


Sweet Tweet

スイートツイートDark BayMareRetired



Mr. Prospector
12.50%  4x4
6.25%  5x5


Name Sex Foaled
Malbec H 2015
Premier Grand H 2014
Beyond the Waltz M 2012
Sangiovese M 2010
Agnes Waltz M 2007
Tanakara Botamochi H 2006
Merlot Vintage H 2004
Sweetness M 2003


Name Sex Foaled
Blood Elite H 1999
Divine Light H 1995
Mellow Sunday M 1994
Sunday Lion H 1993
Air Justice H 1992
Venus Lips M 1991
Night Show M 1990
Fujino Tsubasa H 1989
Powerful Smash H 1988
Melting Mood M 1987
Cutting Edge M 1986
Goody Goody M 1985
Dyna Tres Bien M 1984
Dyna McCoy H 1983


Merlot Sweet (1996 ch )
Race Record| 4 Wins/31 Starts
Family Line
Dam Merlot Sweet
( M 1996 ch Hector Protector ) 4 Wins
( M 2003 dk b Special Week ) 1 Win
Tanakara Botamochi
( H 2006 ch Agnes Tachyon ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Agnes Waltz
( M 2007 ch Zenno Rob Roy ) 4 Wins
Flora Stakes (G2), Mermaid Stakes (G3)
Yushun Himba (Japanese Oaks) (G1)
Suzuka Work Ship
( H 2015 b Rulership ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
June Waltz
( M 2016 ch Harbinger )
Curren Strauss
( H 2017 b Rulership ) 5 Wins
Glorious Dad
( H 2018 b Rulership ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Agnes Ryu
( H 2019 ch Henny Hughes ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Agnes Shu
( G 2020 b Drefong ) 3 Wins (NAR)
( M 2010 b Wild Rush ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Beyond the Waltz
( M 2012 dk b Zenno Rob Roy ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Sweet Tweet
( M 2013 dk b Zenno Rob Roy )
Premier Grand
( H 2014 dk b Manhattan Cafe )
( H 2015 b Manhattan Cafe )
2nd Dam Meld Sport
( M 1979 ch Northern Taste )
Dyna McCoy
( H 1983 ch Ruscelli )
Dyna Tres Bien
( M 1984 ch Redoutable ) 2 Wins
Real Prince
( H 1992 ch Prince of Birds ) 3 Wins
( M 1994 gr Music Time J. ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Dynamic Song
( H 1995 ch Music Time J. ) 10 Wins (NAR)
Highest Sound
( H 1996 ch Music Time J. ) 2 Wins
White Queen
( M 1999 gr Ski Captain )
( H 2000 ch Genuine ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Goody Goody
( M 1985 ch Real Shadai )
Kamino Goody
( H 1994 dk b Jade Robbery ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Nanayo Caesar
( H 1995 ch Mejiro McQueen ) 1 Win
Cutting Edge
( M 1986 ch Faberge ) 6 Wins
TV Tokyo Sho Sansai Himba Stakes (G3), Queen Cup (G3)
Himba Tokyo Times Hai (G3)
Cutting Dark
( G 1993 ch Jade Robbery ) 2 Wins
Fabulous Turn
( M 1994 dk b Sunday Silence ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
Prominent Cut
( M 1995 b Tony Bin )
Cutting Well
( H 1997 b Sunday Silence ) 2 Wins (NAR)
( H 1998 b Tokai Teio ) 2 Wins
Air Caesar
( H 2000 gr Mejiro McQueen ) 3 Wins
Cutting Edge 2001
( H 2001 ch End Sweep ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Cutting Edge 2002
( H 2002 dk b Meiner Love )
Meiner Spada
( H 2003 dk b Meiner Love ) 2 Wins
T O Gang
( H 2004 dk b Special Week ) 3 Wins
Cutting Edge 2007
( H 2007 b Tokai Teio ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Melting Mood
( M 1987 ch Real Shadai )
Judge Mood
( M 1992 ch Judge Angelucci )
Ogi Melty
( M 1993 ch Creator )
Abe Brain
( H 1994 ch Criminal Type ) 3 Wins , 12 Wins (NAR)
Melting Mood 1995
( M 1995 b Rhythm )
( M 1996 b Tokai Teio )
Mellow Green
( M 1998 ch Tokai Teio )
Haseno Belcanto
( M 2002 dk b Fuji Kiseki ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
Melting Mood 2004
( H 2004 b King Halo ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Powerful Smash
( H 1988 ch No Lute )
Fujino Tsubasa
( H 1989 ch No Lute )
Night Show
( M 1990 b Mr. C. B. )
Venus Lips
( M 1991 b Mr. C. B. )
Air Justice
( H 1992 b Sunday Silence ) 4 Wins
Sunday Lion
( H 1993 ch Sunday Silence ) 1 Win
Mellow Sunday
( M 1994 dk b Sunday Silence ) 1 Win
Lily Pansy
( M 2000 dk b Timber Country )
Meiner Maturo
( H 2002 ch Pilsudski ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Luna Arcade
( M 2003 ch T.M.Opera O ) 14 Wins (NAR)
Seiun Whisper
( H 2006 dk b Meiner Love )
Tomiken Mjuk
( H 2010 gr Kurofune )
Marukei Freude
( M 2012 dk b Taiki Shuttle ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Bridge Hope
( H 2013 ch Casino Drive )
Divine Light
( H 1995 b Sunday Silence ) 4 Wins
Takamatsunomiya Kinen (G1), Yomiuri Milers Cup (G2), Mainichi Hai (G3), Hankyu Hai (G3), Tokyo Shimbun Hai (G3)
Blood Elite
( H 1999 dk b Bubble Gum Fellow )
3rd Dam Shadai Prima
( M 1970 b Marino )
Shadai Prima 1975
( M 1975 Snob )
Dyna Courage
( M 1981 b Model Fool )
Dyna Cosmos
( H 1983 b Huntercombe ) 4 Wins
Satsuki Sho (Japanese 2000 Guineas) (G1), Radio Tampa Sho (G3)
Asahi Hai Sansai Stakes (G1), Yayoi Sho (G3)
Keisei Hai (G3)
Dyna Worden
( H 1984 ch Dictus ) 1 Win
( M 1986 ch Real Shadai )
Luna Orchid
( M 1987 b Real Shadai )
Working Girl
( M 1988 b Pas de Seul ) 4 Wins
Night Invader
( H 1989 b Mr. C. B. )
Opening Night
( M 1986 b Real Shadai ) 1 Win
Seisho Cosmos
( M 1988 ch Pas de Seul ) 1 Win
Cosmic Rays
( H 1989 b Gay Mecene ) 3 Wins
( M 1991 ch Tony Bin )
Tokio Phoenix
( H 1992 ch Sakura Yutaka O ) 4 Wins
Win the Win
( H 1994 b Tony Bin ) 2 Wins
Cosmos Road
( M 1999 dk b Jade Robbery )
William Dyna
( H 1983 ch Huntercombe ) 1 Win
Sakura Hope
( H 1984 b Northern Taste ) 3 Wins
Prima Yoko
( M 1986 ch Northern Taste ) 2 Wins
Fujino Milton
( H 1989 ch Pas de Seul )
( M 1996 ch Sakura Yutaka O )
Kona Sunset
( G 1997 ch Timber Country ) 19 Wins (NAR)
Primrose Day
( H 1998 ch Tokai Teio )
Un Deux Trois 1999
( H 1999 dk b Fusaichi Concorde ) 1 Win (NAR)
( H 2000 ch Pentire ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Un Deux Trois 2001
( H 2001 b Adjudicating ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Un Deux Trois 2002
( H 2002 ch Marvelous Sunday ) 1 Win (NAR)
Subaru Jo
( H 2004 ch Hector Protector )
Un Deux Trois 2006
( M 2006 ch South Vigorous ) 4 Wins (NAR)
( H 2007 ch South Vigorous ) 1 Win
Premia Show
( M 1992 dk b Thrill Show )
Premia Show 1996
( H 1996 b Carroll House ) 1 Win (NAR)
Premia Show 1999
( M 1999 dk b El Senor )
Premia Show 2001
( H 2001 b Ogon Kazan ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Premia Show 2002
( M 2002 dk b Horisky )
Premia Show 2003
( M 2003 b Aswan )
4th Dam Night and Day
( M 1962 dk b Ratification )
Shadai Reef
( M 1969 b Nasco )
Shadai Ruler
( M 1973 b Marino )
Shadai Reef 1980
( H 1980 dk b Raise a Lady )
Night Hight
( M 1974 b High Hat )
Charm Lady
( M 1978 b Bold and Able )
Derring Dyna
( G 1980 b Huntercombe )
Academic Dyna
( H 1981 dk b Huntercombe )
Shadai Princess
( M 1976 dk b Diatome )
Dyna Idol
( M 1982 b Northern Taste ) 3 Wins
Chokai Parade
( H 1987 dk b Real Shadai )
Princess Romance
( M 1988 b Northern Taste ) 2 Wins
Sapporo Sansai Stakes (G3)
Princess Daisy
( M 1990 dk b Thrill Show )
( M 1978 dk b Dumbwaiter )
Hector Protector (1988 ch )
Race Record| 9 Wins/12 Starts
Nicks 16
Leading Progeny Agnes Waltz ('12 NAMBA STAKES (ALW (3 Win)))