Barrier numbers confirmed for G1 Takamatsunomiya Kinen

Saturday, 23 March, 2024 11:06

Namura Clair (C)netkeiba

Barrier numbers have been confirmed for the G1 Takamatsunomiya Kinen which will be run this Sunday at Chukyo Racecourse. Here are the barrier numbers for the notable runners:

Four-time graded stakes winner Namura Clair will start from barrier three and Lugal, who dominated the G3 Silk Road stakes, will start from barrier number six. Toshin Macau, who is currently on a winning streak of two consecutive graded stakes, will start from barrier number five.

Mama Cocha, last year's G1 Sprinters Stakes winner, will start from barrier number 14, Mad Cool, who finished second behind Mama Cocha, will start from barrier number two, and Victor The Winner from Hong Kong will start from barrier number 10.


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