


Tanino Murasaki

タニノムラサキDark BayMareRetired



Blue Peter
9.38%  5x4


Name Sex Foaled
Tanino Maiogi M 1989
Tanino Seed M 1987
Aromac Hikari H 1986
Tanino Candle M 1984
Tanino Espoir H 1983
Tanino Hyperion H 1981
Tanino Steel H 1980
Tanino Swallow M 1979
Round Perla M 1978
Tanino Continent H 1976
Dona Perla 1975 H 1975



Dona Perla (1970 dk b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Family Line
Dam Dona Perla
( M 1970 dk b Round Table )
Tanino Continent
( H 1976 dk b Buckstopper )
Round Perla
( M 1978 ch King's Company )
Round Perla 1983
( H 1983 ch )
( M 1984 gr C.B.Cross ) 1 Win
Fate Company
( H 1985 ch Fate Maker )
Tokei Grandee
( H 1986 gr C.B.Cross )
Tokino Grundy
( H 1987 ch Grundy )
Kitano Fuka
( M 1988 dk b Junius )
Long Perla
( M 1989 gr Long Mick )
Off the Wall
( H 1990 gr Mendez ) 3 Wins , 4 Wins (NAR)
Hiro Kagami
( M 1991 ch Royal Ski )
Bullish Boy
( H 1992 ch Slew O'Dyna )
Dancing Perla
( M 1993 dk b Dancing Brave )
Round Perla 1994
( H 1994 gr Mouktar )
Round Perla 1995
( H 1995 dk b Nasr El Arab )
Kyowa Sasuke
( H 1996 ch Drum Taps )
Round Perla 1997
( H 1997 ch Inari One )
Tanino Swallow
( M 1979 dk b My Swallow )
Tanino Steel
( H 1980 ch Steel Heart ) 1 Win
Tanino Hyperion
( H 1981 ch Jogging )
Tanino Murasaki
( M 1982 dk b )
Tanino Espoir
( H 1983 ch Glenturret ) 2 Wins
Tanino Candle
( M 1984 ch Tosho Boy )
Tanino Dengeki
( M 1990 dk b Antiqua )
Kenran Goka
( H 1992 ch Pluralisme ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Tanino of King
( H 1993 b Nasr El Arab ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
Aromac Hikari
( H 1986 dk b My Swallow )
Tanino Seed
( M 1987 ch Nizon )
Tanino Maiogi
( M 1989 b Horisky ) 2 Wins
2nd Dam Hy-C
( M 1959 ch Hyperion )
3rd Dam Djece
( M 1949 b Djebel )
( M 1963 b Above Suspicion )
( M 1969 ch Kashmir )
Molly Belle  [FR
( M 1965 b Molvedo )
Sea Belle
( M 1971 ch Sigebert )
Molly Belle 1975
( M 1975 b Stintino )
Molly Belle 1976
( M 1976 dk b Sodium )
Molly Belle 1977
( M 1977 ch Gay Saint )
Molly Belle 1979
( M 1979 b Fidalgo )
Maazel Stan
( H 1980 b Tesco Boy )
Molly Belle 1982
( M 1982 gr Willowick )
4th Dam La Circe
( M 1930 b Ksar )
( M 1937 b Pharos )
( M 1938 ch Asterus )
( M 1943 b Victrix )
( M 1944 dk b Goya )
Thanks Wire
( M 1954 dk b Cable )
Round Table (1954 b )
Race Record| 43 Wins/66 Starts
Nicks 1
Leading Progeny Tanino Murasaki

Tanino Murasaki MENU