


Tokai Universe




Northern Dancer
12.50%  4x4


Name Sex Foaled
Tokai Pascal G 2008
Tokai Dance M 2006
Tokai Voltage H 2005
Tokai Great H 2004
Tokai Megami M 2003
Tokai Surprise H 2001
Tokai Fresh M 2000


Name Sex Foaled
Tokai Noble H 2002
Tokai Trophy H 2001
Tokai Elite H 2000
Tokai Victory H 1998
Tokai Oza H 1997
Tokai Tiara M 1996
Tokai Captain H 1995
Tokai Battle H 1993
Tokai Ryu O G 1991
Tokai Champ H 1990
Tokai Green M 1989
Tokai Teio H 1988
Tokai Subaru G 1987


Tokai Tennessee (1994 b )
Race Record| 2 Wins/22 Starts
Family Line
Dam Tokai Tennessee
( M 1994 b Symboli Rudolf ) 2 Wins
Tokai Fresh
( M 2000 b Commander in Chief ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Meisho Eager
( H 2006 b Fuji Kiseki )
Tokai Surprise
( H 2001 b Afleet ) 1 Win , 3 Wins (NAR)
Tokai Esper
( H 2008 ch Taiki Shuttle ) 2 Wins (NAR)
T M Pegasus
( M 2011 dk b Fasliyev ) 1 Win (NAR)
Magic Spoon
( M 2012 b Falbrav ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Clarke Quay
( H 2014 b Rulership ) 4 Wins
( M 2015 b Behkabad ) 4 Wins
Miyuki Dionysos
( H 2016 dk b Behkabad ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Robertson Quay
( H 2017 b Rulership ) 4 Wins
All Comers (G2)
Kobe Shimbun Hai (G2)
Raffles Place
( H 2019 dk b Drefong )
( M 2020 ch Declaration of War ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Harbour Front
( M 2021 b Rey de Oro )
( F 2022 b Rey de Oro ) HIT (JRA)
Tokai Megami 2023
( F 2023 dk b Rulership )
Tokai Great
( H 2004 dk b Manhattan Cafe ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Tokai Voltage
( H 2005 b Oath ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Tokai Dance
( M 2006 b Dance in the Dark ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Tokai Universe
( M 2007 b Dance in the Dark ) 4 Wins (NAR)
( M 2017 b Matsurida Gogh )
Great Seven
( H 2018 b Squirtle Squirt ) 1 Win (NAR)
Friend More
( M 2020 b Bago )
Caesar Kic
( H 2021 b Strong Return ) 1 Win (NAR)
Tokai Pascal
( G 2008 b Neo Universe ) 7 Wins (NAR)
2nd Dam Tokai Natural
( M 1982 b Nice Dancer )
Tokai Subaru
( G 1987 b Nihon Pillow Winner ) 5 Wins
Tokai Teio
( H 1988 b Symboli Rudolf ) 9 Wins , JRA Horse of the Year(1991) , JRA Special Award(1993) , JRA Best Three-Year-Old Colt(1991) , JRA Best Horse By Home-Bred Sire(1991) , JRA Hall of Fame(1995)
Satsuki Sho (Japanese 2000 Guineas) (G1), Tokyo Yushun (Japanese Derby) (G1), Japan Cup (G1), Arima Kinen (G1), Sankei Osaka Hai (G2)
Tokai Green
( M 1989 dk b Ile de Bourbon ) 1 Win
Tokai Champ
( H 1990 b Slew the Dragon ) 1 Win
Tokai Ryu O
( G 1991 b Slew the Dragon ) 3 Wins
Tokai Captain
( H 1995 b Commander in Chief ) 1 Win , 6 Wins (NAR)
Tokai Tiara
( M 1996 dk b Sunday Silence ) 4 Wins
Tokai Flag
( H 2002 dk b Brian's Time ) 2 Wins
Tokai Policy
( H 2003 dk b El Condor Pasa ) 5 Wins
Tokai Award
( M 2004 dk b Commander in Chief ) 2 Wins
Tokai Potpourri
( M 2005 dk b Taiki Shuttle ) 2 Wins
Tokai Celeb
( M 2006 b King Kamehameha ) 2 Wins
Tokai Regina
( M 2007 b Wild Rush ) 3 Wins , 2 Wins (NAR)
Tokai Belta
( M 2008 dk b Wild Rush )
Tokai Cerezo
( M 2009 dk b King Kamehameha ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Tokai Vital
( H 2010 dk b King Kamehameha ) 1 Win
Tokai Stream
( H 2011 dk b Symboli Kris S ) 1 Win
Tokai Tiara 2012
( H 2012 dk b Harbinger )
Tokai Miro
( M 2013 b Workforce )
Tokai Klug
( M 2014 dk b Empire Maker ) 1 Win
Sea Bride
( M 2015 dk b Eishin Flash )
Nansei Fuji
( H 2016 dk b Rulership ) 1 Win (NAR)
Tokai Oza
( H 1997 dk b Sunday Silence ) 8 Wins
Copa Republica Argentina (G2)
Kokura Kinen (G3)
Tokai Victory
( H 1998 b Sunday Silence ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Tokai Elite
( H 2000 dk b Sunday Silence ) 6 Wins
Nikkei Shinshun Hai (G2)
Stayers Stakes (G2)
Tokai Trophy
( H 2001 b Forty Niner ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Tokai Noble
( H 2002 b Grass Wonder )
3rd Dam Tokai Queen 1977
( M 1977 b Faberge )
Tokai Roman
( M 1981 dk b Bravest Roman ) 3 Wins
Yushun Himba (Japanese Oaks) (G1), Kyoto Daishoten (G2)
Niigata Daishoten (G3)
Tokai Tims
( H 1989 b Symboli Rudolf )
Tokai Core
( H 1991 b Awe Inspiring )
Tokai Topaze
( H 1992 dk b Fast Topaze ) 4 Wins
Tokai Monarch
( H 1993 b Northern Taste ) 1 Win
Tokai Lotus
( M 1994 dk b Dancing Brave )
Tokai Pure
( M 1996 dk b Sunday Silence )
Tokai Pride
( H 1998 dk b Sunday Silence ) 1 Win
Tokai Sugar
( M 1999 b Helissio )
Tokai Memory
( H 2000 b Forty Niner ) 1 Win (NAR)
Tokai Subaru
( H 2003 dk b Desert King )
Tokai Swallow
( M 1984 b Swift Swallow ) 3 Wins
Tokai Cap
( M 1992 gr Oguri Cap )
Tokai Marimo
( M 1993 b Baillamont )
Tokai Rhode
( M 1985 b Bravest Roman ) 2 Wins
Tokai Blue
( M 1986 b Bravest Roman ) 1 Win
Tokai Tenshi
( H 1992 dk b Gorytus )
Tokai Royal
( M 1988 b Royal Ski )
Tokai Song
( M 1992 b Baillamont )
Tokai Mao
( M 1995 b Polish Navy ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Tokai Nene
( M 1997 b Tony Bin )
Tokai Opera
( M 1998 b Opera House ) 1 Win (NAR)
Tokai Slew
( H 1989 b Slew the Dragon ) 1 Win
Tokai Suzuran
( M 1990 dk b Saint Estephe )
Tokai Suzuran 1994
( M 1994 b Amber Shadai ) 1 Win (NAR)
Tokai Robbery
( H 1996 dk b Jade Robbery ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Tokai Suzuran 1999
( H 1999 dk b Timber Country ) 1 Win (NAR)
Tokai Funny
( M 2001 dk b Dance in the Dark )
Tokai Leader
( H 1992 b Awe Inspiring ) 2 Wins
Tokai Hall
( H 1993 b Dancehall )
4th Dam Tokai Queen
( M 1966 b Atlantis )
Tokai Gazelle
( M 1974 b Die Hard )
Tokai Lovely
( M 1982 b Targowice ) 1 Win
Tokai Juno
( M 1983 b Satingo ) 1 Win
Tokai Hamanasu
( M 1985 b Sir Penfro ) 3 Wins
Tokai Gazelle 1986
( H 1986 b )
Tokai Ribbon
( M 1978 b Venture )
Tokai Bravo
( H 1982 dk b Bravest Roman ) 3 Wins
Tokai Jo O
( M 1984 b Bravest Roman )
Tokai Rock
( M 1986 b Bravest Roman )
Tokai Rumbo
( H 1987 b Bravest Roman )
Asakusa Indy
( H 1991 dk b Daizen Silver ) 1 Win
Hi Friend Palace
( H 1994 b Carroll House ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Gambare Jade
( H 1995 dk b Jade Robbery )
Tokai Might
( H 1979 dk b Tesco Boy )
Tokai Marie
( M 1981 b Nice Dancer ) 3 Wins
Tokai Thunder
( H 1988 b Targowice )
Tokai Chest
( H 1989 ch Targowice ) 1 Win
Tokai Taro
( H 1990 b Coined Silver ) 6 Wins
Niigata Kinen (G3)
Naruo Kinen (G2)
Tokai Kid
( H 1991 b Miho Shinzan )
Tokai Rouge
( M 1993 b Oguri Cap )
( M 1996 dk b Bamboo Atlas )
( H 1998 ch Forty Niner )
Virgin Try
( M 1999 dk b Sunshack ) 5 Wins (NAR)
( H 2003 b Wallenda )
Tokai Recourse
( H 1983 dk b Bravest Roman )
Tokai Polar
( M 1984 b Shinzan )
Tokai Celine
( M 1989 b Mr. C. B. )
Tokai Polar 1994
( M 1994 b Dyna Gulliver ) 2 Wins (NAR)
( M 1995 b Dr Devious )
( M 1996 b Polish Navy ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Tokai Polar 1998
( M 1998 b Groom Dancer ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Tokai Polar 1999
( M 1999 ch Erhaab )
Symboli Rudolf (1981 b )
Race Record| 13 Wins/16 Starts
Nicks 17
Leading Progeny M T Daio ('05 3yo+ ALW (1 Win))

Tokai Universe MENU