


Jazz Funk

ジャズファンクDark BayMareRetired



Northern Dancer
9.38%  4x5


Name Sex Foaled
Do Do Do H 2013
Bokuno Naomi M 2012
Soul Fighter H 2010
Latin Funk M 2009
Bossa Nova M 2008
Neo Fantasia H 2007
Miracle Session H 2006
Jungle Techno H 2004
Doo-Wop 2003 M 2003


Name Sex Foaled
How Ya Doon 2000 M 2000
Droop Nose H 1999
Howling Robbery H 1997
Stadium Blue M 1996
Fly with Me M 1995
Ibuki Powerful H 1993
Don Cossack G 1992
Museum H 1988


Doo-Wop (1994 b )
Race Record| 4 Wins/33 Starts
Family Line
Dam Doo-Wop
( M 1994 b Jade Robbery ) 4 Wins
Fairy Stakes (G3)
Jazz Funk
( M 2002 dk b Sakura Bakushin O ) 3 Wins
Doo-Wop 2003
( M 2003 dk b White Muzzle )
Jungle Techno
( H 2004 b Jungle Pocket ) 3 Wins
Miracle Session
( H 2006 ch Marvelous Sunday ) 2 Wins
Neo Fantasia
( H 2007 b Neo Universe ) 3 Wins
Bossa Nova
( M 2008 ch Tanino Gimlet ) 1 Win , 2 Wins (NAR)
Latin Funk
( M 2009 b Agnes Tachyon ) 1 Win
( M 2014 ch Casino Drive ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Rocket Queen
( M 2015 b Novellist )
Soul Fighter
( H 2010 dk b Heart's Cry ) 1 Win
Bokuno Naomi
( M 2012 b Gold Allure ) 3 Wins
Waino Naomi
( M 2021 b Drefong ) 2 Wins, HIT (JRA)
Oreno Naomi
( F 2022 dk b New Year's Day ) HIT (JRA)
Do Do Do
( H 2013 dk b Roses in May ) 1 Win
2nd Dam How Ya Doon
( M 1981 b Matsadoon )
( H 1988 b Lyphard's Wish ) 3 Wins
Don Cossack
( G 1992 ch Jade Robbery ) 2 Wins
Fly with Me
( M 1995 b Real Shadai )
Stadium Blue
( M 1996 ch Soccer Boy ) 2 Wins
Howling Robbery
( H 1997 b Jade Robbery ) 3 Wins
Droop Nose
( H 1999 b Fusaichi Concorde ) 1 Win
How Ya Doon 2000
( M 2000 dk b Jade Robbery ) 1 Win (NAR)
3rd Dam Indialucie
( M 1973 ch Sir Ivor )
4th Dam Belle Foulee
( M 1964 b Tom Fool )
( M 1969 b Sea-Bird )
Jade Robbery (1987 dk b )
Race Record| 2 Wins/7 Starts
Nicks 18
Leading Progeny Sandalphon ('09 TV NISHINIPPON CORP.SHO KITAKYUSHU KINEN (G3))