






Northern Dancer
18.75%  4x3
9.38%  4x5
Lady Angela
9.38%  5x4
6.25%  5x5
Native Dancer
6.25%  5x5
6.25%  5x5


Name Sex Foaled
Royal Spirits M 2012
Eternal Star M 2010
Red Glacage H 2009
Swany M 2006
Niigatta Mail M 2005
Smoky Tavern H 2004
Grace Tiara M 2003
Polite Stone M 2002
Seattle You H 2000
White Tusk M 1999
Elegant City M 1998
Glory Tiara M 1997


Name Sex Foaled
Eternal Gold G 2004
Nariagari H 2002
Exerina M 2001
Royal Highness G 2000
Fusaichi Shiden H 1999
Burning Soul G 1998
Fusaichi You Can M 1997
Fusaichi World M 1996
Royal Flush M 1995
Tayasu McKinley H 1994
Cosmah's List M 1993
Royal Bell M 1992
Lady Cosmah M 1990
Royal Third H 1989
Royal Time M 1988


Royal Tiara (1991 ch )
Race Record| 5 Wins/19 Starts
Family Line
Dam Royal Tiara
( M 1991 ch Northern Taste ) 5 Wins
Glory Tiara
( M 1997 ch Afleet ) 5 Wins
Bridal Bouquet
( M 2005 ch Gold Allure )
Special Piece
( M 2008 ch Special Week ) 2 Wins
Elegant City
( M 1998 b Sunday Silence ) 3 Wins
Sunrise Salute
( H 2008 b Jungle Pocket ) 2 Wins , 2 Wins (NAR)
Fuku Iru
( H 2011 b Symboli Kris S ) 6 Wins (NAR)
( M 2012 gr Kurofune ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Hakusan Chikara
( H 2016 b Pyro ) 1 Win (NAR)
White Tusk
( M 1999 dk b Sunday Silence ) 1 Win (NAR)
Taisei Panther
( M 2007 dk b Wild Rush )
Royal Salute
( H 2008 ch Stravinsky ) 3 Wins
Mikki Balloon
( H 2009 ch King Kamehameha ) 1 Win , 4 Wins (NAR)
Seattle You
( H 2000 ch Brian's Time ) 6 Wins
Polite Stone
( M 2002 ch Afleet ) 3 Wins
Grace Tiara
( M 2003 b Fuji Kiseki ) 1 Win , 3 Wins (NAR)
Zen-Nippon Nisai Yushun (G1), Hyogo Championship (G2), Edelweiss Sho (G3)
Kanto Oaks (G2), Sparking Lady Cup (G3)
Queen Sho (G3)
Mermaid Tiara
( M 2009 b Symboli Kris S ) 1 Win
King Song
( H 2010 b King Kamehameha ) 2 Wins
Danon Batura
( H 2011 dk b King Kamehameha ) 4 Wins
Danon Polaris
( H 2012 ch Harbinger ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Crowned Head
( M 2013 b Empire Maker ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Danon Royal
( H 2015 b Empire Maker ) 3 Wins , 8 Wins (NAR)
Halo Scroll
( M 2019 dk b Henny Hughes ) 1 Win
Smoky Tavern
( H 2004 dk b Tanino Gimlet ) 1 Win , 4 Wins (NAR)
Niigatta Mail
( M 2005 b Symboli Kris S ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Key Player
( M 2011 dk b Meisho Bowler ) 4 Wins
( M 2012 ch Grass Wonder )
( G 2014 dk b Meisho Bowler ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
Elina Hurler
( M 2015 b Johannesburg ) 1 Win
( M 2016 b Zenno Rob Roy ) 2 Wins , 1 Win (NAR)
S Wonderful
( M 2018 b Just a Way )
( M 2019 dk b Daiwa Major ) 2 Wins
Lien Fort
( H 2021 b Rulership )
Kyoei Art
( C 2023 b Orfevre ) HIT (JRA)
( M 2006 ch Forty Niner )
Battle Horse
( G 2011 ch Gold Allure )
Tree House
( M 2012 dk b Kinshasa no Kiseki ) 7 Wins (NAR)
( H 2017 b Unrivaled ) 1 Win (NAR)
Sunrise Ganar
( H 2018 dk b Belshazzar )
Red Glacage
( H 2009 ch Fuji Kiseki ) 1 Win , 2 Wins (NAR)
Eternal Star
( M 2010 ch Admire Moon ) 2 Wins
( H 2017 ch Majestic Warrior ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Noble Star
( H 2018 b Epiphaneia ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Taisei Runner
( H 2020 ch Asia Express ) 1 Win
Royal Spirits
( M 2012 b Heart's Cry )
Royal Soul
( M 2019 b Hokko Tarumae ) 2 Wins
( M 2021 b Danon Legend ) 3 Wins, HIT (JRA)
( H 2014 ch Gold Allure ) 3 Wins , 1 Win (NAR)
2nd Dam Royal Cosmah
( M 1982 b Royal Ski )
Oka Sho (Japanese 1000 Guineas) (G1)
Royal Time
( M 1988 b Nagurski ) 1 Win
Hard Fortune
( H 1996 b Star of Cozzene ) 1 Win
Love is Winner
( H 1997 b Nihon Pillow Winner ) 3 Wins
One More My Line
( H 1998 b Soccer Boy ) 4 Wins
Tokai Stakes (G2), March Stakes (G3)
Antares Stakes (G3)
Mille Crepe
( M 1999 ch Afleet )
Love is Time
( H 2000 ch Lively One )
Big Royal
( H 2003 ch Brian's Time )
( M 2004 gr Kurofune )
Aino Star Gate
( H 2006 b Stay Gold ) 1 Win
Royal Third
( H 1989 b Bravest Roman )
Lady Cosmah
( M 1990 ch Northern Taste ) 2 Wins
( H 1995 b Sunday Silence )
Morning Glow
( M 1996 b Tony Bin )
( M 1998 ch Afleet ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Shadow Vintage
( H 2000 b Commander in Chief ) 4 Wins
Omega City
( H 2002 ch Brocco )
( M 2005 dk b Commander in Chief ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Earth Saver
( H 2006 ch Jungle Pocket ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Daiwa Clever
( H 2008 dk b Symboli Kris S ) 1 Win
Kurino Hanamichi
( H 2009 ch Roses in May ) 2 Wins , 2 Wins (NAR)
Lady Posse
( M 2011 b Higher Game )
Royal Bell
( M 1992 gr Bellypha )
Bandam V.Power
( H 1997 gr Rhythm ) 1 Win (NAR)
Aurora White
( M 2000 gr Afleet ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Homan Sky Bell
( G 2001 b Ogygian )
T M Ebisu O
( H 2002 gr Tamamo Cross )
Happy Barows
( H 2003 b Sakura Bakushin O ) 1 Win
Sweet Pippin
( M 2004 gr Star of Cozzene ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Cosmah's List
( M 1993 b Maruzensky )
Tayasu McKinley
( H 1994 dk b Sunday Silence ) 3 Wins
Royal Flush
( M 1995 ch Tony Bin )
Grosse Point
( M 2002 b Commander in Chief ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Flush Dance
( M 2004 dk b Dance in the Dark )
Royal Caliburn
( H 2005 ch Falbrav ) 3 Wins (NAR)
The Creation
( H 2006 dk b Special Week ) 3 Wins
Vesper City
( H 2011 ch Tanino Gimlet )
Touch Start
( M 2013 ch Matsurida Gogh )
Fusaichi World
( M 1996 dk b Last Tycoon ) 1 Win
Primrose Hill
( M 2003 b Sunday Silence ) 3 Wins
Meisho Kiyomasa
( H 2004 dk b Fuji Kiseki ) 1 Win (NAR)
( H 2005 gr Kurofune )
Curren Lambiel
( H 2006 dk b Fuji Kiseki )
( H 2009 dk b Neo Universe ) 1 Win (NAR)
( M 2010 dk b Symboli Kris S ) 1 Win , 4 Wins (NAR)
( M 2011 dk b Stay Gold )
Fusaichi You Can
( M 1997 b Sunday Silence ) 5 Wins
Sanspo Yonsai Himba Tokubetsu (G2), Kyoto Himba Stakes (G3)
Fusaichi Do It
( H 2004 dk b Kurofune ) 2 Wins (NAR)
High Average
( H 2005 blk Symboli Kris S ) 1 Win
Pisa no Kikoshi
( H 2006 b King Kamehameha ) 1 Win
Burning Soul
( G 1998 dk b Soul of the Matter ) 3 Wins
Fusaichi Shiden
( H 1999 b Helissio ) 1 Win (NAR)
Royal Highness
( G 2000 ch Lammtarra )
( M 2001 dk b Fuji Kiseki ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Exerina 2009
( M 2009 b Alkaased ) 1 Win (NAR)
Kineo Ryusei
( H 2010 dk b Taiki Shuttle ) 2 Wins
( M 2011 b Johannesburg ) 1 Win
( G 2012 dk b Symboli Kris S )
Aki Brave
( G 2014 dk b Jungle Pocket ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Tomoja Stice
( H 2015 dk b Taiki Shuttle ) 2 Wins , 7 Wins (NAR)
Ariakeno Tsuki
( M 2018 b Creator )
Royal Speed
( M 2019 dk b Leontes )
( H 2002 ch Lammtarra ) 1 Win
Eternal Gold
( G 2004 ch Stay Gold )
3rd Dam Matchless Native
( M 1968 b Raise a Native )
King of the Way
( H 1983 ch Steel Heart ) 3 Wins
( H 1985 b Maruzensky ) 1 Win
Meisho Kirinji
( H 1986 b Maruzensky )
High Spirit
( M 1989 b Nagurski )
Ivory City
( M 1994 dk b Bamboo Begin )
( H 1995 b Amber Shadai ) 1 Win
Five Soldier
( H 1997 b Fuji Kiseki ) 5 Wins , 1 Win (NAR)
Grand Ange
( M 1998 b Sakura Bakushin O ) 1 Win (NAR)
Big Kong
( G 2000 b Taiki Shuttle ) 5 Wins
Love is All
( M 2002 b Fuji Kiseki )
( G 2005 b Taiki Shuttle )
4th Dam Royal Match
( M 1964 dk b Turn-to )
Royal Noble
( H 1971 dk b Vaguely Noble )
( H 1973 b Bold Bidder )
( M 1974 dk b Buckpasser )
John's Gold
( H 1979 b Bold Bidder )
Spirited Lass  [USA
( M 1989 dk b Danzig Connection )
Lansdowne  [USA
( H 1980 b Lyphard )
Northern Taste (1971 ch )
Race Record| 5 Wins/20 Starts
Nicks 23
Leading Progeny Reconquista ('17 3yo+ ALW (1 Win))