"It went as we planned" Matsuyama and Mitono O deliver in G3 Heian Stakes

Sunday, 19 May, 2024 01:45

Mitono O (Photo: Kosuke Ishiyu)

Jockey Kohei Matsuyama guided Mitono O to a first JRA graded stakes title in the G3 Heian Stakes on Saturday. Hapi finished second and Meisho Funjin came in third.

Winning jockey Matsuyama marked two consecutive weeks with a graded stakes title following his win in the Keio Hai Spring Cup last week. He praised his partner, saying, "He jumped out of the barriers well and raced smoothly. He travelled well in the homestretch." Regarding a first graded stakes title for Mitono O, he added: "I was just worried about whether we could race upfront. It was a close race but it went as we planned."

Article Creds:Daily Sports


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