


Storm King

ストームキングDark BayHorse



Northern Dancer
15.63%  4x4x5
9.38%  5x5x5


Name Sex Foaled
Blushing Storm 2008 H 2008
Color Charge H 2005
World Famous H 2003
Plein d'Etoiles M 2002
Chokai Royal H 2001
Morning Music M 1996
Blushing Desert M 1994


Name Sex Foaled
Chokai Wit M 1992
Chokai Carol M 1991
Shonai H 1990


Blushing Storm (1989 dk b )
Race Record| 0 Win/0 Start
Family Line
Dam Blushing Storm
( M 1989 dk b Blushing Groom )
Blushing Desert  [GB
( M 1994 b Green Desert )
Osumi Blushing
( H 1999 b Fuji Kiseki ) 1 Win
Special Dessert
( M 2000 b Thunder Gulch ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Sky Master
( H 2001 b Helissio )
( M 2002 b French Deputy ) 1 Win , 2 Wins (NAR)
Big Opal
( M 2003 b Fuji Kiseki ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Azusa and Berry
( M 2004 b Fuji Kiseki ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Morning Music  [GB
( M 1996 dk b Green Desert )
Nanyono Saga
( M 2003 dk b Desert King ) 3 Wins
Kashino Red
( M 2005 b Boston Harbor ) 1 Win
Starlyte Girl
( M 1997 dk b Fairy King )
Kiwi Girl
( M 2005 b Stravinsky ) 3 Wins
Chokai Royal
( H 2001 dk b Brian's Time ) 6 Wins , 1 Win (NAR)
Plein d'Etoiles
( M 2002 dk b Brian's Time ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Coup de Theatre
( H 2008 dk b Bago ) 9 Wins (NAR)
( H 2013 dk b Black Tide )
Viva Trio
( H 2014 b Tosen Homareboshi ) 1 Win (NAR)
World Famous
( H 2003 dk b Fuji Kiseki ) 1 Win (NAR)
Color Charge
( H 2005 dk b Brian's Time ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
Storm King
( H 2006 dk b Desert King ) 8 Wins (NAR)
Blushing Storm 2008
( H 2008 dk b Tanino Gimlet ) 3 Wins (NAR)
2nd Dam Witwatersrand
( M 1981 b Mr. Prospector )
Celtic Loot
( M 1986 ch Irish River )
( M 1994 b El Gran Senor )
( H 1990 b Manila )
Chokai Carol
( M 1991 ch Brian's Time ) 4 Wins
Yushun Himba (Japanese Oaks) (G1), Chukyo Kinen (G3)
Queen Elizabeth II Cup (G1), Sapphire Stakes (G3), Keihan Hai (G3)
Flower Cup (G3)
Chokai West
( H 1997 dk b Sunday Silence ) 1 Win
Chokai Charm
( M 1998 ch Tony Bin )
Chokai Flight
( H 1999 dk b Sunday Silence ) 4 Wins
Chokai Kaiser
( H 2001 ch Sunday Silence ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Chokai Shuttle
( H 2002 b Pilsudski ) 5 Wins
Chokai Sunday
( H 2003 ch Sunday Silence ) 3 Wins
Chokai Wit
( M 1992 b Bravest Roman )
Chokai Purple
( M 1997 b Amber Shadai ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Meisho Bravo
( H 1998 gr Tamamo Cross ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Chokai Cherry
( M 2000 b Commander in Chief ) 1 Win
Chokai Top
( H 2001 b Pilsudski ) 9 Wins (NAR)
Chokai Hart
( M 2002 b Chief Bearhart ) 6 Wins (NAR)
3rd Dam Sleek Belle
( M 1972 b Vaguely Noble )
Chic Belle
( M 1980 dk b Mr. Prospector )
Lucy Moon  [GB
( M 1988 b Blushing Groom )
Bandoline  [GB
( M 1989 b Top Ville )
Belisha  [IRE
( M 1992 b Darshaan )
Chicory Belle  [USA
( M 1995 b Strike the Gold )
( M 1985 Alydar )
Shoalih 1995
( H 1995 b Zilzal )
Sleek Feet
( M 1987 b Seattle Slew )
Hishi Sleek
( M 1994 b Storm Cat )
Sleek Feet 1996
( H 1996 b Kingmambo )
Win Fuerza
( H 1997 b Thunder Gulch )
4th Dam Sleek Dancer
( M 1968 b Northern Dancer )
Sharp Belle
( M 1975 gr Native Charger )
Lady Chatterley  [USA
( M 1985 b Roberto )
Oak Prince  [USA
( H 1988 b Blushing Groom )
Sharp Wit
( G 1993 b Summer Squall ) 6 Wins
Sue Babe
( M 1978 b Mr. Prospector )
Sir Harry Lewis
( H 1984 b Alleged ) 4 Wins
Irish Derby (G1)
John Porter Stakes (G3)
Rothmans International Stakes (G1), International Stakes (G1), Ormonde Stakes (G3)
Babes Sis
( M 1980 b Raise a Native )
Debbie's Next
( M 1986 b Arctic Tern )
Our Millie
( M 1983 b Mr. Prospector )
Blushing Groom (1974 ch )
Race Record| 7 Wins/10 Starts
Nicks 1
Leading Progeny Storm King ('09 OP)