H 1999 dk b Hawkster ) 1 Win (NAR)
El Cen Komachi 2000
( M 2000 b Yamanin Zephyr ) 2 Wins (NAR)
El Cen Komachi 2001
( M 2001 gr Misil )
4th Dam Miss Elizabeth
( M 1961 ch Galcador )
( H 1966 ch Tudor Period )
Fuji Kamada
( M 1977 ch Skymaster )
Fair Blinis
( H 1979 b Blinis )
Machikane Hommachi
( M 1981 b Twig )
Battle Win Kiss
( M 1985 b Amber Shadai ) 3 Wins
Hide Matsukaze
( M 1972 ch Moutiers )
Hirono Shingeki
( H 1978 dk b )
Champion City
( H 1979 b Jim French )
Hirono Yushun
( H 1983 ch Sun Prince ) 5 Wins
Hirono Kotetsu
( H 1985 ch Yellow God )
Twinkle Star
( H 1989 b Wassl Touch )
Ogi Jeunesse
( M 1990 b Anfield )
Luck Lely
( M 1992 b Lucky Sovereign )
Artai Keefa
( M 1993 b Artaius )
Park Excellent
( H 1994 ch Park Regent )
Myoko Queen
( M 1975 ch Astec )
Hirono Roman
( H 1982 b Bravest Roman ) 2 Wins
Lilac Lady
( M 1983 b Lypheor ) 1 Win
Morimasa Queen
( M 1984 ch Yellow God )
Hirono Sunbeam
( H 1985 gr Habat )
Yukikei Hero
( H 1987 ch Valley Forge )
Hagino Kaori
( M 1976 ch Yellow God )
Hagino Wales
( H 1984 dk b Lucky Sovereign ) 1 Win
Hagino Symbol
( H 1985 b Hagino Kamui O ) 3 Wins
Kamada King
( H 1977 b Stintino )
Kisaki Kamada
( M 1978 b Stintino )
Empress Showa
( M 1983 b Bravest Roman ) 2 Wins
How are You
( M 1985 b Partholon ) 3 Wins
Hope Dahlia
( M 1986 b Partholon )
Hyper Active
( H 1987 ch Northerly )
Romantic Waltz
( M 1988 b Mr. C. B. ) 1 Win
Romping Girl
( M 1990 dk b Mogami ) 1 Win
Kosai Kisaki
( M 1991 b Aswan )
Kisaki Kamada 1993
( H 1993 gr Temperate Sil ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Licky One
( H 1980 b Stintino )
Hirono Kinen
( H 1982 ch Yellow God )
Machikane Tonosama
( H 1984 ch Manado )
Mogami (1976 dk b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Nicks 2
Leading Progeny Hyper Touch ('99 2yo OP)