


Maple Legend




Mr. Prospector
12.50%  4x4


Name Sex Foaled
Kitano Cherokee M 2020
Just Before H 2018
Uttein Kelly H 2017
Aster Hurricane H 2016
T M Allegresse H 2014
Crown Moon M 2013
Ayamichan M 2012
Hishi Culture H 2010
Hishi Parade H 2009


Name Sex Foaled
Hishi Niece M 2011
Hishi Emerald M 2010
Hishi Hurricane H 2009
Hishi Barolo H 2008
Hishi Elite M 2007
Hishi Century H 2006
Hishi Flashy H 2005
Hishi Brave H 2004
Hishi Emblem H 2003
Hishi Rise M 2002
Hishi Shoko 1999 H 1999


Hishi Shinei (2001 dk b )
Race Record| 4 Wins/20 Starts
Family Line
Dam Hishi Shinei
( M 2001 dk b Special Week ) 4 Wins
Hishi Parade
( H 2009 b Falbrav )
Hishi Culture
( H 2010 b Admire Moon )
Maple Legend
( H 2011 b Pyro ) 1 Win , 3 Wins (NAR)
( M 2012 ch Rule of Law ) 1 Win (NAR)
Crown Moon
( M 2013 dk b Admire Moon ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Crown Flash
( H 2021 dk b Came Home ) 1 Win (NAR)
Crown Crescent
( C 2022 b Transcend )
T M Allegresse
( H 2014 ch Lohengrin )
Aster Hurricane
( H 2016 dk b Rulership )
Uttein Kelly
( H 2017 dk b Strong Return )
Just Before
( H 2018 dk b Tosen Jordan ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Kitano Cherokee
( M 2020 b Talismanic ) 1 Win, HIT (JRA)
2nd Dam Hishi Shoko
( M 1994 ch Woodman )
Hishi Shoko 1999
( H 1999 b Sakura Bakushin O ) 14 Wins (NAR)
Hishi Rise
( M 2002 b Agnes World )
Hishi Emblem
( H 2003 b Special Week ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Hishi Brave
( H 2004 b Admire Vega ) 1 Win
Hishi Flashy
( H 2005 ch Moon Ballad ) 2 Wins , 4 Wins (NAR)
Hishi Century
( H 2006 ch Dance in the Dark ) 5 Wins
Hishi Elite
( M 2007 ch Special Week ) 1 Win
Fly Geyser
( H 2012 dk b Pyro ) 10 Wins (NAR)
T M Cherokee
( H 2014 b Transcend ) 5 Wins , 3 Wins (NAR)
Peisha Elite
( H 2015 ch Casino Drive ) 1 Win , 3 Wins (NAR)
Hishi Barolo
( H 2008 ch King Halo ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Hishi Hurricane
( H 2009 ch Neo Universe ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Hishi Emerald
( M 2010 b Neo Universe ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Hishi Niece
( M 2011 b King Halo ) 6 Wins (NAR)
3rd Dam Forladiesonly
( M 1986 b Sovereign Dancer )
4th Dam Cricket Club
( M 1975 ch Dr. Fager )
Laughing Erin
( M 1981 dk b Irish Castle )
Erin's Lady
( M 1997 Notebook )
( M 2000 dk b Out of Place )
Collect the Cash
( M 1997 b Dynaformer ) 5 Wins
Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup Stakes (G1)
Era Lucifer
( H 1994 ch Northern Jove )
Special Week (1995 dk b )
Race Record| 10 Wins/17 Starts
Nicks 24
Leading Progeny Stapes Maria ('18 3yo+ ALW (1 Win))

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