


Sunset Wave




Northern Dancer
21.88%  3x5x4
12.50%  4x4
Native Dancer
6.25%  5x5
Lady Angela
6.25%  5x5


Name Sex Foaled
Vindolanda H 2009
Vip Pure Lady M 2007
Canyon Brown H 2006
Merciful Fate G 2005
Plain Sailing H 2004
Plain Voice M 2003
Helissio Bio H 2002
Rococo M 2000
Promised Spark M 1999
Over the Night M 1998
Shonan Wonder H 1997


Name Sex Foaled
Victor Luminesce H 1994
Jewel Country M 1993
Rokki the Great H 1991
Landy Burn H 1989
Don't Worry H 1987
Dictar Land H 1985
Dyna Gypsy M 1983


Plain (1992 ch )
Race Record| 0 Win/14 Starts
Family Line
Dam Plain
( M 1992 ch Jade Robbery )
Shonan Wonder
( H 1997 ch Fuji Kiseki ) 5 Wins
Over the Night
( M 1998 dk b Dance in the Dark ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Promised Spark
( M 1999 b Fuji Kiseki ) 5 Wins
( H 2007 b Tanino Gimlet ) 12 Wins (NAR)
( M 2009 b Sakura Bakushin O )
Promised Spark 2010
( M 2010 b Jungle Pocket ) 2 Wins (NAR)
( H 2012 dk b Chichicastenango ) 3 Wins , 3 Wins (NAR)
Split Step
( M 2014 b Symboli Kris S ) 2 Wins
Promised Leap
( M 2015 ch Henny Hughes ) 2 Wins , 1 Win (NAR)
Promised Smile
( M 2016 gr Dunkirk ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Promised Warrior
( H 2017 b Majestic Warrior ) 6 Wins
Tokai Stakes (G2), Antares Stakes (G3)
To Sparkle
( H 2018 ch Asia Express ) 7 Wins (NAR)
( M 2000 b Bubble Gum Fellow ) 1 Win (NAR)
Sunset Wave
( M 2001 b Helissio )
Waving Path
( H 2006 ch Gold Allure )
Summer Snow
( M 2009 b Admire Japan ) 1 Win (NAR)
Helissio Bio
( H 2002 dk b Helissio ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Plain Voice
( M 2003 b Special Week )
Plain Sailing
( H 2004 b White Muzzle ) 1 Win
Merciful Fate
( G 2005 blk Fuji Kiseki )
Canyon Brown
( H 2006 ch Fuji Kiseki ) 1 Win
Vip Pure Lady
( M 2007 ch Fuji Kiseki ) 2 Wins
Vip Pure Heart
( M 2013 ch King Kamehameha ) 1 Win (NAR)
Vip la Foret
( H 2014 ch Kurofune )
Vip David
( H 2015 ch King's Best ) 2 Wins
Vip Mori
( H 2016 dk b Workforce )
Vip Teppen
( H 2017 dk b King's Best ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Vip Attrait
( M 2018 ch Epiphaneia ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Vip Pure Ace
( M 2020 ch Epiphaneia ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Vip Keizer
( H 2021 dk b Leontes )
Vip Malin
( F 2022 dk b Eishin Flash )
( H 2009 dk b Zenno Rob Roy ) 3 Wins (NAR)
2nd Dam Dyna Land
( M 1978 ch Northern Taste )
Dyna Gypsy
( M 1983 ch Huntercombe )
Dictar Land
( H 1985 ch Dictus ) 4 Wins
Hakodate Sansai Stakes (G3)
Satsuki Sho (Japanese 2000 Guineas) (G1)
Chukyo Kinen (G3), Hakodate Kinen (G3)
Don't Worry
( H 1987 b Katsuragi Ace )
Landy Burn
( H 1989 ch Dictus ) 2 Wins
Victor Luminesce
( H 1994 ch Hector Protector ) 4 Wins , 1 Win (NAR)
3rd Dam Shadai Land
( M 1967 b Promised Land )
Aurora Turf
( M 1977 b El Centauro )
Pavo Sport
( H 1983 b Huntercombe ) 1 Win
Dyna Aurora
( M 1984 ch Northern Taste ) 2 Wins
Night Spark
( M 1985 b Real Shadai ) 3 Wins
( M 1987 b Stuyvesant ) 3 Wins
How's Taste
( M 1988 ch Northern Taste ) 1 Win
Earth Light
( H 1991 ch Judge Angelucci ) 1 Win
Yumeno Aurora
( M 1993 ch Jade Robbery )
Dyna Island
( H 1979 ch Northern Taste )
Shadai Town
( M 1980 b Huntercombe )
Down Town Boogie
( M 1985 ch Ruscelli ) 1 Win
Town Bridge
( H 1986 ch Northern Taste )
Bedtown Gal
( M 1988 ch Ruscelli )
Dyna Smile
( M 1983 ch Nizon ) 3 Wins
Pisa no Dia
( M 1990 ch Mill George )
Amber Smile
( M 1991 b Amber Shadai )
Pleasure Smile
( M 1992 ch Judge Angelucci ) 1 Win
Speed Crystal
( M 1993 ch Hector Protector ) 2 Wins
Speed Beam
( M 1996 b Kotashaan )
Speed Aero
( M 1998 ch Yamanin Zephyr ) 8 Wins (NAR)
Speed Hakuryu
( H 1999 gr Misil ) 1 Win (NAR)
Dyna Smile 2000
( H 2000 b Sunshine Forever ) 1 Win (NAR)
( M 2002 gr Speed World ) 1 Win (NAR)
Dyna At Random
( H 1984 b Partholon ) 4 Wins
4th Dam So Whats New
( M 1960 b Stymie )
Marubutsu Yumi
( M 1970 b Nasco )
Asakusa Model
( M 1979 b Model Fool )
Jade Robbery (1987 dk b )
Race Record| 2 Wins/7 Starts
Nicks 7
Leading Progeny Despejado ('06 OP)