


Remand Impact

リマンドインパクトDark BayMareRetired



Northern Dancer
15.63%  5x4x4
Hail to Reason
9.38%  4x5


Name Sex Foaled
Meiner Honey H 2013
Noble Thunder H 2011
Kanetoshi Action G 2010
Meisho Yosaku H 2008
Queen Flower M 2007
Dear Honey M 2006
Gulf Harbour H 2005
Homan Hisho H 2004


Name Sex Foaled
Rusunai John H 1999
Honey Escada H 1996
Tentai Show H 1995
Honey Fairy M 1994


Brian Honey (1998 b )
Race Record| 2 Wins/6 Starts
Family Line
Dam Brian Honey
( M 1998 b Narita Brian ) 2 Wins
Homan Hisho
( H 2004 b Taiki Shuttle )
Gulf Harbour
( H 2005 b Wild Rush )
Dear Honey
( M 2006 b Taiki Shuttle )
Shigeru Shimotsuke
( H 2011 b Giant Wrecker ) 2 Wins (NAR)
( M 2012 ch Matsurida Gogh ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Queen Flower
( M 2007 dk b Roses in May ) 1 Win
Fantasy Boy
( H 2013 dk b Statue of Liberty )
Wonder Serangan
( H 2015 dk b King Halo ) 1 Win (NAR)
Queen Flower 2016
( M 2016 dk b Behkabad )
Shigeru Kamereonza
( H 2017 b Admire Moon ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Meisho Yosaku
( H 2008 b Agnes Digital ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Remand Impact
( M 2009 dk b Deep Impact )
King Liqueur
( H 2016 dk b Eishin Flash ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Go Go Remand
( M 2017 gr Kurofune )
( M 2018 dk b Behkabad ) 1 Win (NAR)
( H 2019 dk b Hokko Tarumae )
Wonder Hyper
( H 2020 dk b Beach Patrol )
Roberta Impact
( F 2022 dk b Shanghai Bobby ) HIT (JRA)
Kanetoshi Action
( G 2010 dk b Stay Gold ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Noble Thunder
( H 2011 b Suzuka Mambo ) 1 Win (NAR)
Meiner Honey
( H 2013 b Matsurida Gogh ) 5 Wins
Challenge Cup (G3)
Spring Stakes (G2)
Epsom Cup (G3)
2nd Dam Husky Honey
( M 1987 b Northern Dictator ) 5 Wins
Centaur Stakes (G3)
Sprinters Stakes (G1)
Honey Fairy
( M 1994 ch Real Shadai )
Honey of Khan
( M 1999 b Erhaab ) 4 Wins (NAR)
K T Lion
( H 2000 ch Lammtarra )
Love Love Honey
( M 2001 b Oath )
Agnes Grace
( H 2003 ch Opera House )
Agnes Bomber
( H 2005 ch Moon Ballad ) 1 Win
Tentai Show
( H 1995 b Tony Bin )
Honey Escada
( H 1996 b Crystal Glitters ) 1 Win , 5 Wins (NAR)
Rusunai John
( H 1999 b Pilsudski )
3rd Dam Queen Remand
( M 1973 ch Remand )
Oka Sho (Japanese 1000 Guineas) (G)
Agnes Chateau
( H 1979 ch Chateaugay )
Agnes Galaxy
( H 1986 ch Agnes Venture ) 1 Win
Agnes Ryusei
( H 1992 b Slew the Dragon ) 1 Win
Agnes Gloria
( H 1983 ch Chateaugay )
Iwaki Contest
( H 1984 dk b Northern Answer )
Dress Parade
( M 1988 ch Milford )
Spring Brook
( H 1994 b Thrill Show ) 5 Wins
Spring Kaiser
( H 1995 ch Mejiro McQueen ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Spring Creta
( H 1998 b Sakura Bakushin O ) 5 Wins
Victory Circus
( H 1999 dk b Bubble Gum Fellow ) 1 Win
Leader Jersey
( H 2000 ch Soccer Boy ) 1 Win (NAR)
Spring Jura
( H 2003 ch Sakura Bakushin O ) 1 Win
4th Dam Ikoma Eikan
( M 1967 b Sallymount )
Ikoma Eikan 1972
( H 1972 ch Remand )
Tamamo Remand
( H 1975 ch Remand )
Agnes Lady
( M 1976 b Remand ) 1 Win
Yushun Himba (Japanese Oaks) (G), Yushun Himba (Japanese Oaks) (OP)
Queen Elizabeth II Cup (G)
Mill Glory
( H 1982 ch Mill Reef )
Agnes Thunder
( H 1983 b Agnes Press ) 1 Win
Agnes Charade
( M 1984 dk b Targowice ) 1 Win
Agnes Krone
( M 1985 ch Agnes Venture ) 1 Win
Agnes Rumour
( H 1986 dk b Bravest Roman ) 3 Wins
Agnes Flora
( M 1987 b Royal Ski ) 5 Wins , JRA Best Three-Year-Old Filly(1990)
Oka Sho (Japanese 1000 Guineas) (G1)
Yushun Himba (Japanese Oaks) (G1)
Agnes Flicker
( M 1990 b Pas de Seul )
Agnes Riv
( M 1991 b Rivlia )
Sakura Remand
( H 1977 b Remand )
( H 1978 b Tesco Boy )
Young Sally
( M 1979 ch Remand )
Kowa Boy
( H 1985 b Aswan )
Will Young Win
( M 1986 b Partholon )
Steel Pride
( H 1987 b Steel Heart ) 2 Wins
Crystal Knight
( H 1988 ch Crystal Palace ) 4 Wins
Case by Case
( H 1989 b Aswan ) 2 Wins
Takeno Lady
( M 1990 b Gallop Dyna )
Harry Cox
( H 1991 b Dyna Gulliver ) 1 Win
Mark Promise
( M 1992 ch Tosho Boy ) 2 Wins
Daiwa Arlington
( H 1994 ch Yamaninsky )
Mark Gurazado
( H 1995 b Opera House )
Daiwa Miracle
( H 1996 ch Fuji Kiseki )
Agnes Chief
( M 1980 b Tribal Chief )
Agnes Wing
( H 1991 b Authaal )
Daiwa Kentucky
( H 1993 b Yamaninsky )
Daiwa Favor
( M 1995 b Carroll House )
Daiwa Perman
( H 1996 b Thrill Show )
Spring Cosmos
( M 1997 b Thrill Show )
Agnes Chief 1999
( H 1999 dk b Summer Suspicion ) 5 Wins (NAR)
( H 1981 ch Remand )
Narita Brian (1991 dk b )
Race Record| 12 Wins/21 Starts
Nicks 1
Leading Progeny Remand Impact

Remand Impact MENU