


Passion Beat




Northern Dancer
15.63%  4x4x5
6.25%  5x5


Name Sex Foaled
Beat the Boarder M 2011
After Beat 2009 H 2009
Wild Beat H 2008
Mersey Beat H 2007
Groggy Balboa H 2006
Nanyo Sunrise H 2005
Beat All H 2003
Shako Success H 2002
My Treasure H 2001


Name Sex Foaled
Seine Parisienne M 2008
Bebop 2007 H 2007
Admire Swat H 2005
Classic Jazz H 2004
Bebop 2002 H 2002
Swing to Bop M 2001
Jazz Up H 2000
Jupiter's Jazz M 1999
Dusk till Dawn H 1998
Louder than Bomb H 1997
Heat the Beat H 1996
Baptista M 1995


After Beat (1994 ch )
Race Record| 2 Wins/21 Starts
Family Line
Dam After Beat
( M 1994 ch Creator ) 2 Wins
My Treasure
( H 2001 dk b Fusaichi Concorde ) 1 Win
Shako Success
( H 2002 b Fusaichi Concorde ) 1 Win
Beat All
( H 2003 dk b Fuji Kiseki ) 1 Win
Nanyo Sunrise
( H 2005 b Falbrav ) 1 Win
Groggy Balboa
( H 2006 b Sakura Bakushin O ) 2 Wins
Mersey Beat
( H 2007 ch Jungle Pocket ) 2 Wins
Wild Beat
( H 2008 b Wild Rush ) 1 Win , 10 Wins (NAR)
Beat the Boarder
( M 2011 ch Admire Japan ) 2 Wins (NAR)
2nd Dam Bebop
( M 1987 ch Amber Shadai ) 5 Wins
Queen Stakes (G3), Sekiya Kinen (G3), Sekiya Kinen (G3)
( M 1995 b Sunday Silence ) 3 Wins
Hochi Hai Yonsai Himba Tokubetsu (G2)
( M 2002 ch French Deputy ) 1 Win
( H 2003 dk b El Condor Pasa ) 4 Wins
Keio Hai Nisai Stakes (G2)
Tokyo Shimbun Hai (G3)
Dominance Desert
( H 2004 dk b Dehere ) 6 Wins (NAR)
( H 2005 gr Swept Overboard ) 1 Win , 2 Wins (NAR)
Pure Chaplet
( M 2006 gr Kurofune ) 3 Wins
Deus Vult
( G 2008 dk b King Kamehameha ) 4 Wins
Challenge Cup (G3), Chunichi Shimbun Hai (G3)
Nakayama Kimpai (G3)
Gypsy Swing
( H 2010 dk b Symboli Kris S )
Golden Cross
( H 2011 b Company ) 2 Wins (NAR)
( H 2013 b King Kamehameha ) 7 Wins
Hopeful Stakes (G2)
( M 2014 b Company ) 1 Win , 10 Wins (NAR)
Bank Shot
( H 2016 dk b Tosen Jordan ) 2 Wins , 4 Wins (NAR)
Heat the Beat
( H 1996 ch Hector Protector ) 3 Wins
Louder than Bomb
( H 1997 dk b Fuji Kiseki ) 1 Win
Jupiter's Jazz 2004
( M 2004 b Fusaichi Concorde ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Suzu Jupiter
( H 2005 dk b Tanino Gimlet ) 4 Wins , 1 Win (NAR)
Tokyo Sports Hai Nisai Stakes (G3)
Kind of Blue
( M 2006 dk b Kurofune ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Danon Khorosho
( H 2007 ch Tanino Gimlet ) 4 Wins , 3 Wins (NAR)
Danon Hornet
( H 2010 b Admire Don )
Admire Jazz
( H 2012 dk b Tanino Gimlet ) 1 Win
( M 2013 ch Harbinger ) 3 Wins (NAR)
( H 2014 b Harbinger ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
( H 2016 dk b Casino Drive ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Starlight Jazz
( M 2017 b Harbinger ) 1 Win
Jazz Blues
( H 2019 dk b Oken Bruce Lee ) 4 Wins
Jazz Up
( H 2000 ch Jade Robbery ) 3 Wins
Hyogo Championship (G3)
Swing to Bop 2006
( M 2006 b Eagle Cafe ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Classic Jazz
( H 2004 ch Afleet ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Admire Swat
( H 2005 ch Kurofune ) 5 Wins
Bebop 2007
( H 2007 ch Gold Allure )
( M 2013 dk b Song of Wind )
Tanino Hozan
( H 2014 ch Time Paradox ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Nishino Jaguars
( G 2015 b Reach the Crown ) 2 Wins
Saishu Teiri
( M 2017 b Behkabad )
B B Royal
( H 2019 ch Asia Express )
Seine Warrior
( M 2020 ch Best Warrior ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Kyoei Amber
( M 2021 ch Best Warrior )
3rd Dam Vival Queen
( M 1977 b Raise a Lady )
( H 1981 dk b Sortingo )
Dyna Freesia
( M 1982 ch Dictus )
Dyna Elixir
( M 1983 ch Dictus ) 2 Wins
Cosmo Brave
( M 1990 ch Dyna Cosmos )
Tomorrow Land
( M 1991 b Allez Milord ) 2 Wins
Miracle Bleed
( H 1993 ch Jade Robbery ) 1 Win
Duet My Love
( M 1994 b French Glory )
Thrill Sniper
( H 1995 b Thrill Show ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Powers Fontaine
( H 1996 b White Muzzle ) 5 Wins , 5 Wins (NAR)
Dyna Elixir 1997
( G 1997 ch Armiger ) 11 Wins (NAR)
F T Seattle
( M 1999 ch Seattle Dancer ) 2 Wins (NAR)
El Viento
( H 1984 b Diatome )
Viva Japan
( M 1985 b Amber Shadai ) 1 Win
Leo Caesar
( H 1992 b Leo Tenzan ) 1 Win
Leo Spiral
( H 1993 b King Glorious ) 1 Win
Viva Japan 1994
( H 1994 b Leo Durban ) 1 Win (NAR)
Leo Fashion
( M 1995 ch Leo Durban )
Leo Suzuran
( M 1997 ch Mogambo )
Leo Ocean
( H 1998 b Crystal Glitters ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Leo Liberty
( H 1999 b King Glorious ) 2 Wins , 2 Wins (NAR)
Leo Thank You
( M 2000 b Warning ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Leo Nadeshiko
( M 2001 b Genuine )
Leo Yamato
( H 2003 b Damister ) 11 Wins (NAR)
Amber Pudding
( M 1986 b Amber Shadai ) 3 Wins
Inca Rose
( M 1995 gr Mejiro McQueen )
( M 1998 dk b Jade Robbery )
Sakamoto Silence
( H 2001 b Eishin Sandy ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Beverly Hills
( M 1988 b Dyna Cosmos ) 1 Win
Rock My World
( H 1994 b Let's Go Tarquin ) 1 Win (NAR)
Windy Hill
( M 1995 dk b Yamanin Zephyr ) 1 Win
Kurino Orchid
( M 1999 b Mejiro Ryan ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Hokule'a Blizzard
( H 2000 b Taiki Blizzard ) 1 Win
Miss Claudia
( M 1990 b Bishop Bob )
Vival Queen 1991
( M 1991 dk b Bishop Bob )
Vival Queen 1995
( H 1995 ch Erotissimo ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Vival Queen 1997
( M 1997 b Erotissimo ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Vival Queen 1998
( H 1998 b Summer Suspicion ) 1 Win (NAR)
Creator (1986 ch )
Race Record| 7 Wins/16 Starts
Nicks 4
Leading Progeny My Treasure ('03 2yo Maiden)

Passion Beat MENU