


Sea Romper 2015




Northern Dancer
9.38%  5x5x5


Name Sex Foaled
Noatan M 2014
Thesaurus H 2013
Rinascita M 2012
Melchior H 2011
Sea Felix H 2009
Sigerumadogiwazoku H 2008
Sea Rhapsody H 2007


Name Sex Foaled
Sea Sovereign H 2006
Sea Flier H 2005
Sea Kingdom H 2002
Sea Carol M 2001
Sea Ballade M 1999
Sea Amber M 1998
Sea Adonis H 1997
Sea Lovely M 1996
Sea Glitter M 1995
Sea Domingo H 1994


Sea Romper (2000 b )
Race Record| 2 Wins/28 Starts
Family Line
Dam Sea Romper
( M 2000 b Warning ) 2 Wins
Sea Rhapsody
( H 2007 b Grandera )
( H 2008 b Sakura President ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Sea Felix
( H 2009 b Seeking the Dia ) 7 Wins (NAR)
( H 2011 b Suzuka Phoenix ) 5 Wins (NAR)
( M 2012 b Came Home ) 2 Wins (NAR)
( H 2013 b Tanino Gimlet ) 4 Wins (NAR)
( M 2014 b Oken Bruce Lee ) 3 Wins (NAR)
2nd Dam Sea Felicia
( M 1985 b Lucky Sovereign ) 5 Wins
Sea Domingo
( H 1994 ch Mogambo ) 3 Wins
Sea Lovely
( M 1996 dk b Rousillon )
Sea Adonis
( H 1997 ch King Glorious ) 5 Wins
Sea Amber
( M 1998 b Amber Shadai ) 1 Win
Sea Ballade
( M 1999 dk b Mayano Top Gun )
Sea Carol
( M 2001 b Mejiro Ryan )
Sea Monarda
( M 2006 b Special Week )
Sea Fearless
( H 2007 dk b Alkaased ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Sea Kingdom
( H 2002 dk b King Glorious ) 1 Win
Sea Flier
( H 2005 dk b Agnes Flight )
3rd Dam Hida Rock
( M 1974 ch China Rock )
China Koma
( M 1981 dk b Don )
Jim Rose
( M 1983 b Jim French )
Eccent Looks
( H 1984 b Lypheor )
Eishin Crown
( M 1986 b Maruzensky )
Eishin Buraddo
( H 1990 dk b Mogami )
Eishin Cheyenne
( H 1991 b Tony Bin )
Eishin Mind
( H 1992 b Tony Bin )
Eishin Crown 1994
( M 1994 b ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Eishin Jump
( H 1995 dk b Carroll House )
Eishin Crown 1996
( M 1996 b Tokai Teio ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Eishin Crown 1997
( M 1997 gr Golden Pheasant ) 1 Win (NAR)
Sovereign Dream
( M 1987 b No Attention ) 3 Wins
Beauty Dream
( M 1997 ch Soccer Boy )
Pearl Pierce
( M 1998 b Sunshine Forever ) 3 Wins
Dream Tower
( H 1999 b Dancehall ) 1 Win (NAR)
( H 2001 dk b Air Dublin ) 1 Win (NAR)
Sovereign Bright
( H 2002 b Mejiro Bright ) 3 Wins
Red Cup
( H 2004 b Bachir ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Hida Rock 1988
( M 1988 b Northerly )
Lucky Moment
( M 1989 b Splendid Moment ) 1 Win
Hida Rock 1990
( M 1990 b Yamanin )
( H 1993 b Mouktar )
Top Sergeant
( H 1994 b French Glory ) 2 Wins , 1 Win (NAR)
4th Dam Kitano Koma
( M 1964 b Scot )
( M 1970 b Sammy Davis )
Tohwasamih 1976
( H 1976 ch Tandy )
Tohwasamih 1978
( M 1978 ch Tandy )
Tohwasamih 1979
( M 1979 dk b Star Affair )
Hida Mincio
( M 1972 b Mincio )
Hida Sammy
( M 1977 b Sammy Davis )
Saeki Hope
( H 1979 b Faberge )
Kitano Faber
( M 1975 b Faberge )
Kitano Faber 1982
( H 1982 dk b Tosho Gate )
Sally Cossack
( M 1983 b The Pale )
Kitano Faber 1985
( M 1985 dk b The Pale )
Grand Shin
( M 1986 dk b Inter Gushiken )
Hida Kaori
( M 1976 b Faberge )
Daikatsu Hikari
( H 1982 ch Nizon )
Rikisan Blue
( M 1983 b Don )
Mogami Yamanin
( H 1984 dk b Yamanin ) 2 Wins
Lindo Jim
( H 1986 ch Jim French )
Wonder Gifted
( H 1987 dk b Yamanin )
Hida Kaori 1989
( M 1989 b Yamanin )
Hida Kaori 1990
( M 1990 b )
Miho Sun Boy
( H 1978 gr Don )
Kitano Koma 1980
( H 1980 ch Crocket )
Hirono Julian
( M 1981 b Nizon )
Hirono Yugao
( M 1987 b Tyrnavos )
Hirono Palace
( H 1988 b Tyrnavos ) 1 Win
Hirono Julian 1990
( H 1990 b Tap on Wood ) 8 Wins (NAR)
Hirono Julian 1993
( H 1993 b )
Jo Amu Darya
( H 1983 dk b Inter Gushiken )
Linen Kokuryu
( M 1984 dk b Inter Gushiken )
Warning (1985 dk b )
Race Record| 8 Wins/14 Starts
Nicks 2
Leading Progeny Noatan ('17 OP)

Sea Romper 2015 MENU