


Original Dessert 2010




Northern Dancer
6.25%  5x5


Name Sex Foaled
Tant de Amour M 2013
Dream Dolce H 2012
Berliner M 2011
Meine Torte M 2008
Original Dessert 2007 H 2007
My Strawberry M 2006
Original Dessert 2004 H 2004
Meiner Idios H 2003
Meiner Ad Hoc H 2002
Original Dessert 2000 M 2000


Name Sex Foaled
Laurel C'est lavie H 2006
Meiner Makalii H 2005
Pineapple Star 2004 H 2004
Pineapple Star 2003 M 2003
Trust Amore H 2002
Hoshi Echo H 2001
Pina M 2000
Spuntino M 1999
Iron Bridge M 1998
Teardrops M 1997
Pineapple Star 1996 H 1996
Pineapple Star 1994 H 1994


Original Dessert (1995 dk b )
Race Record| 0 Win/5 Starts
Family Line
Dam Original Dessert
( M 1995 dk b Real Shadai )
Meiner Ad Hoc
( H 2002 b White Muzzle ) 2 Wins
Meiner Idios
( H 2003 b Bubble Gum Fellow ) 1 Win , 9 Wins (NAR)
My Strawberry
( M 2006 dk b Special Week )
Meine Torte
( M 2008 dk b Lincoln ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Original Dessert 2010
( M 2010 gr Swept Overboard ) 3 Wins (NAR)
( M 2011 b Company )
Dream Dolce
( H 2012 dk b Meiner Love ) 5 Wins , 2 Wins (NAR)
Kakitsubata Kinen (G3)
Tant de Amour
( M 2013 dk b Spicule ) 5 Wins (NAR)
( C 2022 dk b Taisei Legend )
2nd Dam Pineapple Star
( M 1988 dk b Nihon Pillow Winner ) 1 Win
Pineapple Star 1996
( H 1996 dk b Tony Bin )
( M 1997 dk b Sunday Silence )
Teardrops 2002
( H 2002 blk Brocco ) 1 Win (NAR)
Teardrops 2003
( M 2003 ch Opera House ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Daiwa Derringer
( H 2004 ch Daiwa Texas ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Toho Rosado
( M 2005 dk b Toho Emperor ) 1 Win
Top Cliford
( H 2006 dk b Jungle Pocket ) 2 Wins
Silk Earnest
( H 2007 ch Grass Wonder ) 6 Wins , 3 Wins (NAR)
Meiner Lacrima
( H 2008 ch Chief Bearhart ) 6 Wins
All Comers (G2), Kyoto Kimpai (G3), Tanabata Sho (G3)
Niigata Nisai Stakes (G3), Radio Nikkei Sho (G3), Fukushima Kinen (G3), Epsom Cup (G3)
Fuji Stakes (G3), Kokura Kinen (G3), Tanabata Sho (G3)
Namura Shori
( H 2010 b King Kamehameha ) 2 Wins
Namura Hillary
( M 2011 dk b Kurofune ) 2 Wins
Leo Artemis
( M 2012 gr Kurofune )
Lord Celerity
( H 2013 b King Kamehameha ) 2 Wins , 2 Wins (NAR)
Gempachi Kai Nalu
( H 2015 b King Kamehameha ) 2 Wins , 4 Wins (NAR)
( M 2017 b Lord Kanaloa )
Nac Legend
( H 2018 b Makfi ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Nac Drops
( M 2019 b The Factor ) 4 Wins
Third Party
( M 2021 dk b Danon Legend )
Iron Bridge
( M 1998 b Tony Bin ) 1 Win (NAR)
A One Flower
( M 2003 dk b Black Hawk )
Camphor Battle
( H 2006 b Manhattan Cafe ) 1 Win , 3 Wins (NAR)
Red Chandelle
( M 2008 ch Neo Universe ) 1 Win (NAR)
Monsieur Whity
( H 2009 gr Kurofune )
Kurofune Surprise
( M 2010 gr Kurofune ) 3 Wins
Tulip Sho (G3)
Hanshin Juvenile Fillies (G1)
Digital Spark
( H 2011 b Agnes Digital ) 6 Wins (NAR)
( H 2013 b Symboli Kris S )
Power Phrase
( M 2014 b Kurofune )
Mozu Machan
( H 2015 dk b Lord Kanaloa ) 9 Wins (NAR)
Iron Bridge 2016
( H 2016 b Orfevre )
Moon Palace
( H 2019 dk b Admire Moon )
( M 1999 dk b Narita Brian ) 2 Wins (NAR)
( M 2000 b Jade Robbery )
Hoshi Echo
( H 2001 b Dance in the Dark ) 1 Win , 6 Wins (NAR)
Laurel C'est lavie
( H 2006 b Adjudicating ) 1 Win (NAR)
3rd Dam Dyna Swaps
( M 1979 b Northern Taste )
Sakura Big O
( H 1986 b Partholon ) 3 Wins
Brave Swaps
( M 1987 dk b Bravest Roman ) 1 Win
Roman Candle
( H 1989 b Bravest Roman ) 2 Wins
Dandy Commando
( H 1993 b Nihon Pillow Winner ) 5 Wins
TV Nishi Nippon Corporation Sho Kitakyushu Kinen (G3)
Roi Fleet
( H 1996 ch Afleet ) 2 Wins , 1 Win (NAR)
4th Dam Sunny Swaps
( M 1975 b Hawaii )
Sakura Sunny O
( H 1982 b Partholon ) 3 Wins
Copa Republica Argentina (G2)
Yasuda Kinen (G1), Asahi Hai Sansai Stakes (G1), Satsuki Sho (Japanese 2000 Guineas) (G1), Kikuka Sho (G1)
Asics Dyna
( G 1983 dk b Northerly ) 1 Win
Sakura Daio
( H 1984 b Maruzensky )
Sunny Market
( H 1986 dk b Partholon ) 2 Wins
Blue Hawaii
( M 1989 b Thrill Show )
Cinema Scope
( M 1993 ch Tony Bin ) 4 Wins , 1 Win (NAR)
( H 1994 b Tony Bin ) 3 Wins
Kyoto Shimbun Hai (G2), Radio Tampa Sho (G3), TV Nishi Nippon Corporation Sho Kitakyushu Kinen (G3)
Challenge Cup (G3)
From Haze
( H 1996 b Sakura Yutaka O )
Just My Type
( H 1998 b Brian's Time ) 1 Win , 2 Wins (NAR)
( G 2000 b Sunday Silence ) 4 Wins
Radio Tampa Hai Nisai Stakes (G3)
( G 2002 b Special Week ) 3 Wins , 2 Wins (NAR)
( M 2004 b Dance in the Dark ) 1 Win
Dream Boat
( H 2005 b Symboli Kris S )
Breath of Life
( M 2007 b No Reason )
Azure Blue
( M 2008 ch Miscast )
Real Shadai (1979 dk b )
Race Record| 2 Wins/8 Starts
Nicks 9
Leading Progeny Klingelberger ('10 4yo+ ALW (1 Win))

Original Dessert 2010 MENU