


Vip Hercules




12.50%  4x4
Northern Dancer
9.38%  5x5x5
Mr. Prospector
9.38%  4x5
6.25%  5x5
Tom Rolfe
6.25%  5x5
Gold Digger
6.25%  5x5


Name Sex Foaled
Matsurida Waltz 2023 C 2023
Catchy Run F 2022
Maria Waltz M 2021
Arc Waltz M 2020
Krump M 2019
Whisk M 2018
Stillness M 2016
Lord Treasure H 2015
Walzer M 2014
Lord Quest H 2013
Matsurida Nobu H 2011


Name Sex Foaled
Blackpool H 2003
I Shall Legacy H 2001
Yukino Waltz 2000 M 2000
Fermata M 1999


Matsurida Waltz (2004 ch )
Race Record| 7 Wins/46 Starts
Family Line
Dam Matsurida Waltz
( M 2004 ch Chief Bearhart ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Matsurida Nobu
( H 2011 b Matsurida Gogh ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Vip Hercules
( H 2012 ch Fourty Niners Son ) 1 Win (NAR)
Lord Quest
( H 2013 b Matsurida Gogh ) 4 Wins , 2 Wins (NAR)
Swan Stakes (G2), Niigata Nisai Stakes (G3), Keisei Hai Autumn Handicap (G3)
NHK Mile Cup (G1), Hopeful Stakes (G2)
Spring Stakes (G2)
( M 2014 ch Jungle Pocket ) 1 Win
Lord Treasure
( H 2015 b Precise End ) 1 Win
( M 2016 b Gold Halo ) 1 Win
Niigata Nisai Stakes (G3)
( M 2018 dk b Matsurida Gogh ) 1 Win (NAR)
( M 2019 b Matsurida Gogh ) 1 Win (NAR)
Arc Waltz
( M 2020 b Isla Bonita )
Maria Waltz
( M 2021 ch Best Warrior )
Catchy Run
( F 2022 b Satono Aladdin ) HIT (JRA)
2nd Dam Yukino Waltz
( M 1993 b Real Shadai )
( M 1999 dk b Tenby ) 1 Win
Yukino Waltz 2000
( M 2000 b Tokai Teio ) 1 Win (NAR)
I Shall Legacy
( H 2001 ch Twining ) 1 Win
( H 2003 ch Opera House )
3rd Dam Dyna Clare
( M 1983 dk b Northern Taste ) 1 Win
Eishin C.B.
( H 1989 dk b Mr. C. B. )
Many Friends
( H 1991 dk b Pas de Seul )
Yuwa Windy
( M 1994 b Lindo Shaver )
Ai Jnana
( M 1996 dk b Hector Protector )
Satch no Dance
( M 1998 dk b Dancehall )
Gempachi Miracle
( H 1999 dk b Warning ) 3 Wins
4th Dam Clare Bridge
( M 1967 b Quadrangle )
Tosa Eiko
( M 1976 b Bold and Able )
Tosa Eiko 1981
( H 1981 dk b Ladiga )
Tosa Eiko 1986
( M 1986 b Nehai Jet )
Tosa Eiko 1987
( M 1987 b Nehai Jet )
Dyna Raise
( H 1980 dk b Raise a Lady )
Dyna Carol
( M 1981 b Northern Taste )
Carol Kid
( G 1986 ch Nichido Arashi ) 1 Win
Pepper Carol
( M 1987 ch Nichido Arashi ) 3 Wins
Kyoei Bridge
( H 1989 b Pas de Seul )
Coin Carol
( M 1990 b Coined Silver ) 2 Wins
Maruka Tenichibo
( H 1991 b Bravest Roman ) 4 Wins
Dyna Carol 1992
( H 1992 dk b In Extremis )
Sachino Carol
( M 1994 ch Miho Shinzan )
Maruka Cyclone
( H 1995 b Tony Bin )
Silk Diva
( M 1997 ch Mining )
Machikane Gondola
( H 1998 b Sakura Yutaka O ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Snark Reason
( M 2000 b Thunder Gulch ) 1 Win
Sakura Yamato O
( H 1988 ch Sakura Yutaka O ) 4 Wins
Kyodo News Service Hai Yonsai Stakes (G3), All Comers (G3)
Sakura Pearl
( M 1989 b Pas de Seul )
Sakura Chitose O
( H 1990 dk b Tony Bin ) 9 Wins , JRA Best Older Colt or Horse(1995)
Tenno Sho (Autumn) (G1), Nakayama Kinen (G2), American Jockey Club Cup (G2), Keio Hai Autumn Handicap (G3)
Yasuda Kinen (G1), Nakayama Kinen (G2)
Arima Kinen (G1), NHK Hai (G2)
Sakura Candle
( M 1992 b Sakura Yutaka O ) 5 Wins
Queen Elizabeth II Cup (G1), Queen Stakes (G3), Fuchu Himba Stakes (G3)
Niigata Kinen (G3)
Sakura Adeyaka
( M 1993 b Sakura Hokuto O ) 3 Wins
Sakura Agashi
( M 1994 b Tony Bin ) 1 Win
Sakura Prestige
( M 1997 dk b Brian's Time ) 3 Wins
Sakura Mega
( M 1998 ch Sunday Silence )
Sakura Pharaoh
( H 1999 b Sakura Laurel ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Sakura Empress
( M 2001 b Sunday Silence ) 1 Win (NAR)
Dyna Barcarole
( M 1984 b Northern Taste ) 1 Win
Hagino Blessing
( H 1992 b Rousillon )
Party Land
( M 1993 b Mill George ) 3 Wins
Dyna Barcarole 1994
( G 1994 b Cacoethes ) 1 Win (NAR)
Leo Wild
( H 1995 b Mill George )
( M 1997 ch Forty Niner ) 2 Wins
Dyna Barcarole 1998
( M 1998 b Groom Dancer ) 1 Win (NAR)
Dyna Barcarole 1999
( H 1999 b Mejiro McQueen ) 1 Win (NAR)
Dyna Barcarole 2000
( H 2000 dk b Soul of the Matter ) 1 Win (NAR)
Dyna Barcarole 2002
( M 2002 b Hokkai Rousseau ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Skip Kurara
( M 2003 dk b Black Tuxedo ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Game Freak
( H 1986 dk b Bravest Roman )
( H 1987 b Bravest Roman ) 2 Wins
Clare Knight
( H 1989 b Pas de Seul ) 3 Wins
Chief Bearhart (1993 ch )
Race Record| 12 Wins/26 Starts
Nicks 3
Leading Progeny Vip Hercules ('16 OP)

Vip Hercules MENU