


Belle Charmante




6.25%  5x5


Name Sex Foaled
Bell Top Lady 2004 H 2004
Land Art M 2002
Belle Wing M 2001
Cipher Key M 2000
Countryside M 1999
Leo Traveler H 1998
Charming Bell M 1997
Belle Breeze M 1996
Kotohide Kenzan H 1995
Tiger Teio H 1993
Adele Brillant M 1992
Bell Top Duke H 1991


Name Sex Foaled
Anchor Porter M 1988
Long Michel M 1985
Wind of Summer M 1983
Ire Birth 1982 H 1982
Saison Florrie M 1980
Michinoku Spencer H 1979
Aire Tesco M 1978
Ire Birth 1977 M 1977
Aire Cherry M 1976
My Soul M 1975


Bell Top Lady (1986 b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Family Line
Dam Bell Top Lady
( M 1986 b Tosho Boy )
Belle Charmante
( M 1990 ch Yamaninsky ) 4 Wins
Sekiya Kinen (G3)
Marubutsu Tony
( H 1996 ch Tony Bin ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Tosen Bell Road
( H 2000 ch Dance in the Dark ) 1 Win
Wind Rose
( M 2001 ch Special Week ) 2 Wins (NAR)
( M 2002 ch Grass Wonder )
( H 2003 b White Muzzle )
Cosmo Naughty
( H 2004 ch Pentire ) 8 Wins (NAR)
Hot Coffee
( H 2006 ch Biwa Shinseiki )
Bell Top Duke
( H 1991 b Yamaninsky )
Adele Brillant
( M 1992 ch Beau Zam )
Tiger Teio
( H 1993 b Bamboo Atlas )
Kotohide Kenzan
( H 1995 b Wassl Touch ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
Belle Breeze
( M 1996 b White Muzzle )
Shonan Alone
( H 2005 b Shonan Kampf )
Eifer Liliane
( M 2006 b White Muzzle ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Charming Bell 2009
( M 2009 b White Muzzle ) 1 Win (NAR)
Leo Traveler
( H 1998 dk b Pentire ) 4 Wins (NAR)
( M 1999 b Sakura Bakushin O ) 1 Win
Belle Wing
( M 2001 b Pentire ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Land Art
( M 2002 b Air Jihad )
2nd Dam Ire Birth
( M 1970 ch Solonaway )
My Soul
( M 1975 ch Shinzan )
Queen Red
( M 1979 ch Jim French )
( M 1980 dk b Lucky Sovereign )
Select Sunkist
( M 1981 ch Tosho Boy )
New Birth
( M 1982 ch Nizon )
Fire Dream
( M 1983 b Lypheor ) 3 Wins
Pewter Queen
( M 1986 ch Pewter Grey )
Daikatsu Cajun
( M 1987 ch Cajun )
Aire Cherry
( M 1976 b Neptunus )
Aire Cherry 1979
( H 1979 b Yushio )
( M 1980 b Hopefully On )
Hashino Red Reef
( H 1987 ch Telios ) 2 Wins
Kaneko Flora
( M 1989 ch Park Regent )
( H 1990 b Park Regent ) 3 Wins
Eternal Belief
( H 1993 b Slew O'Dyna ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Ire Birth 1977
( M 1977 ch Faberge )
Storm Center
( M 1985 ch Hashi Storm )
( M 1986 ch Personality )
( M 1988 ch Mississipian )
( M 1989 b Tai Tehm )
Shinko Strong
( H 1990 b Coined Silver ) 2 Wins
( M 1991 ch Storm On the Loose )
Haguro Ryuki O
( H 1992 ch Yamaninsky )
Shinko Mighty
( G 1994 b Ebros ) 1 Win , 6 Wins (NAR)
Aire Tesco
( M 1978 dk b Tesco Boy )
Nippo Arrow
( H 1983 ch Arrow Express )
Yunai Fast
( M 1984 dk b Tudenham )
Gusty Horse
( H 1985 b Maruzensky ) 6 Wins
( M 1986 b Arrow Express ) 1 Win
Machikane Tsuranuki
( H 1987 dk b Targowice ) 4 Wins
Anchor Steam
( M 1988 dk b Real Shadai ) 1 Win
Aire Tesco 1990
( H 1990 dk b Real Shadai )
Big Applause
( H 1991 ch Northern Taste ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
Gulf Pearl
( M 1992 ch Jade Robbery ) 4 Wins
Art Forum
( M 1994 dk b Super Creek )
( M 1996 b Soccer Boy )
Go with Wind
( H 1999 dk b Fraise ) 6 Wins
Michinoku Spencer
( H 1979 ch Faberge )
Saison Florrie
( M 1980 ch Faberge )
Only One
( H 1988 ch Telios ) 2 Wins
Thumbs Up
( H 1989 ch Yamaninsky )
( M 1990 b No Attention )
Sans Soupir
( H 1991 ch Real Shadai )
Saison Florrie 1994
( H 1994 b Splendid Moment ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Ire Birth 1982
( H 1982 b Northerly )
Wind of Summer
( M 1983 ch Northerly )
Mihono Rhythm
( H 1988 b Pluralisme )
Meisho Zephyr
( H 1989 b Katsuragi Ace ) 1 Win
Madame Bit
( M 1990 b Allez Milord ) 3 Wins
Stormy Run
( M 1991 b Tony Bin ) 3 Wins
Bed of Rose
( M 1993 ch Yamaninsky )
Wind Request
( H 1994 ch Ines Fujin )
Wind of Summer 1995
( M 1995 b Beau Zam ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Wind of Summer 1998
( H 1998 b Kotashaan ) 12 Wins (NAR)
Wind of Summer 2000
( H 2000 ch Misil )
Wind of Summer 2001
( M 2001 gr Misil )
Long Michel
( M 1985 b No Attention )
Long Michel 1989
( M 1989 b Telios )
( M 1990 b Mr. C. B. )
My Rega
( H 1991 dk b Real Shadai ) 2 Wins
Long Michel 1995
( H 1995 b Lyphard's Wish ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Anchor Porter
( M 1988 b Dyna Cosmos )
( M 1994 gr Golden Pheasant )
Anchor Porter 1998
( H 1998 ch Temperate Sil ) 5 Wins (NAR)
3rd Dam San Marino
( M 1961 b Tosa Midori )
San Marino 1967
( H 1967 Meizui )
Hindo Birth
( M 1968 b Hindostan )
Takeno Allegro
( M 1973 ch Faberge )
( M 1974 dk b Ruysdael )
Okano Blue
( M 1975 b Neptunus )
Hard Ruby
( M 1976 ch Faberge )
China Birth
( M 1977 dk b China Rock )
Michinoku Ruby
( M 1978 b Baldric )
Red Cosmos
( M 1979 b Maruzensky )
Salina Birth
( M 1980 b Maruzensky )
Lash and Go
( H 1981 b Sortingo )
Shimano Gold
( H 1982 b Huntercombe )
Clear Birth
( M 1983 b Sea Hawk )
Mine Knospen
( M 1985 ch Amber Shadai ) 1 Win
Meine Teparntar
( M 1986 ch Saruno King ) 1 Win
Mitsuko Verse
( M 1989 b Gallop Dyna )
San Marino 1971
( H 1971 Mincio )
Okano Jo O
( M 1972 ch Faberge )
Okano Jo O 1977
( H 1977 ch China Rock )
Okano Symphony
( M 1979 b Maruzensky )
Three Cup
( H 1980 b Maruzensky )
( H 1981 b Maruzensky )
Osaichi Aisan
( H 1983 b Maruzensky ) 1 Win
World Medea
( M 1985 ch Dictus )
Hot and Nasty
( M 1986 b Katsuragi Ace ) 2 Wins
Okano Jo O 1988
( H 1988 b Mr. C. B. )
Okano Jo O 1991
( M 1991 ch Merry Nice )
Kabari Lancer
( M 1975 ch Faberge )
Kabari Lancer 1983
( M 1983 ch Habat )
Takara Hachiman
( H 1984 ch English Prince ) 4 Wins
Long Antares
( H 1985 ch Nonoalco )
Super Sunday
( M 1986 ch Royal Ski )
Kabari Scepter
( M 1988 ch Grundy )
Eiyu Lancer
( H 1989 b Maruzensky )
Tamamo Vite
( M 1990 ch Slew the Dragon ) 1 Win
Swing City
( M 1976 ch Divine Gift )
Yuko Prince
( H 1983 ch Remand )
( M 1985 b Maruzensky ) 1 Win
Mayano Dipper
( H 1988 ch Tap on Wood ) 1 Win
Swing City 1993
( M 1993 b Cacoethes )
San Marino 1977
( H 1977 ch Mincio )
Tsukino Ranzan
( H 1980 b Yamanin )
4th Dam Sunkist
( M 1944 b Mint d'Or )
Sunkist 1951
( H 1951 dk b Shigehaya )
( M 1954 b Tosa Midori )
( M 1959 ch Bostonian )
Hikaru Dia
( M 1962 dk b Hindostan )
( M 1966 ch Emroan )
Sunkist 1955
( M 1955 b Tosa Midori )
( H 1961 Hindostan )
( H 1963 b Tiepolo )
( M 1964 dk b Tiepolo )
Sunny Ruby
( M 1968 b Indiana )
Cape Ruby
( M 1969 b Moutiers )
Hida Queen
( M 1971 dk b Sammy Davis )
( M 1972 gr Fortino )
Parrot Mouth
( M 1973 b Faberge )
Hida Cosmo
( M 1974 dk b Dancing Cap )
Hida Kotobuki
( M 1975 gr Dancing Cap )
Tei Angel
( M 1976 gr Dancing Cap )
Three Net
( H 1977 ch Crocket )
Sunkist 1956
( M 1956 b Tosa Midori )
Saint Power
( H 1961 b Ferriol )
( M 1962 b Pearl Diver )
( H 1963 Wildeal )
Kiyouei Sutah
( M 1964 b Wildeal )
( H 1965 Lavandin )
Date Tenryu
( H 1967 b Wildeal )
Dateno Jo O
( M 1968 b Lavandin )
( M 1970 b Wildeal )
( M 1959 b Tosa Midori )
Rookie 1966
( H 1966 Gay Time )
Rookie 1967
( H 1967 Tamanar )
Hida Rookie
( M 1969 b Indiana )
Rookie 1972
( H 1972 Faberge )
Dainana Rookie
( M 1974 gr Dancing Cap )
Hida Ribot
( M 1975 b Romulus )
Mena Rookie
( M 1976 ch Dancing Cap )
Katsu Rookie O
( H 1977 ch Dancing Cap )
Rookie Kane O
( H 1978 dk b Wildeal )
Rookie O
( H 1980 b Flaring Dancer )
Super Prince
( H 1981 b Yushio )
Tosa Miyuki
( M 1960 ch Tosa Midori )
( M 1966 ch Panaslipper )
Light Merry
( M 1967 ch Tamanar )
Technos Marie
( M 1970 b Sammy Davis )
Miss Pot
( M 1973 ch Petros )
Tosho Boy (1973 b )
Race Record| 3 Wins/7 Starts
Nicks 11
Leading Progeny Belle Charmante ('94 HBC HAI ())

Belle Charmante MENU