


Rouge Knight




Northern Dancer
6.25%  5x5


Name Sex Foaled
Tonikaku Bijin M 2019
Satono Blitz H 2014
Sweep Arrow H 2011
Nihonpillow Rouge 2010 M 2010
Fleet Arrow H 2009


Name Sex Foaled
Nihon Pillow Pure 2006 H 2006
Nihonpillow Zeus H 2002
Nihonpillow Amica M 2001
Nihonpillow Beluga M 2000
Nihonpillow Rookie H 1999
Nihon Pillow Viola M 1998
Nihon Pillow Swan M 1997
Nihon Pillow Stage M 1996
Nihon Pillow Brent H 1995
Nihonpillow Rivlia M 1994
Nihon Pillow Holy H 1993
Nihonpillow Sumire M 1991


Nihonpillow Rouge (2003 b )
Race Record| 0 Win/27 Starts
Family Line
Dam Nihonpillow Rouge
( M 2003 b Boston Harbor )
Fleet Arrow
( H 2009 ch Afleet ) 3 Wins
Nihonpillow Rouge 2010
( M 2010 ch Tosen Dance ) 5 Wins (NAR)
Sweep Arrow
( H 2011 ch South Vigorous ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Satono Blitz
( H 2014 b Black Tide )
Tonikaku Bijin
( M 2019 b World Ace ) 5 Wins (NAR)
2nd Dam Nihon Pillow Pure
( M 1985 b Maruzensky ) 2 Wins
Honey Monaty
( M 1998 b Tenby ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Nihonpillow Sumire 1999
( H 1999 dk b Cacoethes ) 9 Wins (NAR)
Meiner Panache
( H 2001 ch Marvelous Sunday ) 2 Wins
Nihonpillow Sumire 2002
( H 2002 gr Mayano Top Gun ) 11 Wins (NAR)
Nihonpillow Botan
( M 2005 b Star of Cozzene ) 17 Wins (NAR)
Viva Classic
( H 2007 gr Manhattan Cafe ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Nihon Pillow Holy
( H 1993 b Cacoethes ) 6 Wins
Nihonpillow Rivlia
( M 1994 b Rivlia )
( H 2002 b Tenby ) 4 Wins
( M 2003 b Way of Light ) 8 Wins (NAR)
Nihonpillow Liga
( H 2004 b Nihon Pillow Neil ) 1 Win
Nihon Pillow Brent
( H 1995 ch Bamboo Atlas ) 3 Wins
Nihon Pillow Stage
( M 1996 b Symboli Rudolf ) 1 Win
Nihonpillow Desler
( H 2002 dk b Dantsu Seattle ) 1 Win
Nihonpillow Cherie
( M 2004 b Admire Vega ) 3 Wins
Nihonpillow Rubra
( H 2005 dk b Dehere ) 7 Wins (NAR)
Nihonpiro Shrubs
( M 2007 b Durandal ) 3 Wins
Nihonpiro Sweep
( M 2008 gr Swept Overboard ) 1 Win (NAR)
Nihonpiro Regalia
( H 2009 b Lincoln )
Nihon Pillow Swan
( M 1997 b Paradise Creek ) 3 Wins
Rose Stakes (G2)
Challenge Cup (G3)
Nihonpiro Kazuma
( G 2006 b Coronado's Quest ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Nihonpiro Fleur
( M 2007 ch Stay Gold ) 4 Wins (NAR)
Nihonpiro Nadesiko
( M 2010 ch Sakura Bakushin O ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Nihon Pillow Viola
( M 1998 ch Afleet ) 4 Wins
Nihonpiro Lullaby
( H 2006 b White Muzzle ) 1 Win , 16 Wins (NAR)
Nihonpiro Walter
( H 2007 ch Gold Allure ) 1 Win , 2 Wins (NAR)
Nihonpiro Aurora
( M 2010 dk b Manhattan Cafe ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Nihonpiro Green
( M 2011 ch Lohengrin )
Nihonpiro Hera
( M 2012 b Vermilion ) 1 Win
Nihonpiro Feat
( H 2013 ch Kane Hekili ) 8 Wins (NAR)
Nihonpiro Beyond
( M 2018 ch Gold Ship )
Nihonpillow Rookie
( H 1999 b Zagreb ) 1 Win (NAR)
Nihonpillow Amica
( M 2001 b Warning ) 1 Win
Nihonpiro Pinky
( M 2006 ch Marvelous Sunday ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Nihonpiro Regina
( M 2007 ch Precise End ) 2 Wins (NAR)
Nihonpiro Ellery
( H 2008 dk b Rule of Law ) 1 Win , 1 Win (NAR)
Nihonpiro Arts
( M 2011 dk b Asakusa Den'en )
Nihonpiro Lovely
( M 2012 b Durandal )
Nihonpiro Mary
( M 2014 dk b Vermilion )
Nihonpiro Miles
( H 2016 dk b Vermilion )
Nihonpiro Cacus
( H 2018 b Pyro )
Nihon Pillow Pure 2006
( H 2006 ch Nihon Pillow Neil ) 6 Wins (NAR)
3rd Dam Nihon Pillow Evert
( M 1974 b China Rock )
Nihon Pillow Winner
( H 1980 dk b Steel Heart ) 15 Wins
Mile Championship (G1), Yasuda Kinen (G1), Mile Championship (G1)
Tenno Sho (Autumn) (G1)
Madonna Sumiko
( M 1989 b Artaius )
Nihonpillow Rhythm
( M 1990 gr Temperate Sil ) 1 Win
Star Rhythm
( M 1991 ch Pluralisme )
Tochino Rhythm
( H 1993 b Rhythm ) 11 Wins (NAR)
Halloween Brave
( M 1996 ch Leo Durban ) 1 Win (NAR)
Kitano Raimu
( M 1989 dk b Steel Heart )
Nihon Pillow Grace
( M 1990 b Rivlia )
Nihon Pillow Manly
( H 1986 b Grundy )
Nihon Pillow Sage
( H 1992 ch Beau Zam )
Nihonpillow Choice
( H 1994 b Hector Protector ) 1 Win
Nihon Pillow Realm
( H 1996 dk b Tony Bin )
( G 1988 dk b Artaius ) 2 Wins
( M 1991 b Long Mick ) 2 Wins
( M 1996 ch Fuji Kiseki )
T.M.Dai Kiseki
( H 1997 ch Fuji Kiseki )
( H 1998 ch Forty Niner ) 2 Wins
Keio Hai Sansai Stakes (G2)
Daily Hai Sansai Stakes (G2), Kokura Sansai Stakes (G3)
( M 1992 b Baillamont )
Snark Bakushin
( H 1999 b Sakura Bakushin O ) 2 Wins
Hanshin Jump Stakes
Daiko Tsuyoshi
( H 2000 dk b Tayasu Tsuyoshi ) 1 Win (NAR)
Onward Tatoo
( H 2001 b Tokai Teio ) 1 Win (NAR)
Maestolyno 2002
( M 2002 b King Halo ) 1 Win (NAR)
Yoichi Flame
( H 2003 dk b Shanghai )
( M 1993 dk b Dancing Brave )
( M 2000 b Pilsudski )
4th Dam Lite Flame
( M 1959 dk b Rising Flame )
Tenno Sho (Spring) (G)
Tokuno Parthia
( M 1972 b Parthia )
( H 1979 gr Silver Shark )
Tokuno Heart
( M 1983 b Steel Heart )
Tokuno Nalco
( M 1984 dk b Nonoalco )
Tokuno Patra
( M 1985 ch Grundy )
Takano Pansy
( M 1986 b Mill George ) 5 Wins
Taka Blanch
( M 1988 b Kolymsky )
Cherry Field
( M 1990 b Anfield ) 2 Wins
Lead Swallow
( M 1975 b Fuji Onward ) 1 Win
Queen Elizabeth II Cup (G), Queen Elizabeth II Cup (OP)
Lite E.T.
( M 1983 dk b Maruzensky )
Shiba Kaiser
( G 1984 b Sakura Shori ) 1 Win
Lite Swallow
( H 1986 b Artaius )
Cutie Laura
( M 1987 b Artaius )
Tenzan Swallow
( M 1993 gr Mouktar )
Light Sprinter
( M 1980 ch Steel Heart )
Kyowa Heart
( M 1984 ch English Prince )
Jingu Brave
( H 1985 b Tesco Boy )
Tochino Smile
( H 1987 dk b Royal Coach )
Kitano Gina
( M 1990 ch Sanquirico ) 1 Win (NAR)
Light Sprinter 1994
( H 1994 b )
Light Sprinter 1997
( M 1997 b Rugby Ball ) 3 Wins (NAR)
Maruzen Fair
( H 1981 b Maruzensky )
Boston Harbor (1994 b )
Race Record| 6 Wins/8 Starts
Nicks 3
Leading Progeny Tamamo Bracelet ('17 OP)

Rouge Knight MENU