


Noble Hero




My Babu
9.38%  4x5


Name Sex Foaled
D.S.Linear 1998 M 1998
D.S.Linear 1997 M 1997
D.S.Daio H 1996
D.S.Linear 1995 M 1995
D.S.Linear 1994 M 1994
D.S.Linear 1993 H 1993
D.S.Linear 1991 M 1991


Name Sex Foaled
Agnes Shogun H 1990
High Ket 1989 H 1989
Long Tator M 1985
Long Venus M 1982
Lark High Beat M 1981
High Ket 1980 H 1980
Haku Dandy H 1979
Linear Hope M 1977


D.S.Linear (1987 b )
Race Record| 0 Win/4 Starts
Family Line
Dam D.S.Linear
( M 1987 b Side Chapel )
D.S.Linear 1991
( M 1991 dk b )
D.S.Linear 1995
( M 1995 ch Gadabout )
( H 1996 dk b Rousillon ) 2 Wins , 3 Wins (NAR)
D.S.Linear 1997
( M 1997 dk b Sakura Chiyono O ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Noble Hero
( H 1999 b Symboli Rudolf )
2nd Dam High Ket
( M 1972 ch Tamanar )
Linear Hope
( M 1977 b Val d'Aoste )
Agnes Jaguar
( H 1982 b Agnes Press )
Linear Hope 1984
( H 1984 b Yelapa )
Haku Dandy
( H 1979 b Hard Ridden )
Tamamo Eminent
( H 1991 b Side Chapel ) 1 Win
Lark High Beat 1994
( H 1994 ch Dyna Olympia ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Lark High Beat 1996
( M 1996 ch Long Neutrino ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Long Venus
( M 1982 ch Hard to Beat )
Long Killer
( H 1987 ch Best Blood ) 1 Win
Gaily Tension
( H 1989 ch No Attention )
Gaily Ocean
( H 1990 ch Prince of Birds ) 2 Wins
Long Venus 1994
( M 1994 b Miho Shinzan ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Long Tator
( M 1985 b Northern Dictator ) 4 Wins
Long Top
( H 1994 b Shaadi )
Long Arawashi
( H 1995 b Ebros )
Long Tator 1997
( M 1997 b Erhaab )
( M 2000 b Damister ) 1 Win (NAR)
Pretty Marilyn
( M 2001 dk b Hansel )
High Ket 1989
( H 1989 ch Cajun )
Agnes Shogun
( H 1990 ch Mill Glory ) 3 Wins
3rd Dam Enterprise 2
( M 1966 ch Gay Time )
Linear Queen
( M 1974 b Hard Ridden ) 1 Win
Yushun Himba (Japanese Oaks) (G), Yushun Himba (Japanese Oaks) (OP)
Queen Elizabeth II Cup (G)
Oka Sho (Japanese 1000 Guineas) (G)
Linear Lewis
( M 1981 b Nice Dancer )
Linear God
( H 1982 gr Zeddaan )
Linear Chikara
( H 1985 b Lucky Sovereign ) 1 Win
Linear Queen 1986
( H 1986 ch Grundy )
Linear Dash
( M 1989 b Decadrachm )
Linear Queen 1991
( M 1991 b Milford )
Linear Sharp
( M 1975 ch Goodly )
Agnes Kazan
( M 1980 ch Faberge )
Makino Sharp
( M 1981 ch Don )
Great Sharp
( M 1983 ch Great Seikan )
Shin Sharp
( M 1984 ch Lucky Sovereign )
Shin Polka
( M 1985 ch Hunza Dancer )
Shin Success
( H 1986 ch Junius ) 1 Win
Shin Shinobu
( M 1987 b Treboro ) 4 Wins
Shin Kotobuki
( M 1990 ch Longleat ) 1 Win
Shin Champion
( H 1991 gr Mendez )
Kyoei Seven
( H 1976 gr Lanark )
Linear Arrow
( M 1977 b Hard Ridden )
Linear Arrow 1982
( H 1982 b Nizon )
Linear Arrow 1983
( M 1983 b Nizon )
Homan Lint
( H 1984 b Philemon ) 1 Win
Chigusa Arrow
( M 1985 gr Zeddaan )
Alone Blues
( H 1986 b Philemon ) 2 Wins
Linear Prince
( H 1980 ch Sun Prince )
Linear Gale
( M 1981 b Hard to Beat )
Linear Kamui O
( H 1987 b Hagino Kamui O ) 1 Win
World Cup
( H 1989 b Hospitality )
King High Top
( H 1991 b King Glorious ) 1 Win
Lucky Bio
( H 1994 b Lucky Sovereign )
Gaily Baron
( H 1982 b Swift Swallow )
Liner Prise
( M 1984 b Swift Swallow )
Liner Prise 1991
( M 1991 ch Min Allah )
Eiko Parade
( M 1992 b Bamboo Atlas )
( H 1994 b Be in Bonanza )
Liner Prise 1996
( M 1996 ch Rose Reef 2 ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Tokino Mogami
( M 1985 b Mogami ) 1 Win
Tokino Mogami 1995
( H 1995 ch Prince of Birds ) 1 Win (NAR)
Tokino Mogami 1996
( M 1996 dk b Ebros )
Tokino Mogami 1997
( M 1997 dk b Lucky Sovereign ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Tokino Mogami 1998
( M 1998 ch Bamboo Begin ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Fusaichi Techmi 1993
( H 1993 dk b Mill George ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Kiyoraka Lucky
( H 1994 b Lucky Sovereign ) 8 Wins (NAR)
( H 1996 b Armiger ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Fusaichi Techmi 1997
( H 1997 b Polish Navy ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Fusaichi Techmi 1998
( H 1998 dk b Polish Patriot ) 7 Wins (NAR)
4th Dam Tokino Kiroku
( M 1957 dk b Rising Flame )
Tokino Record
( M 1965 dk b Hindostan )
El Bravo
( M 1975 b Hauban )
Linear Record
( M 1976 dk b Great White Way )
Linear King
( H 1977 dk b Yelapa )
Linear Plane
( M 1979 dk b Tesco Boy )
Linear Zedaan
( M 1981 gr Zeddaan )
Sun Record
( H 1983 b Sun Prince ) 2 Wins
Linear Atlas
( M 1984 b Bamboo Atlas ) 1 Win
Linear Fresh
( M 1985 b Yamaninsky )
Tokino Record 1986
( M 1986 b )
Lord Record
( H 1987 b Redoutable )
Tokino Meimon
( M 1968 b Lavandin )
Nachino Shori
( M 1977 dk b Only For Life )
Linear Hero
( H 1980 b Nice Dancer )
Remy Cast
( M 1981 b Neptunus )
Linear Summit
( H 1982 b Gay Lussac )
Linear Flying
( M 1985 b Sun Prince )
Linear Express
( H 1986 b Hospitality ) 1 Win
Warei Palace
( H 1987 ch Aranas )
Tokino Meimon 1988
( H 1988 b Aranas )
Bamboo Shuto
( M 1990 ch Scrum Dyna )
Akkey O
( H 1991 dk b Scrum Dyna )
Ace Hitomi
( M 1970 b Hard Ridden )
Ace Hitomi 1977
( M 1977 b Philemon )
Linear Remand
( M 1978 b Remand )
Linear Forte
( M 1980 gr Zeddaan )
Linear Princess
( M 1981 dk b Shinzan )
Linear Boy
( H 1982 dk b Nice Dancer )
Ogi Transam
( H 1984 b Agnes Press ) 1 Win
Creek Run
( H 1988 b Pencil Pusher )
Ace Hitomi 1989
( M 1989 b Millside )
Daiichi Punch
( H 1990 b Daiichi Boy )
Daiichi Suekko
( M 1991 dk b Daiichi Boy )
( M 1973 b Primera )
Linear Lucky
( M 1977 dk b Tai Tehm )
Kiroku 1978
( H 1978 dk b Moubariz )
Kiroku 1979
( M 1979 ch Yelapa )
Side Chapel (1982 b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Nicks 1
Leading Progeny Noble Hero