


Guten Morgen




12.50%  4x4
Northern Dancer
6.25%  5x5


Name Sex Foaled
Peisha Saint H 2018
Peisha Jun H 2015
Makino Jet H 2013
Patience Reef M 2012
Saint Rosebud M 2011
Saint Reef 2010 M 2010
Saint Chance H 2009
Saint Reef 2008 M 2008
Saint Reef 2007 H 2007
Saint Reef 2006 M 2006
Saint Platina M 2005
Saint Reef 2004 M 2004


Name Sex Foaled
Sei Crimson H 2006
Koino Kiseki M 2005
Le Reve M 2004
Suda Reef 2002 H 2002
Sorpresa H 2000
Dance Fontaine M 1999
Suda Reef 1997 M 1997
Suda Reef 1996 H 1996
Suda Reef 1995 H 1995
Meiner Napoleon H 1994


Saint Reef (1998 b )
Race Record| 9 Wins/26 Starts
Family Line
Dam Saint Reef
( M 1998 b Tayasu Tsuyoshi ) 9 Wins (NAR)
Saint Reef 2004
( M 2004 dk b White Muzzle ) 15 Wins (NAR)
Saint Platina
( M 2005 gr Kurofune ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Saint Amber
( M 2012 ch Precise End ) 1 Win (NAR)
Saint Hustler
( H 2013 b Agnes Digital ) 1 Win (NAR)
Saint Hunter
( H 2015 gr Smart Falcon ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Saint Venus
( M 2016 gr Espoir City ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Saint Pharaoh
( H 2017 ch Espoir City ) 1 Win (NAR)
Silver Saint
( M 2018 gr Copano Richard ) 1 Win (NAR)
Saint Chance
( H 2009 b Admire Don ) 1 Win , 5 Wins (NAR)
Saint Rosebud
( M 2011 b Taiki Shuttle ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Edge the Forest
( H 2018 dk b Hokko Tarumae )
Con Esperanza
( M 2019 b Admire Moon )
( H 2020 ch Discreet Cat )
Peisha Rose
( M 2021 b Fine Needle )
Peisha Cat
( F 2022 b Discreet Cat ) HIT (JRA)
Makino Jet
( H 2013 b Bago )
Peisha Jun
( H 2015 b Jungle Pocket ) 1 Win (NAR)
Guten Morgen
( H 2016 b Meisho Bowler ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
Peisha Saint
( H 2018 b Monterosso ) 6 Wins (NAR)
2nd Dam Suda Reef
( M 1989 b South Atlantic ) 1 Win
Meiner Napoleon
( H 1994 dk b French Glory ) 4 Wins
Suda Reef 1995
( H 1995 b Jade Robbery ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Suda Reef 1996
( H 1996 dk b Allez Milord )
Suda Reef 1997
( M 1997 dk b Golden Pheasant ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Open Garden
( H 2004 b Gokai ) 3 Wins
Hanshin Spring Jump
Nakayama Grand Jump, Tokyo Jump Stakes
Nakayama Grand Jump, Nakayama Daishogai, Tokyo High Jump
Dance Fontaine 2005
( H 2005 b Gokai ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Dear My Horse
( H 2006 dk b Gokai ) 1 Win
El Alto
( H 2007 dk b Gokai )
Platina Fountain
( M 2009 dk b Gokai )
D'Amour Fountain
( H 2010 dk b Gokai ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Blue Fountain
( M 2011 dk b Gokai )
( H 2000 dk b Sakura Laurel ) 1 Win (NAR)
Suda Reef 2002
( H 2002 dk b Genuine )
Le Reve
( M 2004 dk b Sakura Bakushin O ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Koino Kiseki
( M 2005 b Swept Overboard ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Sei Crimson
( H 2006 blk Eishin Sandy ) 9 Wins , 7 Wins (NAR)
Sakitama Hai (G2), Capella Stakes (G3), Negishi Stakes (G3), Kakitsubata Kinen (G3), Kurofune Sho (G3), Tokyo Sprint (G3), Kakitsubata Kinen (G3), Kurofune Sho (G3), Kurofune Sho (G3)
JBC Sprint (G1), JBC Sprint (G1), Kashiwa Kinen (G1), Sakitama Hai (G2), Procyon Stakes (G3), Hyogo Gold Trophy (G3), Tokyo Sprint (G3), Tokyo Sprint (G3)
Mile Championship (G1), (G1), Tokyo Hai (G2), Sakitama Hai (G2), Tokyo Hai (G2), Negishi Stakes (G3)
3rd Dam Suda Frau
( M 1980 dk b Northern Answer )
Suda Eagle
( H 1986 gr Sea Hawk ) 1 Win
Suda Empery
( M 1987 b Empery )
Suda Empery 1991
( M 1991 gr Suda Hawk )
Suda Empery 1993
( H 1993 dk b Suda Hawk )
Suda Table
( H 1988 b Targowice ) 1 Win
Suda Frau 1990
( M 1990 dk b Hospitality )
Hikaru Diamond
( M 1991 b Rivlia )
Suda Winner
( H 1992 gr Suda Hawk )
Altai King
( H 1994 blk Antiqua ) 2 Wins (NAR)
4th Dam Yamato Tessen
( M 1969 b Moutiers )
Suda Yamato
( M 1977 b Chateaugay )
Suda Beat
( H 1986 dk b Hard to Beat ) 4 Wins
St. Lite Kinen (G2)
Suda Nadeshiko
( M 1988 b Tai Tehm )
Suda Roman
( M 1990 b Bravest Roman ) 1 Win
Yamato Tessen 1978
( H 1978 dk b Prompt )
Yamato Tessen 1984
( H 1984 gr Don )
Daio Ken
( H 1985 b No Attention )
Akari Nadeshiko
( M 1991 b WindstoB )
Fushimi Nadeshiko 1993
( H 1993 b Prince of Birds ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Sophia Shu
( M 1995 ch Ebros ) 1 Win (NAR)
Okano Venus
( M 1996 b Wassl Touch ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Yamato Jewely
( M 1990 dk b Hard to Beat )
Yamato Jewely 1994
( M 1994 dk b Lead Wonder ) 1 Win (NAR)
Cheers Touch
( H 1995 b Wassl Touch )
Yamato Jewely 1996
( M 1996 gr Winner's Circle ) 1 Win (NAR)
Yamato Jewely 1998
( H 1998 b Park Regent ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Spring Popolo
( H 2000 dk b Golden Pheasant )
Yamato Jewely 2001
( M 2001 b Narita Taishin ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Macro Planet
( H 2003 dk b Black Tuxedo ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Tayasu Tsuyoshi (1992 dk b )
Race Record| 4 Wins/13 Starts
Nicks 3
Leading Progeny Guten Morgen ('20 3yo+ ALW (1 Win))

Guten Morgen MENU