King's Sword, winner of the G1 JBC Classic, is ready to win a first JRA G1

Thursday, 15 February, 2024 20:18

King's Sword on far side (Photo: Kosuke Ishiyu)

In the hands of Mirai Iwata, King's Sword conducted a final piece fast trackwork on the 14th at Ritto Training Center.

King's Sword clocked 81.2 seconds for the final six furlongs and 11.6 for the final furlong. Jockey Iwata commented: "He was focused and responded well. It was good work." Trainer Ryo Terashima added: "I am very satisfied with his work today. He was moving really well. His body is also in the best condition. He is ready."

This will be the first February Stakes for both jockey and King's Sword. Iwata expressed his excitement: "This distance will suit him. He always wants to go forward and I hope we win the title. I cannot wait."

Article Creds:Daily Sports


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