


Shark Venus




Mr. Prospector
21.88%  3x5x4
Northern Dancer
6.25%  5x5
6.25%  5x5


Name Sex Foaled
Zen Bonheur F 2023
Karatsuno H 2021
Tomiken Lua G 2016
Tsukikage H 2015


Name Sex Foaled
Cool Asia H 2012
Golden Floor H 2010
Maple Dance 2008 M 2008
Maple Stage M 2007
True North H 2004
Silent Excel M 2003
Silver Banyan M 2002
Maple Road M 2000


Over the Moon (2009 b )
Race Record| 1 Win/11 Starts
Family Line
Dam Over the Moon
( M 2009 b Admire Moon ) 1 Win
( H 2015 ch Furioso ) 1 Win (NAR)
Tomiken Lua
( G 2016 b French Deputy ) 4 Wins
Shark Venus
( M 2017 b Furioso ) 2 Wins (NAR)
( H 2021 b To the Glory )
Zen Bonheur
( F 2023 b Satono Ares ) HIT (JRA)
2nd Dam Maple Dance
( M 1996 ch Afleet )
Maple Road
( M 2000 ch Genuine ) 2 Wins
Kokura Nisai Stakes (G3)
Passion Road
( M 2009 dk b Fantastic Light ) 1 Win (NAR)
Catherine Reve
( M 2016 b Monterosso ) 8 Wins (NAR)
Wide Leggiadro
( H 2017 dk b Monterosso ) 2 Wins
Silver Banyan
( M 2002 gr Black Tie Affair ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Silent Excel
( M 2003 b Wing Arrow ) 12 Wins (NAR)
Derby Grand Prix (G1)
Silent Lolland
( M 2013 ch Kane Hekili )
( M 2014 b Furioso )
( H 2015 b Federalist ) 15 Wins (NAR)
Silent Gold
( H 2016 b Furioso )
Chiang Khan
( H 2017 b Furioso ) 11 Wins (NAR)
Zephyr Dede
( M 2018 b Lord Ultima ) 1 Win (NAR)
True North
( H 2004 ch Charismatic ) 1 Win
Maple Stage
( M 2007 b Genuine ) 9 Wins (NAR)
Bijou Fleur
( M 2014 dk b Precise End ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Bullbear Ashitaba
( H 2015 b Bago )
Milk Stage
( M 2016 dk b Tanino Gimlet )
Maple Dance 2008
( M 2008 b Song of Wind ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Cool Asia
( H 2012 b Dance in the Dark ) 4 Wins
3rd Dam Shadai Glove
( M 1977 b Northern Taste )
Desert Fox
( H 1985 b Real Shadai )
Winning Ball
( H 1987 dk b Mr. C. B. )
( H 1988 b Pas de Seul ) 1 Win
Pisa no Tosho
( M 1990 dk b Mr. C. B. )
Gagner la Grand Prix
( G 1995 b Mejiro McQueen ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Pisa no Tosho 1996
( M 1996 b Lyphard's Wish ) 1 Win (NAR)
Pisa no Tosho 1997
( H 1997 dk b Horisky ) 12 Wins (NAR)
Pisa no Tosho 1998
( H 1998 b Grand Opera ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Setono Akebono
( H 1999 b Hishi Akebono ) 2 Wins
Pisa no Tosho 2001
( H 2001 dk b Hishi Akebono ) 4 Wins (NAR)
General Bisty
( H 2003 dk b Ishino Sunday ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Royal Box
( M 1991 b Pas de Seul )
Tayasu Candle
( H 1992 ch Tony Bin ) 1 Win
( H 1994 ch Dr Devious ) 2 Wins
Groovy Night
( M 1995 b Dr Devious )
Mail Address
( M 1997 ch Groom Dancer ) 4 Wins (NAR)
4th Dam Nichido Queen
( M 1973 b Marino )
Dyna Heroin
( M 1979 b High Hat )
Asakusa Prince
( H 1980 ch High Hat )
Dyna Cinderella
( M 1983 b Huntercombe ) 3 Wins
Kokusai First
( H 1991 b Allez Milord ) 1 Win
Hikaru Kinkan
( M 1994 b Nice Dancer )
Dyna Himiko
( M 1984 b Northern Taste ) 3 Wins
( G 1990 b Mr. C. B. )
Growth Stock
( M 1991 ch Judge Angelucci ) 1 Win
( H 1993 ch Hector Protector ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Reality Bites
( H 1994 ch Real Shadai )
( H 1996 dk b Fuji Kiseki ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Narcisse Z.O
( H 1997 ch Dr Devious ) 12 Wins (NAR)
Main Caster
( M 1986 ch Northern Taste ) 8 Wins
Hanshin Himba Tokubetsu (G3)
Kokura Daishoten (G3), Hakodate Kinen (G3)
Himba Tokyo Times Hai (G3), Chukyo Kinen (G3)
Seize a Chance
( M 1993 ch Sunday Silence ) 3 Wins
Chief Caster
( H 1994 b Real Shadai )
Mega Hit
( H 1995 b Tony Bin ) 1 Win
Tony Mon Amour
( H 1997 b Tony Bin )
Media Wars
( M 1998 ch Sunday Silence ) 1 Win
( M 2002 b El Condor Pasa )
Meiner Garbo
( H 2006 b White Muzzle ) 10 Wins (NAR)
Akino Feather
( H 2007 b Fuji Kiseki ) 10 Wins (NAR)
Bold Tide
( H 2010 b Black Tide ) 6 Wins (NAR)
Go Sign
( H 1987 ch Northern Taste ) 4 Wins
Naruo Kinen (G2), Hanshin Daishoten (G2)
My Big Lady
( M 1988 b Gallop Dyna )
Admire Moon (2003 b )
Race Record| 10 Wins/17 Starts
Nicks 14
Leading Progeny Acorn ('18 HANAZONO STAKES (ALW (3 Win)))